

  Chapter 313 Skyfire Lord (First Update!)

  In the magma, the densely packed fire lizards were completely unaware of this and were still doing their own things.

  The sharp cries of their communication echoed in this lifeless underground magma.

  After entering the space, Su Yun suddenly felt the temperature around him drop. In

  the center of this space, a corpse was floating in it, and above the corpse was a drifting invisible flame.

  This flame was the juvenile Meteoric Heart Flame.

  After seeing this Meteoric Heart Flame, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a smile, and a huge spiritual power penetrated his body and went to the corpse.

  "Young man, wait!"

  Just as Su Yun's soul force pressed towards the corpse, a scream rang out, and at the same time a strong white light emerged from the corpse.

  A weak soul force rose up and gathered above the corpse into an illusory old figure.

  "Senior, you felt something when I entered this place, right?"

  Su Yun's face flashed a half-smile.

  His soul perception was so sharp that after entering this space and dispersing the deception,

  he sensed that there was a soul force secretly spying on him, and in this space, no one except the Skyfire Venerable could do it.

  "Ahem, it is I who offended you, please do not blame me.

  I am just a remnant soul, lingering in this space, so I must be careful."

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across the pale face of the Skyfire Venerable. His explanation just now sounded reasonable,

  but spying on others in secret is generally regarded as ill-intentioned in the Douqi Continent.

  "It doesn't matter. To be honest, it is thanks to the space arranged by the seniors here, otherwise the fire lizards outside would be difficult to deal with."

  Su Yun said the words he had already thought of before.

  Although coming here was a long-planned plan, he would not be stupid enough to say it out loud.

  "Those monsters..."

  A trace of complexity flashed across the eyes of the Skyfire Venerable.

  "My falling here is inextricably linked to them."

  "Oh, how could you, as a Dou Zun, be killed by those fire lizards?"

  Su Yun's face flashed with a trace of silence.

  A trace of bitterness flashed across the face of Tianhuo Zun.

  It was not surprising that Su Yun could guess that he was a Dou Zun.

  This space could only be constructed by those who had reached the Dou Zun level and had a deep understanding of the power of space. Dou Zong was not capable of this.

  "Did you see the falling heart flame outside?"

  "Of course. I came to this underground space just for it."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "So that's how it is.

  I was the previous owner of the Falling Heart Flame, but after I subdued it, I discovered it again."

  Skyfire Venerable said, pointing to the invisible flame floating above his corpse.

  "After seeing it, I wanted to subdue it as well.

  However, due to the incompatibility of the different flames, the two different flames fought each other in my body like enemies.

  I was also seriously injured, and then I was besieged by those fire lizards. I had no choice but to open up space and hide here."

  Skyfire Venerable sighed, and a trace of melancholy flashed across his old face.

  "Speaking of which, I haven't asked for your name yet?"   

  "My name is Yao Tianhuo. When I was wandering around the Douqi Continent a thousand years ago, people also called me Venerable Tianhuo."

  Venerable Tianhuo paused when he said this.

  "My friend, can you take me out?

  I see that you are also a fire-attributed Douhuang. I have a Dou skill, the Five-Round Leaving Fire Method.

  If you can perform it with four kinds of strange fires and it can even be comparable to a heavenly-level Dou skill, I can give it to you as a reward.

  As for the Meteoric Heart Flame in the underground magma, I can also find a way to help you subdue it, and I will also give you this juvenile Meteoric Heart Flame."

  A trace of sincerity flashed across Venerable Tianhuo's old face.

  Death is terrible, but a thousand years of hopeless loneliness is even worse.

  Venerable Skyfire is now only a remnant of his soul. After staying in the underground magma for such a long time, he is close to despair.

  Su Yun's arrival is like the last hope in the darkness, which makes Venerable Skyfire want to hold on tightly.

  A flash of surprise flashed across Su Yun's face. He didn't expect that Venerable Skyfire would take the initiative to beg, almost throwing away all his dignity.

  "Oh, Senior Skyfire, are you so sure that I can take you back to the ground?"

  Venerable Skyfire laughed.

  "My friend, although I am weak now, my eyesight has not deteriorated.

  This place is already far away from the ground.

  Not to mention the Nine-Star Fighting Emperor, even the top fighters of the Fighting Sect cannot come here without any hidden treasures.

  And you can not only come here, but your aura is also mixed and unified, and you are full of energy, without any weakness, in your prime, without any consumption.

  I think even if there is no space like mine, it is not difficult to avoid the fire lizard and return to the ground."

  The space where Su Yun and the Skyfire Venerable are located is close to the Ancient Emperor Cave, and is very far from the ground.

  Xiao Yan can come here with the cultivation of the Fighting Emperor because he has refined the Falling Heart Flame, and the magma here cannot hurt him.

  After the Skyfire Venerable finished speaking, he stayed where he was without making any movement, waiting for Su Yun's decision.

  In fact, he didn't say one thing, which was the way Su Yun appeared in his space, which made him feel a little creepy.

  This space was originally built by him with the power of space, so he was naturally very familiar with it.

  But he didn't find out how Su Yun passed through the space barrier and came here.

  This is a very scary thing. Unless a Douhuang strongman is as gifted as the Taixu Ancient Dragon, it is impossible for him to come into contact with the power of space.

  However, Su Yun came to this space without any warning as a Dou Zun. His use of space power is probably even better than that of the Dou Zun in the past...

  Even if it is not space power, it must not be difficult to pass through the magma and return to the ground with such means.

  Venerable Tianhuo secretly guessed that this method might be able to cross and ignore most space barriers and have the ability to move.

  However, such means are often a person's life-saving trump card and the foundation of his life.

  Although Venerable Tianhuo has noticed some details, he dared not say anything and just pretended not to know, for fear that Su Yun would kill him and turn his face against him.

  "I underestimated Senior Tianhuo."

  Su Yun smiled, not noticing that Senior Tianhuo already knew some of the characteristics of his ability to space-jump through the system space.

  How could Su Yun, a thousand-year-old fox, compete with such a character.

  To put it bluntly, Su Yun claimed to be mature and steady, but the age of his two lives added up to less than fifty years.

  And a character like Senior Tianhuo, even without counting the time he spent in the underground magma. It

  would take at least one or two hundred years to cultivate to the five-star Dou Zun. Under such a crushing experience, how could he beat Yao Tianhuo.