


  Chapter 314: Five-wheel Fire Separation Method (Second Update!)

  "As a token of my sincerity, I can teach you this Five-wheel Fire Separation Method first."

  Venerable Skyfire said, and stretched out his hand to capture the snow-white ring on the corpse.

  Then he flicked his finger, and a scroll appeared from the ring and flew towards Su Yun.

  Seeing this, Su Yun stretched out his hand and caught the scroll.

  Looking at the scroll in his hand, a smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  The Five-wheel Fire Separation Method can be said to be a high-level earth-level fighting skill, or a special method of controlling fire.

  There are five levels of the method, each of which is a five-level beast form.

  Wolf, leopard, lion, tiger, dragon, each level is a fire spirit. When the method is completed, the five fire spirits return to their positions and transform into a five-wheel fire formation that can burn the sky and boil the sea.

  Four of the five fire spirits are condensed by the alien fire, and this method can unleash the power of heavenly fighting skills!

  Su Yun weighed the scroll and put it away.

  With the memory of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, he actually has no shortage of heavenly fighting skills.

  But there is a big problem.

  Except for special auxiliary fighting skills such as deceiving the heaven and the world, the fighting spirit required for heavenly fighting skills is huge.

  According to the consumption of the system fusion function, he only needs a seventh-level energy crystal to master a low-level heavenly fighting skill.

  But except for deceiving the heaven and the world, he has never thought about practicing it because the fighting spirit requirements for heavenly fighting skills are very high.

  With his current level of cultivation, especially a fully-developed Heaven-level fighting skill, he would probably still lack a lot of fighting spirit after one strike.

  Su Yun carefully read the original work and did not see anyone who could perform Heaven-level fighting skills before reaching the level of Fighting Venerable.

  However, a special high-level Earth-level fighting skill like the Five-wheel Fire Separation Method does not have such a terrible consumption.

  This is also a great advantage of cross-level fighting skills. The fighting spirit requirement is small, but it can also exert cross-level power.

  After Su Yun put the scroll into the system space, he bowed and smiled.

  "Thank you, senior.

  As for bringing you back to the ground, I promised."

  A look of joy flashed across the face of the Skyfire Venerable.

  "Thank you.

  I have been in this underground magma for a thousand years. Even though things have changed a lot now, who wants to die if they can live?"

  Su Yun smiled when he heard this, but did not answer. Instead, he took out a bottle of liquid medicine from the system space.

  "This is a fifth-grade elixir, the Soul-Nourishing Saliva.

  I believe that with your knowledge, you should understand the effect of this thing.

  I just happened to have a bottle in my hand, so I gave it to you.

  In this way, the chances of subduing the Falling Heart Flame will be much higher in the future."

  "Soul-Nourishing Saliva!"

  Venerable Skyfire was excited and took the jade bottle from Su Yun's hand.

  Although the fifth-grade elixir is not of very high grade, it is a elixir specially used to restore soul power.

  For Venerable Skyfire, it is like a life-saving straw and is extremely precious.

  "Ah, God will not abandon me.


  Venerable Skyfire laughed loudly, opened the cork, used his soul power to draw out the jade medicine liquid inside, and began to absorb it.

  Su Yun, who was standing aside, took this scene in his eyes, and a strange smile flashed across his face.

  The people he met were basically all mentioned in the original work, and their character was confirmed.

  But to put it bluntly, he and Venerable Skyfire had only been in contact for a short while. With Su Yun's personality, how could he completely trust him?

  Just like when he treated Hai Bodong, Su Yun also had a backup plan in the soul-nourishing saliva he gave to Venerable Skyfire.

  This soul-nourishing saliva contained a trace of undetectable soul energy.   

  As long as Venerable Skyfire absorbs the Soul-Nourishing Saliva, this soul energy will enter the depths of Venerable Skyfire's soul.

  If Su Yun detonates it, Venerable Skyfire may not die immediately, but he will also lose his mind and become a fool.

  This method comes from a soul secret method in the memory of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint. Unless Venerable Skyfire can elevate his soul to the heavenly realm one day, it will be impossible to discover it. It will take

  some time for Venerable Skyfire to absorb all the medicinal power of the Soul-Nourishing Saliva. Seeing this, Su Yun also sat cross-legged and took out the Five-Wheel Fire Separation Method from the system space again.

  Su Yun pondered for a while and decided to learn this fighting skill now. He

  was discovered because he did not have physical contact when he was walking among the tribe of fire lizards before.

  The main thing is that you can enter the system space to avoid it when you are about to come into contact.

  But after going out, you have to take the Skyfire Venerable with you, which is not so convenient.

  I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle.

  "System, merge the Five-wheel Fire Separation Method with me."

  "Ding, a fusion solution is detected, which requires a seventh-level energy crystal. Do you want to merge?"


  "Ding, it is detected that there is no seventh-level energy crystal in the system space.

  The host has granted permission to extract seven sixth-level magic cores or sixth-level energy crystals to synthesize a seventh-level energy crystal for this fusion."

  Immediately, a mysterious stream of information was instilled into Su Yun's mind.

  After a period of time, Su Yun had already fully comprehended the Five-wheel Fire Separation Method.

  A gleam of brilliance flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and he licked his dry lips.

  Speaking of which, he hasn't shown his full strength for a long time since the battle with Zhang Ritian.

  In the past long time, his cultivation level has increased by two stars, and now he has obtained the Five-Round Fire Method, and his combat power has reached an unknown level.

  Another half-hour later, a strong soul power rose.

  Venerable Tianhuo opened his eyes, felt his soul power was full, and a satisfied look flashed across his face.

  If Su Yun hadn't come, I'm afraid that in a few years, his soul would have completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

  "Thank you, my soul power has recovered a lot, and I'm sure it will be of great help later."

  Venerable Tianhuo looked at Su Yun and smiled, but suddenly found that Su Yun looked at him with a much kinder look.

  This made Venerable Tianhuo a little confused for a while.

  "Then I'll leave it to you, senior."

  Su Yun said, looking at the juvenile Meteoric Heart Flame on the corpse. Three-colored flames emerged from his palm and enveloped it.

  "Three kinds of strange fire!"

  The pupils of the Skyfire Venerable suddenly shrank, disbelief flashed across his face, and he exclaimed.

  "How is this possible!"

  Su Yun ignored the shock of the Skyfire Venerable and controlled the three-colored strange fire to wrap the Meteoric Heart Flame, turning it into a circle of fire.

  This Meteoric Heart Flame was just born not long ago and was still in its infancy. Facing the encirclement of the three-colored strange fire, although it instinctively resisted a bit.

  But in the end, it was still powerless to resist and was firmly framed by the circle of fire formed by the three-colored flames.

  Su Yun gathered a huge suction force in his palm and took the Meteoric Heart Flame into his hand.

  Looking at the Meteoric Heart Flame in his hand, Su Yun's mind moved.

  "System, collect this Meteoric Heart Flame into the system space."

  "Ding, it is detected that the juvenile Meteoric Heart Flame has not yet been born with intelligence, lacks spirituality, and cannot resist. It meets the recycling conditions.

  Recovery is successful."

  Immediately, the Meteoric Heart Flame in the fire circle disappeared, and an invisible flame appeared in the system