

  Chapter 309 Refining the Wall-Breaking Pill (First Update!)

  "Yes, judging from the aura, it should be the little girl with the strange eyes who has made a breakthrough."

  Yao Lao's voice was faint, and he was also shocked.

  Could it be that he really couldn't keep up with the times, and it was so easy to break through the spiritual realm soul now?

  However, Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan who was warming the cauldron, and then he came to his senses and realized that it was not the case.

  "Teacher, tell me, what level is my current soul power?"

  Xiao Yan asked, and couldn't help but feel a sense of comparison in his heart. "Uh, this, let's just say it's the middle stage of the mortal realm... the peak?"   Yao Lao said hesitantly.   Xiao Yan was silent after hearing

  this .   "Don't be discouraged, Xiao Yanzi. Don't you still have a competition with Han Xian?   His medicine refining skills are at the peak of the fourth level, just like yours. If you want to defeat him, you must make a breakthrough.   Step by step, you will be able to step into that realm in the future.   Now, aim for the fifth level."   Yao Lao comforted him.   After a while, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with determination, and he recovered from his lost mood.   "Yes, teacher!"   After Su Yun returned to the small attic, he was about to continue practicing when Zi Yan's voice came from outside.   "Su Yun, Su Yun!"   Su Yun felt a little strange.   He had just refined pills for Zi Yan half a month ago, so he shouldn't have finished eating so quickly. What is this girl doing here today?   "Come in."   Su Yun used the secret soul transmission, and then pushed open the window beside him. Sure enough, Zi Yan flew through the window quickly. Zi Yan never followed   the beaten path. After the two of them got to know each other, Zi Yan had already smashed several of his windows. Fortunately, he was prepared today.   "The old man asked me to call you over.   In addition, the old man said that the two elders have come out of retreat, and the medicinal materials for the elixir are ready."   Su Yun raised his eyebrows. So that's it.   In order to convince Su Qian to let him refine the Falling Heart Flame, he offered the condition of refining the seventh-grade peak elixir, the Wall Breaking Pill, for the two elders.   Now that the medicinal materials are ready, he has to fulfill his promise.   "I know."   Su Yun nodded to Zi Yan, and then Zi Yan took Su Yun to find the two elders and Su Qian.   In an empty space, three old men were negotiating. At this time, Su Yun and Zi Yan flew in from the sky.   "Old man, I'll bring the people to you. I'll leave first."   Zi Yan said, looking at the old man Qian Baier from time to time. A trace of fear flashed across her face, and then she ran away in a flash.   "Oh, Zi Yan has also broken through to the Dou Huang now."   An old man smiled and didn't care about Zi Yan's escape.   "Well, this matter is also thanks to Su Yun."   Su Qian smiled.   Zi Yan's desire for medicinal materials is naturally needless to say.   A few years ago, this girl even set her sights on the library guarded by the old man Qian Baier.   As for the result, Zi Yan's reaction when she saw the old man Qian Baier can tell a little.   After the library was stolen, Su Qian first suspected Zi Yan, and it was not without reason.   At this time, the two elders looked at Su Yun.   Suddenly, a sense of oppression came over him.   This was not a deliberate difficulty from the two elders.   It was that the cultivation of these two people was only one step away from Dou Zun.   Without deliberate suppression, the slightest bit of their aura leaked out would already constitute a certain amount of power.   Su Yun felt a little guilty and remembered the incident of stealing the library.   I still have to find a time to return the things as soon as possible...   "You are Su Yun?   Yes, when I saw you in the library that year,   you only had the fighting spirit cultivation, but in just a few years, you have now become a nine-star fighting emperor.   

  " You are probably the most gifted person in the inner courtyard since its establishment."

  Qianmu said with a smile, his eyes full of admiration.

  "You are too honorable, elder."

  Su Yun smiled, as humble as ever.

  "Su Yun, are you sure you can successfully refine this wall-breaking pill?"

  Compared with Qianmu, Bailie is even more impatient.

  "Please rest assured, elders, since Su Yun dared to promise the academy, he can certainly do it."

  Su Yun patted his chest and said.

  "Elders, I also believe in Su Yun."

  Su Qian also guaranteed Su Yun.

  "Okay, Su Qian has collected six medicinal materials during this period.

  As long as you can refine a wall-breaking pill, the two of us will have no objection to your taming of the Meteoric Heart Flame. "

  Qianmu said, stroking his beard. This was already a relaxation of the conditions.

  Three portions of herbs for one pill, and Su Yun had promised Su Qian at the time that he would refine two pills for Canaan Academy.

  "Of course, if the academy collects more herbs later, another Broken Wall Pill must be added."

  "Thank you, two elders."

  A smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes. Although this move was unnecessary, the meaning expressed in it made Su Yun feel comfortable.

  If Su Yun could really refine the Broken Wall Pill, he would be a genuine seventh-grade peak pharmacist.

  An eighteen-year-old seventh-grade peak pharmacist represents extraordinary potential.

  It was because of the Falling Heart Flame that Su Yun asked Canaan Academy for help. .

  Otherwise, in the outside world, Su Yun's status is more than one level higher than that of the top Dou Zong.

  The two elders Qian and Bai are very clear about this.

  Naturally, they will not boast of their strong strength and treat Su Yun badly. Instead, their intention to make friends is beyond words.

  To put it bluntly, where does all the pretense come from? The human relationships are the same in every world.

  Immediately, Su Qian took out six jade boxes from the ring and handed them to Su Yun.

  "Let's do it here. This is the place of cultivation that the dean built for himself when he was still in the academy. The energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich.

  Su Qian has also issued an order to seal off the surroundings and prevent other elders and students from approaching.

  As for the Dan Lei of the seventh-grade elixir, leave it to the two of us, and you can rest assured to refine the elixir."

  Bai Lie said.

  "Well. "

  Su Yun nodded, took the jade box from Su Qian's hand, and sat cross-legged.

  He took out the Ten Thousand Beasts Cauldron from the system space. After adjusting the state, three-color flames gushed out from the palm of his hand and began to warm the cauldron.

  "This flame..."

  Bai Lie saw the fire in Su Yun's hand, and his pupils suddenly shrank .

  "It's actually three kinds of exotic fire!"

  Qianmu's face also flashed a trace of shock.

  "Yes, Su Yun now masters three kinds of exotic fire.

  If he successfully subdues the Meteoric Heart Flame, it will be four kinds."

  Su Qian said.

  "This kid is really extraordinary. It is a blessing for an ordinary fighter to subdue one kind of exotic fire.

  He can actually overcome the conflicts and riots between the exotic fires and refine three kinds of exotic fire! "

  Bai Lie's eyes flashed with disbelief.

  "Second elder, this is his secret. Only a few people, Qi Yin and Qi Yang, know about it in the academy."

  "Don't worry, it's inevitable that such a secret will attract prying eyes, as it can refine many kinds of exotic fire. We know our limits."

  Both of them nodded to Su Qian.

  While the few people were talking, Su Yun was focusing all his attention on the Ten Thousand Beasts Cauldron in front of him.

  The grade of the seventh-grade peak elixir is not low. Even if the eighth-grade master of refining medicine is careless for a moment, it will fail. Su Yun naturally has to be careful.