


  Chapter 317 Recovering the Meteoric Heart Flame (First Update!)

  Venerable Skyfire said.

  He was once a genuine Dou Zun strongman, so he naturally knows more about the Dou Zun's strength.

  This is not something that can be compensated by reading some memories, after all, it is not a real personal experience.

  "My friend, if I am not mistaken, you are probably not even nineteen this year. An

  eighteen-year-old nine-star Dou Huang is a top-notch talent even in Zhongzhou. It is not too difficult for you to be promoted to Dou Zun, don't worry."

  Su Yun smiled when he heard it.

  This is indeed as Venerable Skyfire said.

  After swallowing and refining the Meteoric Heart Flame, he can be promoted to Dou Zong, and then calm down and polish it for a period of time, and swallow the Bone Spirit Cold Fire. Presumably, his strength will surge again.

  After a while, Su Yun's fighting spirit was fully restored, and the sequelae of performing the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire also completely disappeared.

  Su Yun stood up and looked at the Heavenly Fire Venerable who was guarding him.

  "Senior Heavenly Fire, a few layers of magma above is the location of the Falling Heart Flame. When the time comes, I will still need to rely on you."

  The Heavenly Fire Venerable nodded, pondered for a while and said again.

  "However, I only have 30% chance of convincing it to recognize you as its master.

  It has also been flowing in the underground magma for thousands of years. Even if it still recognizes me as its master, it is unlikely that it will give up its freedom and become someone else's servant for the sake of that old relationship."

  The Heavenly Fire Venerable first gave Su Yun a shot of prevention.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance, and he was not at all angry because of the words of the Skyfire Venerable that seemed to shirk responsibility.

  This person was honest and could be considered a friend.

  However, Su Yun had no intention from the beginning to let the Skyfire Venerable persuade the Meteoric Heart Flame to recognize him as its master.

  "Don't worry, senior, I have another way."

  Su Yun smiled mysteriously, and took out the juvenile Meteoric Heart Flame from the system space.

  "Senior, wait a minute, you will do this..."


  In the upper layer of the underground magma, the invisible fire python was swimming around in the magma, like a fish swimming in water, quite free.

  The Fire Python's eyes would occasionally look at the huge energy shield at the top of the magma, and a hint of hatred appeared in its anthropomorphic pupils.

  At this time, the Invisible Fire Python suddenly looked into the depths of the magma, and a hint of surprise appeared in its pupils.

  "Hey, a thousand years have passed, why are you still here?"

  The phantom figure of the Skyfire Venerable emerged from the depths of the magma from far to near, and came to the surface of the magma, looking at the Invisible Fire Python, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.


  The Invisible Fire Python let out a light roar, as if asking the Skyfire Venerable how he got up.

  "Oh, this, let's not talk about it.

  You also know what happened back then, it's like a nightmare to me."

  The Skyfire Venerable smiled, but a hint of inexplicable color flashed across his eyes.

  Although the Invisible Fire Python has been born with intelligence, it is only equivalent to a young child among humans.

  Even though it is very unreasonable for him to appear here now, he can just fool around and get over it.

  After saying this, Venerable Skyfire flew upwards.

  Then he arrived in front of the energy shield, as if he had just realized that such a thing existed.

  "It's actually a seal. No wonder you have been staying here."

  Venerable Skyfire's face flashed with a flash of realization, and he flew back to the surface of the magma.


  The Invisible Fire Python roared again.

  "Break it?

  If there is a way to arrange this seal and let me see it, it is possible.

  If not, it can only be broken by brute force."

  Venerable Skyfire shook his head, but changed the subject again.

  "However, I do have a way to let you break this seal."

  Venerable Skyfire smiled at the Invisible Fire Python.


  Puzzled eyes flashed across the Invisible Fire Python's eyes.

  The Skyfire Venerable smiled, and with the surge of his soul power,

  a transparent halo appeared from his illusory body, and an invisible flame was quietly suspended in the halo.   

  "Do you still remember it?"


  The Invisible Fire Python roared excitedly, and instantly understood what the Skyfire Venerable meant, with a hint of deep desire in his pupils.

  "Do you want it?"

  The Skyfire Venerable asked with a smile, and at the same time, as his spiritual power surged, he suppressed the restlessness of the young Meteor Heart Flame in his hand.


  "Now you and I are both trapped here. In order to leave here, this Meteor Heart Flame is naturally for you."

  The Skyfire Venerable smiled.

  "Just swallow it, and after breaking the seal, you must rescue me too.

  The people who sealed you should not be good people. If they find me in this state, without your protection, I am afraid I will die again."


  The Invisible Fire Python's pupils flashed with a fiery color, and he nodded immediately.

  "In that case, this Meteoric Heart Flame is for you."

  The Skyfire Venerable said, throwing the transparent light ring in his hand to the Invisible Fire Python.

  "This light ring is condensed by me using the power of space to restrain the Meteoric Heart Flame.

  If it is released now, it will inevitably launch a fierce resistance.

  You might as well stick your head in and swallow it in one gulp, so that it can be swallowed.

  Remember, when you stick your head in the light ring, you must relax your whole body, otherwise it will easily arouse the power of space and bounce you away.

  In this way, your power will not break the space light ring and release the Meteoric Heart Flame inside.

  After all, I am too weak and the space power I can mobilize is limited. This space light ring is also very fragile."


  The Invisible Fire Python nodded, indicating that he understood, and then caught the space light ring with his body.

  Unable to suppress the desire in his heart, he carefully stuck his head into the light ring.

  At the moment when the head of the Invisible Fire Python was close to the spatial aperture.

  "System, recycle the Invisible Fire Python transformed by the mature stage of the Falling Heart Flame!"

  "Ding, the Invisible Fire Python is detected to be in a state of relaxation and not resisting, which meets the conditions for recycling, and the recycling is successful!"

  Suddenly, the huge body of the Invisible Fire Python disappeared in the outside world.

  When the spatial aperture was about to fall, Su Yun's figure immediately appeared and took over the spatial aperture.


  A smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and he also collected this group of invisible apertures into the system space.

  In the system space, this sudden change made the eyes of the Invisible Fire Python flash with a trace of panic and anger.


  Su Yun put this scene in his eyes, and his mind moved slightly.

  The Invisible Fire Python was like being cast a body-fixing spell, and its body suddenly stopped, and the anger on the head of the python was also frozen.

  "Young friend, you have a really good way!"

  A flash of surprise flashed across Venerable Skyfire's eyes, but he didn't ask any more questions.

  "Senior Skyfire, you are too kind."

  Su Yun didn't explain too much about this.

  He would not tell anyone about the existence of the system space.

  Now he has shown some mysteries to Venerable Skyfire.

  If Venerable Skyfire's life was not in his hands now, he would have suddenly killed his soul.

  "Then how should we get out now?"

  Venerable Skyfire pointed to the energy shield above his head and asked.

  "It doesn't matter, I have my own way."

  Su Yun said, and came to the energy shield. As his fighting spirit surged, he formed a specific energy handprint and gently printed it on the energy shield.

  A hole that only one person can pass through was opened from the energy shield.