

  Chapter 305: Destroying the Black Emperor Sect (First Update!)

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian came to the entrance of the inner courtyard, where Su Qian, Hai Bodong and others had been waiting for a long time.

  "I'm here."


  Su Yun nodded.

  Next to Su Qian stood a familiar old man, one of the two elders, Yin Lao, who was in charge of guarding the inner courtyard this time.

  "My dear Su, I haven't thanked you in person before, but today is a good time.

  Thank you for your elixir, otherwise with my qualifications, I'm afraid I would have died in the rush."

  ​​Yin Lao smiled at Su Yun.

  "No problem."

  Su Yun had a slight smile on his face, and just wanted to say a few polite words, but suddenly his heart moved.

  "Yin Lao, are you in charge of the inner courtyard this time?"

  "Not bad."

  Su Yun heard this, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes.

  "Old Yin, when I came here just now, I noticed some movement at the Heaven Burning Refining Qi Tower. The Meteoric Heart Flame may be restless again.

  You should pay more attention to it."

  Old Yin and Su Qian were both surprised when they heard this.

  "Are you serious?"

  Old Yin asked hurriedly.

  "Of course, you know my situation. I know more about the strange fire."

  Su Qian's eyes also flashed with a trace of solemnity when he heard this.

  "Qiyin, you should pay more attention during the time we are away. We will solve the Black Emperor Sect as soon as possible."


  Old Yin also looked serious.

  It's done.

  Su Yun's heart flashed with a trace of schadenfreude. Although he had no ill feelings towards Xiao Yan, this time both of them aimed at the Meteoric Heart Flame.

  He naturally wanted to make things difficult for Xiao Yan.

  After another quarter of an hour, Su Qian began to count the number of people.

  "Since all the people are here, let's set off."

  After the count, Su Qian said to everyone.

  Immediately, everyone immediately transformed their fighting spirit into wings, and a group of more than 30 people flew to the Black Emperor Sect.

  Among these more than 30 people, the lowest strength has the cultivation of the King of Fighting, and there are several strong men of the King of Fighting.

  As for the strong men of the Fighting Sect, they are naturally Su Qian, Hai Bodong, Wu Tianlang and others.

  If Su Yun and Xiao Yixian are added, there will be five fighting sects. Such a lineup can be called a giant in the entire Northwest Continent.

  A mere Black Emperor Sect is not a problem at all.


  In the Black Horn Region, in the hall of the Black Emperor Sect, Mo Tianxing sat alone in the first seat with an extremely ugly look.

  The mysterious Douhuang strongman came and went in the Black Emperor Sect as if there was no one around.

  He repeatedly injured Mo Ya, making the Black Emperor Sect lose face and being widely laughed at by many forces in the Black Horn Region.

  This is part of the reason why the Black Emperor Sect has been expanding wildly in recent times. After taking someone to establish their prestige, they naturally have to take over the territory.

  "Damn, who is that person? He actually has such a weird fighting skill."

  Mo Tianxing was in a rather irritable mood. It was unbelievable that he, a three-star Douzong strongman, would be defeated so many times by a Douhuang.

  Thinking of the mysterious method used by Su Yun, Mo Tianxing couldn't help but feel a little hot in his heart.

  If he were caught, forced to reveal his fighting skills, and forced to practice, even the strongest warriors of the Dou Sect would be unable to do anything to him.

  Human greed is nothing more than this. He didn't even have a way to capture Su Yun, but he was already imagining what it would be like after he successfully practiced the art of deceiving the world.

  At this moment, Mo Tianxing's expression suddenly changed.

  "No! The space around us is actually gradually strengthening and condensing!

  It's like..."   

  "Space lock!"

  Three loud shouts rang out, making Mo Tianxing completely lose his composure!

  "Three Dou Zong masters!"

  Mo Tianxing felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart, but his years of killing spirit still made him stabilize his mentality immediately.

  "Be on guard!

  All elders with Dou Wang cultivation and above, follow me to defend the sky and meet the enemy!"

  In a corner of the Black Emperor Sect, a dozen disciples on patrol were lying in a mess. Not far away, Su Yun and others were looking up at the sky, as if waiting for something.

  The voices of Su Qian, Hai Bodong, and Wu Tianlang rang out, making Su Yun couldn't help but grin.

  "Everyone, the time has come, kill!"


  With Su Yun's order, the breath of the crowd immediately surged out.

  More than 20 elders with fighting king and emperor cultivation disappeared from the spot, traveled through the Black Emperor Sect, and began to slaughter the disciples and butchers of the Black Emperor Sect.

  "Boom! Boom!"

  "Ah, ah, ah!"

  The huge beam of light, the terrifying flames, and the sharp wind like a sharp blade raged in the Black Emperor Sect, harvesting lives, and screams came one after another.


  At this time, dozens of strong fighting spirits rose in the Black Emperor Sect's hall.

  Mo Tianxing took many elders of the Black Emperor Sect and flew into the air.

  Looking at the chaotic scene of the Black Emperor Sect, Mo Tianxing's face flashed with anger, and the terrible breath burst out around his body, and the momentum of the three-star fighting sect was exerted.

  The energy between heaven and earth surged instantly and gathered on Mo Tianxing's palm.

  "Go to hell!"

  Mo Tianxing roared, aiming at a Dou Emperor and sending out a huge palm shadow.

  The palm shadow immediately crossed the space, and just when it was about to hit the Dou Emperor, an ice blade suddenly slashed out from the sky, instantly destroying the palm shadow.


  Mo Tianxing, your opponent is here."

  Hai Bodong's loud laughter rang out, and Mo Tianxing's face turned sullen, looking in the direction where the laughter came from.

  "Hai Bodong, you actually teamed up with Canaan Academy!"

  Mo Tianxing exclaimed, with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

  The Black Horn Region and Canaan Academy have always been at odds with each other. This is probably the first time that someone from the Black Horn Region has been involved with Canaan Academy.

  "Hahaha, you didn't expect that."

  Hai Bodong laughed again, and his breath surged, and his terrifying momentum pressed towards Mo Tianxing.

  Seeing this, Su Qian and Wu Tianlang also burst out their momentum and pressed towards Mo Tianxing to help Hai Bodong.

  Mo Tianxing snorted coldly, and his momentum surged. He did not dodge or evade, intending to confront head-on.


  Even if the strong men of the Dou Sect did not really fight, they could stir up the situation with the strong breath alone.

  The auras of both sides collided, but Mo Tianxing was obviously much inferior.

  The momentum of Hai Bodong and others was as majestic and terrifying as the sea, and they immediately pressed towards Mo Tianxing and pursued him.

  Behind Mo Tianxing, several elders who only had the cultivation level of Dou Wang groaned, and they were actually a little breathless due to the pressure.

  They were even more horrified to find that the Dou Qi in their bodies was no longer flowing smoothly.

  Mo Tianxing's face trembled, and he felt a little distressed.

  One two-star Dou Zong, two one-star Dou Zong.

  If that were all, it would be fine, with his strength he could still barely resist.

  But the damn Hai Bodong's momentum was not like that of a one-star Dou Zong at all, he could even cross two stars and reach the level of a three-star Dou Zong!

  And now the space has been blocked by the three people together. If he doesn't repel these three people, he can't escape at all.

  Although they haven't fought yet, Mo Tianxing already knew the final result of the victory.

  How should this battle be fought!

  "Mo Tianxing, take it!"

  Just when Mo Tianxing was desperate, Hai Bodong had already held the Broken Evil and took the lead to kill.

  (End of this chapter)