

  Chapter 340 The Ultimate Back-up Plan (Second Update!)

  The gap between the top ten exotic fires in the exotic fire list is much larger than that after the tenth place.

  The four-color flame sounds powerful, but when it is superimposed, it can only barely squeeze into the top ten.

  The gap between the top ten exotic fires is so large that it can be seen.

  "Okay, okay."

  Zi Yan drooled when she heard the compensation from Xiao Xun'er.

  Su Yun glanced at Xiao Xun'er.

  Xiao Xun'er is smart and clever. If you underestimate her because of her young age, you may suffer a great loss.

  Moreover, she has the ultimate back-up plan left by Gu Yuan.

  Commonly known as, Dad is coming.

  If he really has evil intentions, he will be beaten to death immediately.

  Even the system space couldn't save him. Facing such a strong man, your thinking can't even keep up with his speed.

  Although the Skyfire Venerable can seal the space, so that the rest of the Douzun can't tear the space.

  But there is another sky barrier between the Dou Saint and the Douzun. The space seal of a one-star Douzun can't stop the perception of the Dou Saint.

  Not to mention Gu Yuan.

  "What do you think, Senior Su Yun?"

  "Just do as Zi Yan wants."

  Su Yun waved his hand.

  As for Xiao Xun'er's compensation to Zi Yan, it's good as long as the little girl is happy.

  Killing people and beating people are two different concepts. If Lingquan and others really die in his hands, things will be really tricky.

  "Thank you, Senior Su Yun."

  Xiao Xun'er heard this and breathed a sigh of relief.

  She was afraid that Su Yun would hold on to this matter.

  "Don't be too happy too soon. Zi Yan is the granddaughter of the great elder Su Qian, and she has a better connection with the one behind the academy."

  Su Yun said lightly.

  Xiao Xun'er is very important in the ancient clan, and he doesn't want to be hostile to her. He reminds her and does her a favor.

  If the bad guy complains first when Lingquan returns, she will have to block it.

  He doesn't believe that this person can become the deputy commander of the Black Annihilation Army with such a useless appearance, and he doesn't have any connections in the ancient clan.

  Xiao Xun'er is very smart and immediately heard the hidden meaning in Su Yun's words.

  This matter was caused by the conflict between Zi Yan and Lingquan. Su Yun had to take action, but he didn't want to be hostile to the ancient clan.

  Therefore, he wanted to use her to pass on the information.

  "Xun'er understands.

  This is a favor Xun'er owes Senior. Lingquan is unbearable, but he cannot represent the Ancient Clan alone.

  The Ancient Clan is willing to be friends with Senior Su Yun."

  The conversation between the smart people was winding, but both sides could understand the meaning.


  Su Yun nodded, and the matter was over. Xiao Xun'er would also solve Lingquan's problems in the future.

  With a wave of his sleeves, the invisible fire python in the sky immediately shrank and turned into an invisible flame that drilled into Su Yun's body.

  Xiao Xun'er also looked at Lingquan and others, and a jade slip on the ground immediately caught her attention.

  Space Jade Slip!

  Xiao Xun'er's face flashed with frost.

  The elders in the clan were really thoughtful. In order to let her go back, they even gave Lingquan the Space Jade Slip.

  She had the space jade slip given to her by her father, so she didn't need the protection of other elders. This jade slip was simply left to take her back by force!

  The other nine Black Annihilation Army were just blown away, and only Lingquan fainted.

  Xiao Xun'er was not without temper, and the force of that golden light basically hit Lingquan.

  Putting the jade slip away, a smile flashed in Xiao Xun'er's eyes.

  This time, she really had to thank Senior Su Yun, and she could stay outside for a while longer.

  Xiao Xun'er waved her jade hand, used the fighting spirit to draw Lingquan's storage ring into her hand, and shouted to the other nine people.

  "Black Annihilation Army, listen to my orders."


  "Take out all the herbs in your rings."


  The nine people also heard the negotiation conditions between their mistress and Su Yun. Without hesitation, they took out all the herbs in their hands and handed them to Xiao Xun'er.

  Xiao Xun'er also used her soul power to forcibly erase the soul mark on the Lingquan ring, took out the herbs in it, and handed them to Zi Yan along with the remaining nine people.

  "Wow! So many!"

  Zi Yan's face flashed with satisfaction.

  "Okay, let's go back."

  Su Yun said to Zi Yan.

  "Hehe, after we go back, help me refine these into pills, okay?" "

  Don't worry."

  Su Yun smiled, put all the herbs in Zi Yan's hand into the system space, and then left with Zi Yan and Qing Lin.

  On the mountain peak nearby, Venerable Skyfire saw this and unlocked the space here. His figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

  Just as Venerable Skyfire left, Xiao Xun'er looked at the mountain where he had just been, and a faint golden light appeared in her eyes.

  The Venerable accompanied him. What kind of background does this senior Su Yun have...


  After returning to the small pavilion, Su Yun asked Qinglin and Ziyan to tell him the whole story of this incident.

  At that time, he only knew that Ziyan and Lingquan had a conflict, but he didn't know the specific situation.

  "Is that so?"

  Su Yun nodded, and looked at Qinglin again, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

  "Sister Xun'er...

  Qinglin, when did you get to know Xun'er?"

  "Well, this is what happened."

  Qinglin began to explain to Su Yun.

  When Su Yun was in seclusion refining the Falling Heart Flame, Xiao Yan learned about the Xiao family's misfortune and wanted to return to the Gama Empire. When he left Heping Town, he was caught by Xuan Hufa.

  Although he was rescued by Wu Tianlang later, Yao Lao once again consumed most of his spiritual power in order to protect Xiao Yan and was about to fall into a deep sleep.

  At this juncture, it was too late to collect the herbs for the Soul-Nourishing Saliva and refine it. Just when Xiao Yan was exhausted.

  Xiao Xun'er got the news from nowhere that Qinglin had the Soul-Nourishing Saliva.

  Afterwards, Su Yun used the fact that he and Xiao Yan were close friends, and with his witty words, he managed to trick Qing Lin into giving him two portions of Soul Nourishing Saliva.

  "That's what happened.

  Sister Xun'er seems to have also practiced pupil skills, and she saw that my soul power recovered very quickly, with the help of medicine."

  A hint of innocence and ignorance flashed across Qing Lin's face.

  Su Yun's mouth twitched as he listened. He

  had a new understanding of Xiao Xun'er's mind.

  Qing Lin's Soul Nourishing Saliva was made by Su Yun for her. Because she had to practice pupil skills inherited from the Snake Saint, Qing Lin's soul power was consumed very quickly.

  It was really too slow to rely solely on soul skills to restore soul power.

  Xiao Xun'er's mind is almost like a demon. From Qing Lin's description, he got two portions of soul-nourishing saliva from her for free without paying any price.

  Of course, there is also the reason that Qing Lin is simple-minded.

  But Su Yun secretly made up his mind that he must get something from Xiao Xun'er in the future.

  Su Yun shook his head and did not dwell on this matter. He began to get to the point of today.

  "We have already inquired about the news of the eighth-level snake monster.

  It is in the Heavenly Snake Empire."

  "The Heavenly Snake Empire..."

  Everyone's expression was slightly shocked when they heard this.

  In order to find the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, they had been to the Heavenly Snake Empire once before. The danger of that experience left a deep impression on everyone.

  I didn't expect to have to go there again this