


  Chapter 301 Goodbye Xiao Yan (First update!)

  Xiao Yan said as he led Xiao Xun'er towards the referee's seat. When

  the two of them came not far from the referee's seat, they attracted the attention of Elder Su.

  Elder Su frowned and was about to stop them, but was stopped by Su Yun.

  "Wait a minute, Elder Su."

  Su Yun's eyes also flashed with a hint of surprise.

  He had imagined before that Xiao Yan would discover his identity after coming to the inner courtyard, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

  It doesn't matter if Zhang Xiaofan is Su Yun and reveals it to Xiao Yan.

  As long as Han Li's identity remains hidden.

  Su Yun looked at the little medical fairy beside him and quickly understood what was going on.

  He hid himself well, but the people around him were exposed.

  Su Yun secretly made a note of this in his heart. In the future, when he does things with other identities, it is best to act alone.

  "Brother Su, Miss Xian'er."

  Xiao Yan greeted the two of them with a smile in the audience.

  Su Yun smiled, took Xiao Yixian's hand and walked down the referee's seat, and came to the two of them.

  "Did you recognize my identity?"

  "Well, Brother Su is hard to recognize, but Miss Xian'er is different."

  Xiao Yan said.

  Su Yun nodded, not surprised by this.

  "Speaking of which, you and I are destined to meet. I didn't expect to see each other again so soon."

  "Brother Su, you kept it a secret from me.

  Zhang Xiaofan and Su Yun, I wonder which one is your real name?"

  Su Yun laughed dumbly.

  "You also attended the Alchemist Conference as Yan Xiao. Do I need to explain the ins and outs of it

  ? It's good to have an extra identity when you're out there.

  My real name is Su Yun, and Zhang Xiaofan is just an alias during my training in the Gama Empire."

  Xiao Yan nodded in agreement. If he had attended the Alchemist Conference with his real identity, it would have added a lot of trouble.

  After that, the two chatted for a few more sentences, and suddenly an old voice came from the sky.

  "You kid, you're finally out of retreat."

  Several people looked up and found that it was the Grand Elder of the Inner Court, Su Qian.

  Su Qian flew down from the sky, and everyone greeted him.

  "Grand Elder Su."


  Su Qian stroked his beard and smiled.

  "You came out of retreat at a good time. I need your help with something."

  While the two were talking, the audience was in an uproar because of Su Qian's arrival.

  "The Great Elder is here too, and he seems to have a good relationship with them!"

  "Is he a relative?"

  "God knows where he comes from."

  "Humph, what kind of relationship is there? That person is Su Yun, the one who is the first on the Strongest List that is hard to find!

  When he was still in the outer courtyard, he was already a powerful fighting spirit."

  "Hiss! So terrifying!"

  "Hiss! So terrifying!"


  Just as everyone was guessing, a student in the same class as Su Yun finally couldn't stand it and exposed his identity.

  Everyone took a breath of cold air.

  Xiao Yan watched Su Yun and Su Qian talking, with a hint of suspicion on his face. Why did the temperature drop so much suddenly?

  "Something happened to Zi Yan."

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. Although the girl had been eating and drinking beside him, he was disrespectful.

  But whether it was because of her identity or the time they had spent together, he didn't hate Zi Yan.

  "Just yesterday, Zi Yan swallowed a large bottle of pills and fell into a deep sleep. A huge purple light cocoon formed around her body.

  She should be advancing."

  Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. It turned out to be this matter.

  Zi Yan would have to wait three years for the promotion, but because he fed her a large number of pills, it was much faster.   

  "According to Zi Yan's situation, it will take a long time for her to break out of the cocoon and successfully advance.

  You are an alchemist, is there any way to shorten this time?"

  Su Qian asked Su Yun.

  "That's not difficult."

  Su Yun nodded, and he had already thought of a way in his mind.

  "Luckily, you are here."

  Su Qian's eyes flashed with relief, and he was about to take Su Yun to find Zi Yan, but a loud shout came from the audience.

  "Su Yun, I want to challenge you!"

  Su Yun was stunned when he heard it, and couldn't help turning his head to look.

  He was a young talent in his twenties with a spirited look on his face.

  Su Yun used the system's scanning function to scan him.

  Fighting Spirit Peak Cultivation, 8th on the Strongest List.

  Xiao Yan and others also looked at him, and some couldn't help laughing.

  In the audience, people like Lin Xiuya who knew Su Yun a little bit also had a schadenfreude smile on their faces.

  "It would be better if this guy challenged me. He has a chance of winning.

  He actually dared to touch Su Yun's mold. He is really brave."

  Su Yun also had a smile on his face.

  With his current strength, he is not inferior

  even when facing a Dou Zong strongman. A Dou Huang peak strongman like the Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder could not survive a few moves in his hands.

  Now there is a Dou Ling peak student to challenge him. For a moment, Su Yun didn't know what to say.

  Su Qian looked interested. .

  "Oh, what do you think?

  The number one on our strong list, do you accept the challenge?"

  After getting Su Yun's answer, Su Qian was no longer in a hurry and smiled at Su Yun.

  "Go ahead, teach these kids a lesson and let them know what true talent is!"

  Su Yun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

  Su Qian's intention was not difficult to understand. As the elder of the inner courtyard, he naturally cared about the education of students.

  This was to let him take a knife and scratch the little pig's butt to open their eyes.


  After Su Yun finished speaking, he shook his shoulders, his fighting spirit turned into wings, and flew down the arena.

  He had always been fighting with the older generation of strong men in the Northwest Continent, and he had rarely fought with people of the same age.

  "A powerful fighting king! Hiss!"

  "Hey, Xu Jie is going to have a hard time."


  In the audience, Xu Jie looked at Su Yun on the stage, and a little cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

  He thought that since they were all in the top ten of the power list, they were all at the peak of fighting spirit, and the only difference was their combat power, but he didn't expect that this one was a powerful fighting king!

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with interest, and he looked at Xu Jie.


  you want to fight? Come over here."

  Hearing Su Yun's invitation, Xu Jie swallowed his saliva, and with a ruthless heart, he jumped down with the impulse of a young man and stood on the stage.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with admiration.

  After all, he is a young man, and he came over at the first stimulation.

  It's different from an old silver coin like him.

  "Please give me some advice!"

  Xu Jie felt a little nervous, but he still looked serious, clasped his hands together, and shouted to Su Yun.

  Seeing Xu Jie like this, Su Yun smiled and teased.

  "I still like the way you challenged me just now."

  Xu Jie's face flashed with embarrassment.

  "Well, I offended you before, senior, please forgive me and be gentle next time."


  At this time, a few sounds of disgust came from the audience.