

  Chapter 307 Thousand Illusions and Shadow Wings (First Update!)

  After Su Yun watched Su Qian and Wu Tianlang leave, he commanded the elders of Canaan Academy to continue slaughtering the Black Emperor Sect.

  Hai Bodong and Xiao Yixian also rushed to the various branches of the Black Emperor Sect.

  At the same time, in the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy, on the bottom floor of the Sky Burning Refining Qi Tower, Xiao Yan was hiding in a corner, secretly complaining.

  "Teacher, what should we do now?"

  Xiao Yan shouted anxiously in his heart, and from time to time he would glance at the patrol officers nearby.

  "I also want to know...

  This Canaan Academy actually still has a Dou Sect member sitting in the Sky Burning Refining Qi Tower. It really has a deep foundation."

  Yao Lao's voice also carried a hint of helplessness.


  Half a day passed, except for a very small number of people who escaped.

  The Black Emperor Sect has been slaughtered, and as for the rest, Canaan Academy will issue a wanted order to hunt them down.

  Given the temperament of the Black Horn Region, they will surely beat the fallen dog.

  Su Yun gathered everyone together and prepared to return to Canaan Academy.


  Suddenly, Su Yun's heart moved, and his eyes narrowed into a slit.

  Two strange auras unique to the Soul Palace emerged in his perception.

  Su Yun was a little surprised in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface.

  "This matter is over, let's go back."

  Su Yun said to everyone.


  Many elders of Canaan Academy fought their energy to transform into wings and flew to Canaan Academy.

  "What happened?"

  Although Su Yun did not show any abnormality, Xiao Yixian was very familiar with Su Yun, and he didn't know where he saw something wrong, so he asked Su Yun in a low voice.

  "It's okay, let's go first."

  Su Yun replied.

  The two men were both at the initial stage of Dou Zong cultivation. Although it was unknown what their intentions were, they probably wouldn't take action.

  After everyone left, two black-robed figures with black air all over their bodies stomped in the air.



  Two weird and creepy laughs came from the air.

  "Canaan Academy is so powerful. It seems that it will be difficult to deal with Xiao Yan."

  "Don't worry. The Iron Protector has already tempted the rest of the imperial forces around the empire.

  It's not clear whether the things ordered in the palace are in Xiao Yan's hands. The Xiao family also needs to prepare."

  "Oh, do you really think so?

  What about the things ordered by Master Mu Gu?"

  A strange black-robed figure said with a hint of surprise.


  I have another way, but I need your help then."


  After returning to Canaan Academy, Su Yun just wanted to go back to the small pavilion to count today's gains.

  But he happened to see Su Qian carrying Xiao Yan, who looked dead, out of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower.

  Su Yun couldn't help but laugh in his heart when he saw this. He ignored the two people and took the little doctor back to the small pavilion.

  When he came to the room, Su Yun immediately took out a simple small box from the system space and opened it.

  A fist-sized, slightly emerald green, strange and sticky substance was slowly squirming in it.

  This is the Bodhi body saliva.   

  A smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  Not to mention the ethereal ancient Bodhi tree, just the poison pill method, the harvest this time is not small.

  Although Xiao Yixian no longer needs the poison pill method to control her poisonous body.

  But the poison pill method can gather the toxins in the body into a substantial poison pill in the Dantian.

  It will make Xiao Yixian's cultivation surge, and control her own poison power more easily.

  Therefore, it is still necessary to condense the poison pill for Xiao Yixian.

  The three conditions needed to condense the poison pill, three kinds of strange fire, Bodhi body saliva, and the seventh-level sky poisonous scorpion dragon beast magic core, now only the seventh-level sky poisonous scorpion dragon beast magic core is left...

  Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

  Solving the Black Emperor Sect was also a long-planned goal, which made him relax a lot.

  Afterwards, Su Yun put away the Bodhi Body Saliva again and took out a monster corpse from the system space.

  This was another big gain he got from the Black Emperor Sect.

  The corpse of the seventh-level Sky Demon Phoenix.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and he held the Canyang in his hand, swung out several swords, and cut off the jade bone wings on the Sky Demon corpse.

  This jade bone wing is a good material for making flying fighting skills.

  If the refining is successful, Su Yun will be able to have the speed of this Sky Demon Phoenix when it was alive.

  The cultivation of this Sky Demon Phoenix has approached the peak of the seventh level.

  And considering the absolute speed of the Sky Demon Phoenix, its speed can even rival that of a warrior who has just entered the Dou Zun level, which is not slow.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun felt a little excited.

  In other words, as long as this thing is refined into a flying fighting skill and equipped on him, he can have the speed of a Dou Zun level in one leap.

  In the original novel, Xiao Yan refined these two bone wings into the Sky Goose Nine-Line Wings of the Golden Goose Sect.

  Su Yun does not have that thing, but it does not mean that he cannot refine these bone wings into a flying fighting skill.

  The Pure Lotus Demon Saint was a figure from ten thousand years ago. In his later years, he had nothing to do and was immersed in various fighting skills.

  Naturally, he also had the method of refining flying fighting skills.

  The method of refining this flying fighting skill is in the third incomplete picture that Su Yun obtained not long ago.

  Su Yun couldn't help but sigh.

  The Pure Lotus Demon Saint is really a treasure boy, he knows everything.

  "System, merge the secret method "Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings" with me!"

  "Ding, a fusion solution is detected, which requires three seventh-level energy crystals. Do you want to merge?"

  Su Yun heard this, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

  This secret method is really expensive, but he saved so many resources to spend.

  Moreover, he just destroyed the Black Emperor Sect. Although half of it was given to Canaan Academy, it also gave him a lot of resources in the system space.


  "Ding, it is detected that there are no seventh-order energy crystals in the system space.

  The host has been granted permission to extract twenty-one sixth-order magic cores or sixth-order energy crystals to synthesize three seventh-order energy crystals for this fusion."

  Immediately, a huge stream of information poured into Su Yun's mind, and Su Yun immediately closed his eyes to absorb it.

  Half an hour later, a trace of trance and enlightenment flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  This secret method consumes three seventh-order energy crystals. The amount of information is so large that it will take some time to absorb it even with his current soul power.

  After absorbing all the information, Su Yun's fighting spirit in his body surged out and gathered into a big energy hand.

  He lifted the bone wing in the air, and three-color flames emerged from his palm, starting to refine the remaining breath of the Sky Demon Phoenix in the bone wing.

  An hour passed slowly, and the violent and brutal aura in the bone wings had been completely refined by Su Yun. The bone wings became crystal clear, and the surface showed a jade-like luster.

  Afterwards, Su Yun took out the Ten Thousand Beast Cauldron and a pile of auxiliary materials from the system space, and put all the auxiliary materials and bone wings into it.

  The training of flying fighting skills is naturally impossible with only monster wings, and some auxiliary materials are needed.

  Another hour passed, and a pair of jade wings emitting thousands of rays of light appeared in Su Yun's eyes.