

  Chapter 344 Entering the Heavenly Snake Mansion (Second Update!)

  Su Yun swallowed the marshmallow in one gulp.


  Why does this marshmallow smell like milk?

  In his mind, Su Yun unconsciously compared the taste of the marshmallow with that of the Little Medical Fairy.

  Soon Su Yun came to the conclusion that this ball of marshmallow fell into the lower level.

  After all, the sense of taste alone cannot compete with the sense of taste and touch.


  That night, Su Yun's figure gradually disappeared and merged into the surrounding environment. His aura was also completely absorbed into his body without leaking a trace.

  The level of deceiving the world is so high that unless you are a fighting saint or your soul power reaches the heavenly realm, you will not be able to see through it at all.

  Su Yun was very confident about sneaking into the Heavenly Snake Mansion. Even if he couldn't get any information, it would be easy to get out of it.

  The Heavenly Snake Mansion was heavily guarded. Su Yun came to the gate of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  He ignored the guards at the door, flashed in, and entered silently.

  The soul power penetrated his body, and he used a very profound soul secret method to explore the breath in the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Su Yun frowned. It was okay that he didn't sense the breath of She Linyue in the Heavenly Snake Holy City before.

  It could be said that it was because of the distance.

  Now that he entered the Heavenly Snake Mansion, he didn't find anything.

  Is She Linyue in the Heavenly Snake Mansion?

  Su Yun took a step and walked towards the path beside the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Let's catch a lucky guy first. Instead of guessing blindly, it's better to let the system scan and recover it in one step.

  The Heavenly Snake Palace occupies a very large area, and the guards around it are basically in groups, which makes Su Yun a little difficult to take action. It's

  okay if one person suddenly faints, but if there are a lot of people, anyone would know that there is a problem.

  Suddenly, Su Yun's eyes lit up, and a fat figure with a big belly walked out of the palace.

  What a fate.

  A smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  Before, when he and Xiao Yixian and others came to the Demonic Beast Mountain Range to look for the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire played tricks and drove the beast tide to attack them.

  Qinglin controlled Baiya to self-destruct to cover them, which also exposed Baiya's existence.

  It was at that time that he did not want to be targeted by the Heavenly Snake Palace.

  He spent a seventh-order energy crystal core, merged with the deception, changed his identity, and provided the Heavenly Snake Mansion with half-true and half-false information.

  This person was the person in charge of the Heavenly Snake Mansion branch in their city, and the first person he had deceived with the deception.

  I don't know how this guy got into the headquarters of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, which was considered a promotion.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and he took out a jade bottle from the system space, and slowly walked towards the person in charge.

  Fat She walked out of the palace with a nod and bowed, closed the door respectfully, and then immediately straightened his back, with a hint of pride flashing across his fat face.

  Thanks to the guy who passed on the news of Elder White Fang to him, the strong men in the mansion found the aura left by Elder White Fang from the Monster Mountain Range, so he was able to add a record to his resume. Otherwise,

  it would take several more years for him to be promoted to the headquarters.

  And that person didn't come to claim the bounty afterwards, so the thing went into his pocket.

  A trace of emotion flashed in She Pang's eyes.

  After coming to the Sky Snake Mansion, his luck has turned. Recently, he has boarded the boat of the young master of the mansion. He is on the rise and will be successful soon. Hey... why am I so dizzy...

  Just when She Pang was imagining the future, a feeling of dizziness suddenly came over him, and in an instant, She Pang's body swayed and he was about to fall to the ground.

  "System, scan his memory!"

  "Ding, scan successful."


  "Recover successful."

  Su Yun just smiled when a loud noise came from beside him.


  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. This guy should lose weight.

  Shaking his head, Su Yun immediately left here and planned to check his memory.

  "Where did the sound come from!"

  "There... is a piece of meat!"   

  "Let's go!"


  Su Yun sat cross-legged on a tree trunk, closed his eyes and checked She Pang's memory.

  After a while, Su Yun opened his eyes, and a thoughtful look flashed across his face.

  This man's name is She Pang, and he does not have a high status in the Heavenly Snake Mansion, he is just a steward.

  But his ancestors had made great contributions to the Heavenly Snake Mansion, and he had heard some information about She Linyue from his grandfather.

  She Linyue is a little snake that the previous master of the Heavenly Snake Mansion raised since childhood.

  The relationship between the man and the snake is very good, which is also the reason why She Linyue stayed in the Heavenly Snake Mansion after the previous master of the Heavenly Snake Mansion passed away.

  Otherwise, with the ability of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils to enslave snake monsters, how could there be any snake monsters really willing to guard the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Su Yun's eyes gradually narrowed into a slit.

  "Strange, how did she cultivate to the Dou Zun realm?"

  It is said that Snake Linyue's talent is not good, and her body is just a very ordinary snake monster.

  The growth rate is not high, and she can only reach the fourth level monster even if she survives. This is similar to Xiao Lan.

  "No, the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils have always absorbed the cultivation of snake monsters for cultivation. Where have you heard that it can help snake monsters improve their cultivation?"

  This Snake Linyue may have another opportunity, or the previous master of the Heavenly Snake Mansion gave her an incredible secret method...

  and there was an unexpected gain.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a strange color.

  "Come to think of it, this guy is quite good at enjoying life."

  Su Yun marveled.

  After sorting out the information, Su Yun walked through the Heavenly Snake Mansion again and continued to catch the lone people. After

  one night, Su Yun knocked out three more people, among whom the one with the highest cultivation was a Douhuang peak strongman.

  But he didn't get any useful information from these three people.

  Su Yun felt a little headache. She Linyue's status in the Heavenly Snake Mansion was quite high. It seemed that he had to find a way to catch the high-level people.

  The sun was half hanging in the sky, and Su Yun could only leave the Heavenly Snake Mansion and return to the inn.

  In the inn, Qinglin practiced for a night. Just when he opened his eyes, a knock on the door sounded from outside.


  Su Yun's voice came from outside the door.

  So early?

  A trace of doubt flashed across Qinglin's eyes, and he stood up and slightly adjusted his clothes.

  He lowered his head to look at his breasts, and thought of his bold behavior yesterday, and a trace of shyness flashed across his face.

  Qinglin pushed open the door.

  "What's the matter, sir?"

  "Nothing, I just want to ask, can your Green Snake Three Flower Pupils help snakes improve their cultivation?"

  Qinglin was slightly startled when he heard this, and then shook his head.

  "No, sir.

  As long as they are controlled by my Green Snake Three Flower Pupils, the cultivation of those snake monsters will flow into my body involuntarily.

  Even if I deliberately control them, I can only ensure that their cultivation will not be lost.

  But as for helping them improve their cultivation, well, there is no record of this in the inheritance of the Snake Saint.

  I also don't feel that the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils have such an effect."

  "I know."

  Su Yun stroked his smooth chin.

  He confirmed it again from Qinglin, and he was completely sure that Snake Linyue had something incredible.
