

  Chapter 306 The Death of Mo Tianxing (Second update!)

  Hai Bodong's voice brought Mo Tianxing back to reality.

  Mo Tianxing gritted his teeth and shouted to the many elders behind him.

  "Now the space has been blocked. If we don't defeat them, all of us will die here. Don't take chances, kill!"

  With that, Mo Tianxing burst out with his breath and took the initiative to kill Haibodong.

  Faced with such despair, a generation of heroes from the Black Corner Region once again showed his all-powerful courage and planned to give it a try.

  "Sirius, let's go together. If we kill Mo Tianxing, the Black Corner Territory will be at peace, which will also be good for the college."


  The four of them immediately fought together, and the terrifying fluctuations filled the space. Tremble.

  "Xian'er, it's time for us to take action."


  Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy transformed their fighting energy into wings, and the two powerful auras of the Nine-Star Fighting Emperor rose up, killing many elders of the Black Emperor Sect.

  "Oops, there are actually two Nine-Star Fighting Emperors lurking in the dark!"

  The elders of the Black Emperor Sect suddenly changed their expressions, and for a moment, they actually wanted to retreat.

  "Don't panic!

  Only by fighting the enemy together can we survive now, otherwise none of us here will be able to escape!"

  Mo Ya's weak voice sounded. He was seriously injured by Su Yun just three days ago, and his injuries have not healed at all. How many.

  Mo Ya coughed lightly, and with the majesty of the former young sect master, he was able to unite many elders of the Black Emperor Sect in a few words.

  "Everyone, kill them before you can survive!"

  Su Yun looked at the weak Mo Ya with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  There is something about Mo Ya, but if it is only to this extent, it is far from enough.

  "A meaningless struggle."

  Su Yun shook his head, turned his palm over, and held the setting sun tightly in his hand.

  In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth for miles around surged towards Su Yun.

  The fluctuations were so great that they were even more powerful than the power Mo Tianxing had used when he used the Tianxing Palm in the past.

  Blazing flames immediately emerged on the sword body of the setting sun, and the terrifying temperature seemed to be able to burn through space.

  The fighting energy in Su Yun's body also surged toward the sword like a tide, adding to the power of the setting sun.

  "Fire Sun Emperor Sword!"

  A blazing sword that condensed into substance was slashed out by Su Yun. It was like an emperor's sword, carrying the power of heaven and earth to kill many elders of the Black Emperor Sect.

  At this time, the terrifying fighting spirit appeared on the little fairy doctor's hand, and the energy of heaven and earth continued to flow towards her.

  A terrifying poisonous palm was shot out, and the palm seemed to be filled with poisonous mist. There was no other poisonous miasma like this for thousands of years.

  "Poison-Killing Nether Palm!"

  The earth-level advanced fighting skill, Poison-Killing Nether Palm, was carefully selected by Su Yun, and three months ago, the Little Medical Fairy officially introduced it.

  Even if she is just a beginner, with the power of advanced earth-level fighting skills and her current cultivation level, she can still carry out a Douzong offensive.

  The faces of everyone in the Black Emperor Sect changed drastically, seeing the threat of death in these two attacks.


  Mo Ya shouted, holding his weak body, he took the lead in shooting a white palm shadow.

  "Tianxing Palm!"

  As Mo Tianxing's son, Mo Ya has naturally mastered his father's secret skill. Although it is not that powerful, it is still 30% powerful.

  "Purple Cloud Palm!"

  "Crow Flying!"

  "Overlord Shock and Kill!"

  "Exploding Kun Fist!"


  Under the leadership of Mo Ya, many elders of the Black Emperor Sect also used their strongest fighting skills to resist. .

  "Boom! Boom!"

  The tyrannical energy wave exploded instantly, and the brilliant flame sword and poisonous palm immediately destroyed the attacks of Mo Ya and others.


  The aftermath hadn't even dissipated yet, and figures fell to the ground one after another, and Mo Ya was also among them.

  Only one eight-star Dou Huang expert was seriously injured and was still alive.

  Su Yun was not surprised to see this situation.

  He didn't want too many people to know about his strange fire.

  Therefore, when the Fire Sun Emperor Sword was just cast, no strange fire was used.   

  Although the power is still impressive, it can only be compared to the power of the three-star Douzong at its peak.

  Moreover, this Eight-Star Fighting Emperor did not attack just now, but used a low-level defensive fighting skill to protect himself.

  A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Eight Star Dou Huang.

  "Don't kill me, don't... pfft."

  The long sword passed across the Eight Star Dou Huang's neck, and a hint of indifference flashed in Su Yun's eyes.


  Mo Tianxing's heartbreaking cry resounded throughout the sky.

  "You deserve to die!"

  Mo Tianxing's eyes were bloodshot, and his terrifying power increased by three points. Coupled with the many scars on his body, he felt a tragic feeling.

  "Don't worry, Sect Master Mo, you will be reunited with Mo Ya underground soon."

  A sneer flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

  A look of madness flashed in Mo Tianxing's eyes.

  "Don't look down on people!

  Even if you die today, I will help you!"

  An aura that far exceeded Mo Tianxing's own came out without any warning, with a sense of destruction.

  "No, he's going to blow himself up!"

  Su Qian's expression changed.

  "Let's go!"

  Everyone's eyes were fixed, and they used their physical fighting skills to escape in different directions.

  The power produced by self-destruction is huge, far beyond that of the same realm. With Mo Tianxing's cultivation level, the power of self-destruction may be comparable to the full blow of a high-level Douzong.

  A ferocious smile appeared on Mo Tianxing's face, and he took advantage of the last moment to rush towards Su Yun.

  "Be buried with me!"

  Upon seeing this, the little medical fairy's eyes flashed with panic. He was about to fly towards Su Yun, but was stopped by Su Yun using his soul transmission.

  "Xian'er, don't come here, I'll be fine."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of joking, it was not good to blow anyone up, but he was the one to blow up.

  Immediately, Su Yunyuan turned his fighting spirit, deceiving the world and concealing the world, and his body shape and aura disappeared immediately.

  "It's you!"

  Such a familiar situation made Mo Tianxing's pupils shrink and he shouted.

  Mo Tianxing looked around, but he couldn't find Su Yun at all. He just pulled others to support him, but found that the best time had been missed, and the others had already fled far away.


  Mo Tianxing's eyes flashed with resentment and unwillingness, but he could only watch himself explode.


  A huge explosion sounded.

  The terrifying power actually shattered the space blockade jointly arranged by Hai Bodong and the other three.

  The huge sound immediately spread throughout the Black Corner Territory, attracting the attention of countless people.

  "That direction... is the Black Emperor Sect!"

  "What's going on? What is the Black Emperor Sect doing?"

  "What a terrifying movement. It seems that a strong person from the Black Emperor Sect is coming!"


  The aftermath of the self-destruction lingered for a long time . Absolutely, space cracks even appeared in the central area.

  A quarter of an hour later, the aftermath completely dissipated, and Su Yun and others gathered together.

  "Mo Tianxing is dead, and the remaining people are nothing more than local dogs and chickens. Su Yun, Tianlang and I will go back to the inner courtyard first.   It must not be difficult for us to clean up the mess with our strength."   Su

  Yun, Tianlang and I will go back to the inner courtyard first. Qian Fuxu said.   When Su Yun heard this, a trace of strangeness flashed in his eyes.   However, he also understood Su Qian's intention. He was probably frightened by the false news that there was movement in the fallen heart inflammation, and wanted to return to the inner courtyard as soon as possible.   (End of chapter)