

  Chapter 308 Qinglin Soul Breakthrough (Second Update!)

  Seeing this, Su Yun's smile became more intense.

  With this pair of Thousand Illusion Absolute Shadow Wings, his strength will leap forward again.

  I'm afraid that even if he faces a low-level Dou Zun strongman, he can still escape unscathed.

  He doesn't have much, but this means of saving his life is so abundant that it's not enough at all.

  Su Yun bit his finger and squeezed out a drop of blood and dripped it on the Thousand Illusion Absolute Shadow Wings.

  At the moment when the blood dripped onto the Thousand Illusion Absolute Shadow Wings, the jade wings shone brightly, immediately disappeared from the spot, and drilled into Su Yun's body.

  At this time, a pair of purple wings fell off from Su Yun's shoulders, replaced by a pair of gorgeous wings emitting thousands of rays of light.

  Su Yun's mind moved, flapped his wings and flew, turning into an extremely fast beam of light that flew from the window into the sky.

  "So fast!"

  Su Yun's mouth curled up a little arc, compared with such a fast speed, his original speed was as slow as a snail.

  Immediately, Su Yun continued to fly in the sky, his speed was so fast that he could not even see his figure.

  Passing by the bird monster, it was like a residual light flashing by, and it was impossible to see the truth.

  A quarter of an hour later, Su Yun returned to the small attic with an unsatisfied feeling.

  After returning to the attic, Su Yun sat cross-legged, and thought of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint again, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

  The talent of this demon saint was so high that he could even make the ancient races avoid his edge. He was really amazing.

  With three incomplete maps, he also knew most of the life of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, and had some understanding of his skills and fighting skills.

  In the memory of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, he even created a secret method to improve combat power through strange fire, which was similar to the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire.

  Back then, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint used this secret method to push the power of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire to the extreme and easily defeated the leader of the Soul Clan at that time.

  That's right, an easy defeat!

  With the acquisition of the third fragment, he knew more about the process of the battle.

  However, there were still some unclear points, and the most vague point was some things that happened after the war.

  Of course, Su Yun didn't care much.

  It was just a pity that this secret method was not recorded in these three fragments. In Su Yun's opinion, it was probably on the fourth fragment far away in Zhongzhou...

  Su Yun shook his head. With his current strength, it was too early to think about the fourth map.

  The biggest gain this time was the Bodhi Body Saliva, and then the Thousand Illusion Absolute Shadow Wings.

  As for those resources, they were also good, but compared with the previous two, they were much inferior.

  Then Su Yun took out the body of the Sky Demon Phoenix, and the three-color strange fire emerged and completely covered it.

  There are treasures in this body.

  After a while, drops of blue and red blood dripped from the blazing flames.

  Su Yun immediately took out the jade bottle and used his fighting spirit to draw the blue and red blood into it.

  This blue and red blood is the essence of the Sky Demon Phoenix.

  After taking it, it can greatly increase the strength of the body.

  If the rest of the Heavenly Demon Phoenixes were allowed to absorb it, it would be possible to purify their bloodline power.

  This Heavenly Demon Phoenix was a figure from many years ago, so naturally the bloodline in its body was purer than the Heavenly Demon Phoenix today, and closer to the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix.

  After seeing that the blood essence was no longer dripping from the flame, Su Yun pulled out a drop from the jade bottle and dripped it into the body of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix.

  Suddenly, the blue-red color expanded in the body.

  After a while, a seventh-level magic core drilled out of the body and appeared in Su Yun's eyes.

  This thing is really hard to take.

  Su Yun smiled and put the seventh-level magic core into the system space. All the harvests this time were picked.

  Immediately, Su Yun's mind moved, and a monster egg appeared in the outside world.

  After seeing this egg, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a strange smile.

  This is naturally the egg of the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix. After obtaining it, Su Yun would occasionally use the system to replace the origin of the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix and pour it into it.

  Then he used the soul power to communicate with the ignorant consciousness in it, and drew the relationship between the two.   

  It will only take a while for this egg to hatch successfully.

  A heavy majesty appeared on the egg of the ancient phoenix, which was much stronger than when Su Yun first got it.

  A consciousness in the egg came to Su Yun, revealing a sense of intimacy and desire.

  Su Yun smiled lightly on his face, and his voice was quite gentle.

  "Good boy, this thing was prepared for you."

  Then Su Yun once again pulled out a drop of blood from the jade bottle and dripped it on the eggshell.

  The egg of the ancient phoenix immediately flashed with light and fell into peace.

  That ignorant consciousness emerged again, and a feeling of admiration came, and then fell into a deep sleep.

  Seeing this, Su Yun put the egg of the ancient phoenix into the system space and began to practice.

  The matter of the Black Emperor Sect was over, and his cultivation had reached the nine-star Douhuang.

  The next step was to concentrate on practicing for a period of time, adjust the state to the extreme, and refine the Fallen Heart Flame!

  In a blink of an eye, seven days passed.

  A strong soul pressure came from a corner of the inner courtyard.

  This soul breath also carries the power of the pupils that attract people, and the unique sense of agility of absorbing spiritual energy.

  Feeling this breath, Su Yun immediately exited the state of cultivation, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes. Qinglin's soul power broke through the spiritual realm!

  Su Yun took Xiao Yixian to Qinglin's residence immediately.

  "Young Master, Sister Xian'er."

  Qinglin looked at Su Yun and Xiao Yixian, and a trace of joy flashed in her beautiful eyes.

  Her eyes were faintly on the hands of the two people holding each other, and a trace of envy appeared in her heart, but this envy was deeply hidden in the depths of Qinglin.


  Su Yun gently rubbed Qinglin's head, and the three thousand black hair was as soft as a ribbon.


  The soul power successfully broke through the spiritual realm, thanks to the soul origin given by the young master, otherwise it would take several years."

  Qinglin said coquettishly. Facing Su Yun's big hand, she no longer lowered her head, and a trace of enjoyment flashed across her oval face.

  "Qinglin, can you control the eighth-level monster now?"

  Qinglin put her slender index finger in her rosy little mouth and sipped it gently.

  "Well, you can.

  But the strength cannot be too strong. The highest can only control the three-star Dou Zun cultivation."

  "That's enough."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with excitement.

  As long as he crossed the threshold of Dou Zun, he could be called a strong man even in Zhongzhou.

  After refining the Fallen Heart Flame, he set out to find the eighth-level snake monster!

  "It's good to be able to help you, young master."

  Qinglin smiled sweetly, and that smile seemed to say that Qinglin did not ask for anything in return.


  At this time, a tingling sound sounded, and a colorful little snake sprang out from Qinglin's wrist and stayed on Su Yun's shoulder.

  Su Yun grabbed the colorful little hand in his hand, played with it for a while, and then handed it to Qinglin, encouraged him a few more words, and went back to practice.

  At this time, in a pharmacy in the inner courtyard, Xiao Yan opened his eyes wide.

  "Teacher, this breath, could it be a spirit realm soul?"

  Under the guidance of Yao Lao, Xiao Yanru has also grown a lot. He is no longer like before in the Warcraft Mountain Range, unable to sense the breath of a spirit realm soul breakthrough.