

  Chapter 315: Flame Lizard (First update!)

  Seeing this, Lord Skyfire's eyes widened again.

  "Are you going to put it into your ring now?"

  A slight smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  "The mountain man has his own clever plan. Nothing will happen to him. Don't worry, senior."

  Lord Tianhuo shut his mouth and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

  "Senior must know that I possess three kinds of strange fires."

  Now that Master Tianhuo has a backup plan in his soul, it doesn't hurt to reveal some hidden things to him.

  "I understand, I understand."

  Lord Tianhuo nodded, then put his body into the Najie, and entered the Snow White Najia.

  The snow-white ring floated toward Su Yun, and Su Yun took one and put it on his hand.

  With Lord Tianhuo on his body, this time, Su Yun naturally no longer has to jump through the system space as before.

  After Su Yun started to deceive the world, he passed through the space barrier and came to the underground magma world again.

  Three-color flames appeared on Su Yun's body, wrapping his body tightly and making it airtight, blocking the underground magma from causing harm to Su Yun.

  Countless flame lizard men appeared in front of Su Yun again, making Su Yun secretly vigilant.

  "It's these flame lizards again."

  A hint of complexity flashed in Lord Tianhuo's eyes.

  "Senior Tianhuo, my secret method can conceal our body shape and breath, but physical collision is indispensable.

  Before, I was forced into the space because of this. I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle."

  "Don't worry, now you and I They are all grasshoppers on a rope.

  When the time comes, you can release the fallen heart flame of infancy.

  Although I have not refined it, my soul has been attached to it for thousands of years. Only then can I get through this long period of time.

  The Fallen Heart Flame is not repulsive to me.

  With it, I can also play some supporting role."


  Yun nodded and walked among the many flame lizards. .




  (Real, original description)

  Countless flame lizards made strange sounds, seemingly communicating.

  Su Yun had already used deception to hide himself and Lord Tianhuo, and for a while he was not discovered by this group of flame lizards.

  Soul power came out of his body, and after sensing the situation of the group of flame lizards again, Su Yun narrowed his eyes.

  There are still no Dou Zun-level flame lizards wandering around.

  Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

  He would definitely not be able to defeat him in a head-on battle, but as long as he left the center of the flame lizard group and came to the edge, it was not difficult to break away from the pursuit.

  Su Yun's movements were quite careful, and Venerable Tianhuo in Najie couldn't help but sweat for Su Yun.

  This group of flame lizards are the indigenous people here and are naturally very familiar with the underground magma world.

  If they are discovered here, many flame lizards will attack together and launch a saturation attack.

  No matter how strong your methods are, you will still be forced out.

  Any fighting skill will have weaknesses. When strength is insufficient, saturation attacks are the best way to break through the deception.

  After some time passed, Su Yun moved his body carefully, an ugly look flashed across his face.

  The surroundings were already surrounded by flame lizards, and they were slowly approaching Su Yun.


  "Chichi, chichi!!"

  Suddenly a trace of doubt flashed across the red lizard face of a flame lizard. Did its arm touch something?   


  Strike first to gain the upper hand!

  Su Yun's eyes flashed, and his heart became fierce. The setting sun instantly appeared on Su Yun's hand, and he immediately struck out with a sword.

  The universe is split by fierce flames.

  A sword rainbow composed of three-color flames slashed at the flame lizard in front of Su Yun with sharpness and fiery power.


  The flame lizard cultivation level around Su Yun is not too high, basically only the fighting spirit cultivation level.

  Therefore, facing Su Yun's blow, there was no resistance at all. The sword rainbow quickly passed through the flame lizard group, harvesting the lives of the flame lizards wantonly.

  As the figures of many flame lizards fell, a narrow passage appeared.

  Su Yun shook his shoulders, and fighting energy was poured into his back. A pair of wings covered with glow appeared behind Su Yun.


  Su Yun's figure immediately disappeared from the spot, and a ray of light flashed so fast that the surrounding flame lizards could not react at all.

  In an instant, Su Yun came to the end of the narrow passage he had just opened, and Su Yun waved the setting sun again.

  The Xuan-level advanced fighting skill Fiery Universe Slash suddenly turned into a basic attack, and another large number of flame lizards fell down.

  At this time, countless flame lizards around them finally reacted, and angry roars sounded, one after another, echoing in the underground magma.


  Su Yun turned a deaf ear and slashed out several three-color sword rainbows instantly.

  As the glow flickered, Su Yun moved closer to the edge of the flame lizard group.

  Dozens of Douzong auras rose from the flame lizards, and their human eyes flashed with anger.


  A flame lizard at the peak of Douzong's cultivation neighed, as if giving an order.

  Dozens of Douzong-level flame lizards gathered their strength and aimed at the clearing that Su Yun had just cut out, intending to force Su Yun out regardless of the lives of their companions.

  Dozens of powerful auras rose from behind, making Su Yun's pupils shrink.

  Dozens of Douzong warriors joined forces to strike, including even a dozen Nine-Star Douzong warriors. Even with Su Yun's current strength, he would probably end up seriously injured.

  "I have a way!"

  At this time, Lord Tianhuo's anxious voice flashed through Su Yun's mind.

  "My friend, give me the Fallen Heart Flame, and I can interrupt their offensive."


  A dignified look flashed in Su Yun's eyes. Now that both of them are prosperous and devastated, he believes in Lord Tianhuo.

  Immediately, Su Yun flipped his palm, and the childhood Fallen Heart Flame immediately appeared in his hand. At the same time, an illusory soul body appeared next to Su Yun.

  Lord Tianhuo looked serious, and his soul power pulled the fallen heart flame into his soul.

  Invisible flames covered Lord Tianhuo's body.

  Although it is the most soul-breaking heart fire, this fallen heart fire is exactly as Lord Tianhuo said, and does not reject it at all.

  The powerful soul power and the power of strange fire rose up in Lord Tianhuo.


  Lord Tianhuo shouted sharply, and the invisible flames on his body became three points stronger again.


  The angry voice of the flame lizard sounded. Su Yun looked over after hearing the words, with a trace of astonishment flashing in his eyes.

  In the magma, the bodies of dozens of flame lizards were actually wrapped in a ball of invisible flames.

  And the fighting spirit they gathered was disturbed by the sudden flames, and exploded directly.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom..."

  Dozens of explosions sounded, and terrifying energy swept around.

  Many flame lizards were affected, making miserable screams and turning into fire and dissipating in the underground magma.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with joy, and he looked at Lord Tianhuo with admiration.