

  Chapter 316: Approaching the Attack of Dou Zun (Second Update!)

  Suddenly, the spiritual power of the Skyfire Venerable dropped abruptly, and the Falling Heart Flame also emerged from his body, and his breath was weak.

  Su Yun saw this, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

  The Falling Heart Flame induces the heart fire of a person, which emerges from the body and sweeps over the whole body.

  However, with the current state of the soul of the Skyfire Venerable and the power of this Falling Heart Flame, it is impossible to have such a great impact on dozens of Dou Zong. The

  Skyfire Venerable probably burned a little of the original power of the Falling Heart Flame to create such a miraculous effect.

  The soul of the Skyfire Venerable then returned to the ring in Su Yun's hand.

  "My friend, although those fire lizards are disturbed by me, they will catch up with us soon. Let's go quickly."


  Su Yun nodded, waved his hand, and put the juvenile Meteoric Heart Flame into the system space.

  His figure disappeared from the spot, and with a flash of rosy clouds, he continued to flee far away.


  Just at this time, the fire lizards roared in anger and rushed towards the direction where Su Yun fled.

  Su Yun's face flashed with an ugly look.

  These fire lizards, whose highest level was only Douhuang, were not a threat to him, but they could stop him from moving forward.

  Dozens of Douzong-level fire lizards also escaped from the energy explosion and rushed towards Su Yun.

  The Qitian Concealing World can hide one's body, but the fire lizards stick to the body.

  Once they find a gap, they will surround it. Under this clumsy method, Qitian Concealing World is useless.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a sense of frustration.

  Since he learned Qitian Concealing World, relying on its supernatural function.

  He has always been invincible, but today he has fallen in this underground magma.

  Afterwards, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of madness.

  Under such circumstances, it is only a matter of time before the dozens of Douzong-level fire lizards catch up and surround him.

  Instead of escaping far away, it is better to give them a hard time first!

  After making up his mind, Su Yun stopped flying, and the terrifying fighting spirit in his body burst out.

  The deep blue flames in the Dantian's soul storage area surged through the meridians like a tide.

  "The first of the three mysterious changes of the sky fire, the sea heart change!"

  Su Yun's body was covered with deep blue flames, and his aura surged instantly. The cultivation of the nine-star fighting emperor soared rapidly.

  The peak of the fighting emperor! The

  thin film stuck on the peak of the fighting emperor did not block it for long, but was broken by the surging deep blue flames in a few breaths.

  One-star fighting sect!

  Two-star fighting sect!

  Finally, when he reached the two-star fighting sect, his aura was completely stable.

  The terrifying aura rose from Su Yun's body, and Su Yun clenched his fists. He had never felt such a full and violent power before.

  The secret method of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire was indeed against the will of heaven. After it was fully developed, combined with the Heart Flame of the Sea, it actually allowed him to reach the level of a two-star Dou Zong in a short period of time!

  This was the first time he had used this secret method since he had obtained it.

  The surge in strength also gave Su Yun a three-point boost of confidence.

  Su Yun looked at the flame lizards that were rushing towards him and grinned.

  The Green Lotus Heart Fire and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire also surged out from the Soul Collection, and once again merged with the Heart Flame of the Sea on the Can Yang Sword, forming a three-color flame that overlapped.

  The magnificent power of heaven rose from Su Yun's body, as hot as the sun and as magnificent as the emperor!

  "Huo Yang Emperor Sword!"

  The three-color flame long sword, carrying a terrifying power, chopped off dozens of Dou Zong flame lizards.

  In the snow-white storage ring, the Heavenly Fire Venerable looked at it with a twitching brow.

  With his eyesight, he could see that Su Yun's move had already surpassed the peak of Dou Zong and reached the realm of Dou Zun.

  Of course, although it had been reached, it had not yet been fully achieved.

  The gap between Dou Zong and Dou Zun was as huge as a chasm in the sky, and it was hard to imagine.   


  The fire lizards of the Douzong level could also sense the danger of this attack, and immediately joined forces to defend.

  Dozens of powerful auras rushed out, and a huge flame shield blocked them. Where

  the three-color flame sword passed, the bodies of the other fire lizards immediately exploded.

  Even before the sword body touched, it was just a wave of flames emitted by the flame sword.


  A shocking explosion sounded, and the underground magma was even shaken by it, stirring up huge blood-red bubbles, surging and unable to stop.

  Countless fire lizards were caught in the aftermath of the horror, and had no time to escape and return to the embrace of the magma.

  Su Yun's brows were tightly knitted, with no intention of relaxing.

  Swish! Swish! Swish!

  After this attack, the Douzong-level fire lizards still rushed towards him.

  "My friend, let's go.

  Although your attack did not knock them down, it has killed countless fire lizards.

  There is no obstacle to the upper magma. With the speed of your wings of rosy light, it is not difficult to shake them off.

  With such fluctuations, the fire lizards in the deeper layers must have been alarmed."

  Su Yun nodded, put away the Canyang, spread out the Qianhuan Jueying wings, turned into a ray of rosy light, crossed the magma layer, and flew upwards.


  The Dou Zong-level fire lizards could only watch Su Yun's figure getting farther and farther away until he disappeared in the upper layer of the magma.

  Once the Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings are used, it will be the extreme speed that only Dou Zun strongmen can achieve.

  In the case of unimpeded movement, even the peak Dou Zong-level fire lizards cannot catch up.

  Many fire lizards made chirping sounds to express their anger.

  And at this moment, a strong pressure came from deeper in the magma.


  Su Yun came to the upper layer of magma, and when he saw that the fire lizards did not chase him out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a look of fatigue flashed across his face.

  Now, his aura has dropped back to the level of Nine-Star Fighting Emperor, and even appears slightly weak due to the aftereffects of performing the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire.

  Of course, Su Yun's first change of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire has been perfected, and the aftereffects have been greatly reduced. Although he is weak, he can still exert 90% of his combat power in his prime.

  Su Yun took out a pill from the system space and swallowed it to recover some fighting spirit.

  "This Fighting Lord wall is really solid."

  Su Yun sighed.

  "Haha, my friend.

  You are already very good. How can an ordinary person, with the cultivation of Nine-Star Fighting Emperor, deliver a blow close to the might of Fighting Lord?"

  Su Yun shook his head, not satisfied with this statement.

  At first, when he fought with Zhang Ritian, he was only at the level of a seven-star Douzong. He

  didn't even have the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, so although he could only fall behind, he still fought back and forth.

  Zhang Ritian was at the level of a six-star Douzong at that time, but his actual combat power had already reached the level of a seven-

  star Douzong. In other words, his combat power at that time had already reached the level of a six-star Douzong.

  Today, he used the first change of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, and his cultivation level temporarily increased to the level of a two-star Douzong. He used the Fire Sun Emperor Sword with all his strength, but he still couldn't cross that threshold.

  It's a pity, but if he uses the Five-Round Fire Separation Method, he might be able to completely break through that barrier.

  "The power of the Dou Zun cannot be compensated by numbers.

  The dozens of Dou Zong fire lizards, including some nine-star Dou Zong, can only attack as close to the Dou Zun as you if they join forces.

  The gap is obvious."