

  Chapter 341 Su Yun's Combat Strength (First Update!

  "This time, the target is too strong.

  Senior Tianhuo and I will accompany Qinglin.

  The rest of the people will wait for us at Canaan Academy."

  "We don't have to go?"

  Xiao Yixian placed her jade hand on Su Yun's palm, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

  Su Yun shook his head.

  Except for him and Venerable Tianhuo, the others were not strong enough.

  Even if Xiao Yixian activated the Disaster Poison Body and used all her means, she was only a six-star peak Dou Zong. In a battle between Venerables, Dou Zong could not participate.

  Su Yun looked at Qinglin again.

  The little girl had already refined the Emperor Pill, successfully crossed two stars, and was promoted to a nine-star Dou Huang.

  "Qinglin, this time it's up to you."

  A smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  "Yeah, leave it to Qinglin."

  Qinglin nodded gently, and a trace of seriousness flashed in her slightly enchanting eyes.

  Perhaps it was because the development of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils had been very deep.

  Even if the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils were not opened now, Qinglin's eyes were full of temptation, and people who looked into his eyes would inevitably feel dazed.

  "If nothing unexpected happens, we will go to Zhongzhou soon after we come back, so everyone should be prepared."



  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Deep in the Demonic Mountain Range, in an uninhabited area, two figures were fighting in the sky.

  One of them was full of fighting spirit, and his fire-attributed fighting spirit was quite pure. The other was surrounded by four-colored flames and had a strong aura. Although he had not reached the level of Dou Zun, his fighting power was not weak at all.

  The terrifying power displayed by the two made the mountains shake, and a small mountain was crushed to pieces with a touch of the residual wave.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with thought, and he swung a sword flower in his hand.

  As his aura was surging, the energy of the heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles was attracted by it and gathered on Canyang.

  Tianhuo Zun clenched his trembling hands and twitched the corners of his mouth.

  This kid, this is not polite at all!

  "Senior, be careful.

  Flowing Flame Dragon Slash!"

  A terrifying flaming dragon, carrying the destructive power of four-colored exotic fire, arrived in front of Skyfire Venerable in an instant.


  A huge flame barrier seemed to block in front of Skyfire Venerable.


  The flame barrier was torn apart, and the center point where the two collided even had a large space crack torn out.

  The surrounding space was also gradually distorted, and space cracks appeared one after another, but in comparison, they seemed very small.

  The battle between Dou Zun was fierce, and tearing space was common.

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun was unmoved.

  In the Gate of Life and Death, he used the five-colored fire lotus to cause much more commotion.

  Of course, the space inside the Gate of Life and Death is not stable. If the five-colored fire lotus was used in the outside world, the destructive power to space would not be so great.


  The aftermath gradually dissipated, and the figure of the Sky Fire Zun appeared, looking a bit wolfish.

  "No more fighting. If you keep fighting, my old bones will fall apart sooner or later."

  Venerable Skyfire waved his hands.

  Su Yun heard this and withdrew the four-colored flames on his body and cancelled the Three Mysterious Changes of Skyfire.

  A sense of weakness came over him, making Su Yun slightly uncomfortable.

  This time, he sparred with Venerable Skyfire to determine what level of combat power he had reached.

  This way, he would have a better idea when facing Lin Yue, the snake of the Sky Snake Mansion.

  "After you used the Three Mysterious Changes of Skyfire, your cultivation level soared to the level of the Seven-Star Fighting Sect in a short period of time, and you didn't use any exotic fire to fight the enemy.

  Just relying on the skills of fighting, your combat power is already very close to that of the Fighting Lord.

  And on this basis, if you use the four kinds of exotic fire, you can completely break through that barrier and even reach the peak of the Two-Star Fighting Lord, and you can easily suppress me. "

  The Skyfire Venerable exclaimed.   

  A difference of one and a half stars is enough to make him completely helpless. If Su Yun had not held back, he would not be just a wolf.

  Su Yun frowned, not very satisfied with the result.

  This strength is already good, but the span is indeed a little less.

  Before, without the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, he could not improve his strength in a short time, but he could jump over almost a whole realm to fight the enemy.

  Now it is a little disappointing.

  Four-color flames sound scary, but he himself is very clear about their true power. The

  two-color flames formed by the superposition of the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire are comparable to the fourteenth-ranked exotic fire on the exotic fire list.

  This leap is very large, jumping over five kinds of exotic fire, but it is only this time.

  After that, he refined the Sea Heart Flame, and the three-color exotic fire could only be comparable to the exotic fire ranked eleventh on the exotic fire list, surpassing three kinds of exotic fire.

  Finally, the Falling Heart Flame, which absorbed abundant fire energy and could compete with the twelveth on the exotic fire list, could only barely reach the ninth level with the four-color exotic fire.

  This is the gap between the exotic fires.

  Only the exotic fires ranked in the top ten can have a greater impact on the Dou Zun realm.

  It can increase his combat power from close to Dou Zun to the peak of the two-star Dou Zun, roughly surpassing the three-star strength.

  The four-color flame can be comparable to the three thousand flames in terms of attack, which is already quite good.

  After all, the Dou Zun realm is not easy to cross.

  "Young people are greedy.

  If you use four kinds of strange fire to perform the Five-wheel Fire Separation Method, you can exert a stronger power.

  And you will not stop at the three-star Dou Zun.

  If you want to improve your strength again in a short time, you can start from this aspect."

  Tianhuo Zun said with a smile.

  The Five-wheel Fire Separation Method performed with four kinds of strange fire can be comparable to the power of heaven-level fighting skills.

  Heaven-level fighting skills and earth-level fighting skills are completely two levels. Even at the Dou Zun stage, you can fight across multiple stars. However,

  earth-level fighting skills no longer have this effect.

  After practicing to the Dou Zun realm, no matter how badly you are doing, you will definitely have earth-level intermediate fighting skills.

  Therefore, Su Yun's advantage in this aspect has begun to shrink. It is not easy to fight against a higher level.

  Su Yun glanced at the Skyfire Venerable, thought about it, and still did not speak.

  He has never demonstrated the Five-wheel Fire Separation Method, and the Skyfire Venerable does not know yet that he has already cultivated it to perfection.

  As for using this fighting skill to fight the Skyfire Venerable... No, who can bear it when he just resurrected and died again.

  The power of this thing is indeed amazing, and God knows if he can hold his power.

  "According to the great elder Su Qian, She Linyue's last attack was ten years ago.

  In the past ten years, I don't know if she has made another breakthrough."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of seriousness.

  The gap between the fighting lords is too big, and he can't attack in public.

  It is hard to say whether the Skyfire Venerable will be killed by She Linyue on the way to lead her out of the Sky Snake Mansion.

  Venerable Skyfire also had a solemn look on his face.

  This time, his mission was the most important, and he needed to face She Linyue alone for a period of time.

  The two-star difference between Dou Zun and other realms is different. It is a fatal gap.

  "I am somewhat confident."

  Venerable Skyfire pondered for a while and said.


  Are you serious?"

  Su Yun was a little surprised when he heard it.

  "Don't force yourself too much. If it really doesn't work, we can still think of other ways and take a long-term view."

  "Oh, no force."

  Venerable Skyfire's face flashed with a trace of confidence.

  "To be honest, when I was racing on the mainland, although I was famous for the Five-Wheel Fire Method, I

  was best at this body fighting skill."
