

  Chapter 300 Identity Revealed (Second Update!)

  How could they be here...

  Lin Xiuya's forehead broke out in cold sweat, and he suddenly remembered being beaten up by Su Yun. For a moment, the memory of the dead began to attack him.

  The gazes of Su Yun and Xiao Yixian made his scalp numb.

  Lin Xiuya forced a far-fetched smile on his face, and then slowly walked off the stage.

  If those obsessed girls knew that

  their idol couldn't even speak when facing Su Yun, I wonder how they would feel. After

  Lin Xiuya left the stage, two more people walked onto the arena and began to compete.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian didn't find it boring either, and the two of them stuck together.

  From time to time, they commented on the people on the stage, and laughter came from the referee's seat.

  This attracted the attention of the students in the audience.

  Comments and laughter were nothing, they were watching the fun in the audience, and even if they didn't have the strength, they would still say a few words.

  But the two were in the referee's seat, and Elder Su turned a blind eye to their behavior and didn't stop them at all.

  This ambiguous attitude is the strangest thing.

  "Who are these two people?"

  "Maybe they are guests from outside. Canaan College also has friendly forces, and people come to visit from time to time."

  "So, they are the geniuses of big forces?"

  "Not impossible"


  Lin Xiuya was standing next to a sturdy man at this time.

  This person was Yan Hao, a student who entered the inner courtyard with Su Yun and others, and now is in the top ten of the inner courtyard strong list.

  "The first on the strong list is now sitting on the referee's bench.

  Why don't you, the fourth on the strong list, challenge him?"

  Lin Xiuya heard this, and a trace of black lines flashed across his handsome face.

  "Go if you want!"

  Yan Hao smiled.

  "I don't have the courage.

  Even if we have already reached the peak of Dou Ling cultivation.

  With his talent, he must have become Dou Wang. Beating me is like beating a chicken."

  Lin Xiuya sighed. He was born in Zhongzhou and his knowledge was not low. He did not comment on the Dou Wang mentioned by Yan Hao.

  "Dou Wang?

  Don't look down on me."

  Yan Hao heard this, his eyes widened as big as copper bells.

  "Could it be..."

  Lin Xiuya nodded, a rare look of decadence on his face.

  "His talent is so high that he has a place in Zhongzhou.

  Although I don't know why he came to Canaan College for further studies, his cultivation is definitely not just Dou Wang. Even

  if it is conservatively estimated, it is also the peak of Dou Wang."

  The battle on the field was in full swing, and everyone watched with relish.

  At this time, a man and a woman came to the arena from the entrance.

  "This arena is really lively."

  A man with a big ruler on his back said with emotion.

  "Of course, Brother Xiao Yan.

  This arena not only provides a stage for the inner courtyard students to compete, but also arranges elders to preside over fairness to prevent someone from killing.

  You can also bet on fire energy."

  Next to Xiao Yan stood a beautiful girl.

  The girl had delicate and beautiful features, fair and rosy skin, noble and elegant temperament, like a green lotus just blooming, fresh and refined, with long hair like clouds, and beautiful eyes staring at Xiao Yan with a smile.

  "I see."

  Xiao Yan nodded. He had been in the inner courtyard for some time, so he naturally understood how powerful the fire energy was to the inner courtyard students.

  "Hey, Xiao Yanzi, look what I found."

  Yao Lao's voice rang in Xiao Yan's mind, drawing his attention away from the arena.

  "Teacher, what's wrong?"

  "Look at the referee's seat."

  Xiao Yan looked over and saw a young couple and an old man sitting there.

  "What's so strange about them... Hey!

  That woman seems to be the one who was with Brother Zhang before!"   

  Xiao Yan couldn't help but exclaimed.

  "Brother Xiao Yan, what's wrong?"

  Seeing this, Xiao Xun'er's beautiful eyes flashed with worry.

  "It's okay, Xun'er."

  Xiao Yan comforted Xiao Xun'er and told her not to worry.

  "That's strange, could it be that the woman is two-timing?!"

  Xiao Yan was quite angry and felt sorry for Brother Zhang.

  "Don't get excited, that man might be Zhang Xiaofan."

  Yao Lao's voice was slow and guessed.

  "How is that possible? They look completely different, teacher."

  "You, you still have too little experience.

  You can pretend to be a rock owl, why can't he change his identity?

  Xiao Yanzi, remember, there are many people smarter than you in the world, and what you can do, others can do too."

  Xiao Yan suddenly woke up.

  "So, he is really Brother Zhang!"

  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with joy.

  I really didn't expect to meet Brother Zhang in Canaan College!

  "Not necessarily, let's see."

  Xiao Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan, thinking, and said aloud.

  "Is Brother Xiao Yan looking at the referee's seat?"

  Xiao Yan was stunned when he heard this.

  "Xun'er, do you know their identities?"


  The two of them are the top two on the current strong list.

  As far as I know, they also have a guard who came to the inner courtyard. This person is called Hai Bodong, and he is a Dou Zong strongman."

  Xiao Xun'er's voice was soft and crisp, and her words were suggestive.

  "Hai Bodong!"

  Xiao Yan's heart was shocked, and he was completely sure that the man on the referee's seat was Brother Zhang.

  A smile flashed across Xiao Xun'er's face.

  She cared so much about Xiao Yan. Since Xiao Yan came to Canaan College to meet her, Ling Ying naturally followed him back.

  She asked Ling Ying to report to her in detail about Xiao Yan's experience in the Jiama Empire.

  Sixth-rank alchemist Zhang Xiaofan protected Xiao Yan down Yunlan Mountain, and Xiao Xun'er naturally knew about this.

  Xiao Yan and Han Li were the introduction to get to know Zhang Xiaofan, and there was nothing wrong with the whole logic.

  If Xiao Yan hadn't been in trouble, she couldn't have been so idle to analyze Zhang Xiaofan's background thoroughly.

  But the problem lies with Hai Bodong.

  This old bastard is not at peace in the inner courtyard. From time to time, he would drag Su Qian with him to have friendly exchanges in the mountains near the inner courtyard.

  Because of his soul power problem, Yao Lao no longer easily manifests himself to explore the surrounding situation, but Ling Ying has no such concerns.

  With his good perception of dark attributes, he can naturally sense the aura of the two fighting.

  So through Hai Bodong, Xiao Xun'er naturally knew that Zhang Xiaofan was Su Yun.

  But to say that she suspected that Su Yun had evil intentions to approach her brother Xiao Yan, she did not.

  To put it bluntly, the acquaintance of the two was that Xiao Yan had something to ask of Su Yun from the beginning to the end, and took the initiative to approach him.

  As for the identity issue, who doesn't have a secret?

  The secrets of Su Yun, Xiao Yan, and Xiao Xun'er are not small.

  "His identity in Canaan College is Su Yun, and the woman next to him is called Xiao Yixian."

  Xiao Xun'er continued.

  Xiao Yan smiled helplessly when he heard this.

  "You are always so mysterious.

  I'm afraid you know everything about my experience in the Jiama Empire."

  Xiao Xun'er smiled playfully and stuck out her cute tongue.

  "I'm just worried about you~"

  "Okay, I don't mean to blame you.

  Let's go and say hello to Brother Su."