

  Chapter 345 Five-star Dou Zong (First update!)

  Tonight, I will go to the Heavenly Snake Mansion to investigate.

  Su Yun silently made up his mind.


  The next morning, Su Yun rubbed his temples and had a slight headache.

  "Even the elders of the Heavenly Snake Mansion at the level of Dou Zong don't know where she is."

  He had just returned from the Heavenly Snake Mansion and even sneaked into the training room of a Dou Zong elder and knocked him out, but he didn't expect that even he didn't know where She Linyue was.

  "It seems that we have to target the current owner of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, or the son of the previous owner of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, She Lengyue."

  A glimmer flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  The son of the previous owner of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, She Lengyue, is 27 years old this year, with a nine-star Douhuang cultivation level, and his talent is top-notch in this northwest continent.

  With the full help of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, maybe he can reach the realm of Dou Zun in the future.

  However, he made the Dou Zong elder faint, which may have aroused the vigilance of the Heavenly Snake Mansion. It may take some time before he can go.

  Regarding this point, Su Yun is not unacceptable.

  It is just right to concentrate on training for another month and break through the five-star Dou Zong. The chance of winning against the formation snake Lin Yue is better.


  The interrogation room of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  "When you walked out of the room, you felt dizzy, and then fainted and fell to the ground?"

  A Tianshe Mansion elder at the Douhuang level asked She Pang.


  She Pang's tone was respectful, not daring to hide anything.

  "You are also a Dou Wang strongman, how could you suddenly faint?"

  The Douhuang elder continued to ask.


  A trace of embarrassment flashed across She Pang's eyes.

  "Maybe I've been too busy recently and my body is too tired."

  "Oh, is that so?"

  Hearing this, Elder Dou Huang picked up the paper on the table and glanced at it.

  "I went to Chunfeng Pavilion for three days and ordered three at a time.

  A young girl, a mature woman, and a cat-eared beastman.

  You are quite good at playing."

  She Pang smiled awkwardly and took out a bottle of pills from his ring and put them on the table.

  "Elder, can you tell me the truth?

  You have specially asked about my little matter, and even the mansion has investigated my whereabouts.

  Which big shot did I offend?"

  Elder Dou Huang raised his eyelids, glanced at She Pang, and put away the pills without leaving a trace.

  "Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong.

  It's just that our Tianshe Mansion seems to have been targeted recently.

  Many people have fainted inexplicably in the past two days, and even an elder of the Dou Zong level has fainted inexplicably during cultivation.

  As for why you are being interrogated, it's because you are the first one."

  "So that's it."

  Snake Fat breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he was shocked and understood the current situation.

  It turned out that he fainted not because of Chunfeng Pavilion, but because he was plotted against by a mysterious person.

  "Go back, there is nothing for you to do."

  "Thank you, Elder."

  Snake Fat stood up and was about to leave, but the voice of Elder Douhuang rang from behind him again.

  "By the way, help me book a private room at Chunfeng Pavilion tonight, and also order the people."

  "Hehe, yes."


  Another day passed, and Venerable Tianhuo returned to Tianshe Holy City.

  Guest room.

  "Senior Tianhuo, how is it?"

  Su Yun asked Venerable Tianhuo.

  Venerable Tianhuo shook his head.

  "I have explored the entire territory of the Tianshe Empire, and I have not found a place where the Douzun strongmen can fight without being noticed."   

  Su Yun frowned. This was indeed a difficult matter.

  Dou Zun was so powerful that when he started fighting, the sky and the earth could be felt shaking within a hundred miles.

  "Actually, there is a place that is quite good."

  Tianhuo Zun said after a moment's hesitation.

  "Where is it?"

  "It is in the depths of the Monster Mountain Range near the Holy City of Heavenly Snake.

  However, that Monster Mountain Range is controlled by the Heavenly Snake Mansion, which keeps snake monsters.

  Even in the deepest part, there are probably snake monsters with intelligence lurking in it."

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes. This was indeed a good place.

  "It's true that Qinglin's Green Snake Tricolor Pupil can control snake monsters.

  But later he needs to control Snake Linyue. If he controls tens of thousands of snake monsters, it will be a big burden."

  Venerable Tianhuo expressed his concerns.

  Su Yun nodded.

  Indeed, Green Snake Tricolor Pupil relies on soul power. The more snake monsters it controls, the heavier the burden on Green Snake Tricolor Pupil.

  Qinglin's current soul power is not enough to support it.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

  However, he has other ways.

  He stretched out his hand, and a ball of red flame emerged from the palm of his hand, and the shape of the Ten Thousand Beasts faintly emerged in it.

  "Qinglin can't do it, but the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire can."

  Venerable Tianhuo's eyes showed a touch of surprise.

  "Indeed, this is a good idea."

  The Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire can control all beasts, including snake monsters.

  Su Yun then put away the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

  Although there was no sign of Snake Linyue, the ambush location had been found, which was considered some progress.

  "I'll go there first to prepare."

  Su Yun said, and activated the deceiving the world, hiding his body and aura. The Thousand Illusion Absolute Shadow Wings emerged from behind, and his figure disappeared into the sky amidst the glow of the sunset.

  To be on the safe side, he planned to control all the intelligent monsters. This way, the possibility of his true strength being exposed would be low enough.

  Seven days passed in a flash.

  The monster mountain range near the Holy City of Heavenly Snake is very vast. Even with Su Yun's ability, it took him seven days to control all the intelligent monsters.

  In the following time, Su Yun practiced in the inn, intending to upgrade to the five-star fighting sect before going to the Heavenly Snake Mansion to inquire about the news.


  It has been a month since Su Yun and the other two arrived at the Heavenly Snake Empire.

  In the system space.

  An extremely strong breath rose, Su Yun opened his eyes, and the aura on his body surged. It was surprising that he had already been promoted to the five-star fighting sect.

  Su Yun punched the space in front of him.


  A huge explosion broke out from the space, but the space was motionless and not affected at all.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of thought.

  The space in the system space is terrifyingly solid. His punch just now used fighting spirit, physical strength, and the blessing of four-color flames.

  If it were placed in the outside world, there would inevitably be a distortion of space, but here it did not cause any ripples.

  The mystery of the system is probably not something he can guess now.

  Shaking his head, Su Yun clenched his fists and felt his abundant fighting spirit.

  When he was still a four-star fighting master, his combat power could reach the peak of a two-star fighting master if he used all his means.

  But now that his cultivation has made a breakthrough, he cannot guarantee whether his combat power can reach a three-star fighting master.

  "Maybe, I can strengthen my body."

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and focused on his physical strength.

  The last time he strengthened his body was when he absorbed the Sea Heart Flame.

  Now his body strength is comparable to that of a seventh-level monster. If it is strengthened again, it will be comparable to that of an eighth-level monster.

  It can also increase his combat power.