

  Chapter 342: Re-entering the Heavenly Snake Empire (Second Update!)

  Venerable Tianhuo stroked his long beard, as if reminiscing about the past.

  "I had many enemies at that time, and I was able to escape only by relying on this escape technique.

  Su Yun, your fighting ability is not bad, but in my opinion, this escape method needs to be strengthened a bit."

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows, and then he realized that Venerable Tianhuo was actually a person of the same dodge as him.

  He had never thought of it before.

  "With my escape technique, it is not difficult to lead it into an uninhabited place, but the subsequent confrontation depends on you.

  It is a method with side effects.

  I can't help much."

  Su Yun nodded.

  This matter is simple, just lure the snake Linyue here, he uses the method of deceiving the world and performing the method of Lao Liu, and he has never failed to injure it by surprise.

  And this is only the worst plan. If She Linyue is only a two-star Dou Zun, things will be very simple.

  "In this case, we will set out for the Heavenly Snake Empire in three days."


  After that, Su Yun's back was shining with a glow, and the Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings appeared.

  This place is quite far from Canaan Academy. It will be faster to use the Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings.


  Just as Su Yun was about to fly to Canaan Academy with the Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings, he was stopped by the Skyfire Venerable. The

  Skyfire Venerable looked at Su Yun and smiled.

  "Why fly over when I'm here?"

  As he said that, the Skyfire Venerable stretched out his hands, grabbed the space in front of him, and suddenly tore it.


  A space crack appeared in front of the Skyfire Venerable.

  Venerable Skyfire sent out space power, and a space channel was built.

  "I have already left the coordinates at Canaan Academy, this is faster."

  Su Yun was slightly startled, he had forgotten this.

  As long as there are space coordinates, it is easy to build a space channel with the ability of Douzun.

  However, the distance cannot be too far. If it is like the distance from Zhongzhou to the Northwest Continent, it will be difficult.

  "Senior Skyfire is still thoughtful."

  Su Yun smiled slightly, put away the Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings, and entered the space channel with Venerable Skyfire.

  Soon, the two returned to Canaan Academy.

  This is much more convenient, Su Yun's eyes flashed with emotion.

  Su Yun returned to the small attic and entered the room. Seeing that the Little Medical Immortal was still cultivating, he did not disturb her.

  He sat cross-legged, and as the four-colored flames surged, he refined the magic poison spot on his chest for cultivation.

  After a month, although his cultivation was still at the four-star Dou Zong, thanks to the magic poison spot, he had made a great progress in this realm.

  If he was given another month, he might be able to break through to the five-star Dou Zong.

  In two months, he could reach a small realm. In addition to the magic poison spot, the quasi-heavenly level skills and the blessing of the four kinds of strange fire also played an indispensable role.

  However, this magic poison spot might only support his cultivation to the seven-star Dou Zong, or even before that, and it would be completely refined.

  Su Yun felt a little regretful, but it quickly disappeared.

  He couldn't take in all of Scorpion Biyan's cultivation. The impurities and impure fighting spirit in it would be quenched and dispersed by the four kinds of exotic fire.

  This would inevitably waste some energy, but it would also make his fighting spirit pure enough, and the quality would not be reduced.

  Three days passed quickly.

  Su Yun, Skyfire Venerable, and Qinglin came to the exit of the inner courtyard, ready to go to the Sky Snake Empire.

  At the exit, there were several lion-griffon beasts, and there were more than twenty students here.

  "Is this graduation?"

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with understanding.

  Most of these students are at the peak of fighting spirits, and some are not so good, but they are above the seven-star fighting spirits, and the youngest is 25 years old.

  It should be time for them to graduate and leave.

  "Yes, these are basically students from Zhongzhou.

  Today the academy has prepared griffon beasts, and let the elders lead the team to escort them to the space wormhole."

  An old voice sounded from Su Yun's side.

  Su Yun turned around and saw that it was Elder Su, whom he had not seen for a long time.   

  "Elder Su, long time no see."

  "Hahaha, yes."

  Elder Su laughed.

  "Are you planning to leave the academy to do things?"

  "Not bad."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "We'll leave first."

  "Busy man, I understand, go ahead."

  Elder Su said.

  Immediately, Su Yun gestured to Qing Lin.

  "Qing Lin."

  "Okay, sir."

  Qing Lin's pupils flashed with a strange green light, and the three-flower pupils of the green snake gradually emerged.

  Under the green light, a sixth-level snake monster suddenly appeared in the outside world.

  "Sixth-level monster!"

  Elder Su was startled, and the students around him also looked over.

  Several fourth-level lion-griffins even folded their wings and made a fearful sound.

  "It's okay, it won't hurt anyone."

  Su Yun smiled at Elder Su and many students, stepped into the air, and flew onto the snake's back.

  Qing Lin and Tian Huo Zun followed closely.

  The snake twisted its body and flew away.

  The dozens of students heading to Zhongzhou all had a flash of envy in their eyes.

  Their family was not too strong. Although there were strong men from the Dou Zong, they were not ranked in Zhongzhou.

  "Senior Su Yun is really a role model for our generation."

  A student's eyes flashed with envy.

  His name was Xu Jie, and he was the top student on the Dou Ling list who stood up to challenge Su Yun when Su Yun and Xiao Yan met in the arena.

  He was born in the Northwest Continent, but wanted to go to Zhongzhou to make trouble. It happened that his good brother, Dai Jianbin, came from a family in Zhongzhou.

  Today, he was invited by him to visit the Dai family.


  Eight days later, Su Yun and his three companions arrived at the Heavenly Snake Empire.

  Riding a sixth-level monster is much faster than before.

  Before approaching the Heavenly Snake Empire, Su Yun asked Qinglin to put away the big snake to avoid attracting the attention of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Now we don't know the specific strength of She Linyue, it's always right to be cautious.

  The Heavenly Snake Mansion is located in a city that intersects with the Monster Mountain Range, and its name is the Holy City

  of Heavenly Snake. Its prosperity is much higher than that of the capital of the Heavenly Snake Empire.

  The dominant position of the Heavenly Snake Mansion in the Heavenly Snake Empire can be imagined.

  In the Holy City of Heavenly Snake, Su Yun and the other two dressed up and lived in a guest house with their auras concealed.

  In the guest room, Su Yun sat cross-legged.

  "This Heavenly Snake Palace is so overbearing.

  All the strong men with cultivation above three-star Dou Zong who appear in the Heavenly Snake Empire must be registered."

  Su Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

  In order to ensure that it is not threatened by other forces, the Heavenly Snake Palace has established such a rule. It

  is fine when facing external forces, but also for local forces in the Heavenly Snake Empire.

  Once a local strongman breaks through the three-star Dou Zong, he will face the surveillance of the Heavenly Snake Palace and be forced to enter the headquarters of the Heavenly Snake Palace every three months.

  When they came before, Wu Tianlang and Hai Bodong were only one-star Dou Zong, and they didn't know this rule.

  If they had not seen a four-star Dou Zong being checked in front of the city gate today, they would have been exposed to the eyes of Tianshe.

  "It can be said that it was safe. Your concealment method is profound, Qinglin's cultivation is not enough, and they can't detect my cultivation."

  Tianhuo Zun said leisurely.
