

  Chapter 346: Snake Lin Yue Appears (Second Update!)

  Su Yun closed his eyes again and began to search for body-refining fighting skills in his memory.

  Previously, he used the earth-level advanced body-refining fighting skills to strengthen his body to the level comparable to the seventh-level monster.

  Now, if he wants to make his body stronger again, he can fuse a few more earth-level advanced body-refining fighting skills, or fuse the heaven-level low-level fighting skills in one go. The

  body-refining fighting skills he fused are just to enhance the strength of the body, not an offensive method like the Vajra Glass Body. There is

  no limitation that the heaven-level fighting skills cannot be used if the fighting spirit is insufficient.

  After a while, Su Yun found a heaven-level low-level body-refining fighting skill "Yang Yan Liuli Body" from his memory.

  "System, fuse me with this "Yang Yan Liuli Body"!"

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected, which requires three seventh-level magic cores or energy crystals. Do you want to fuse?"


  "Ding, fusion is successful."

  The three seventh-level magic cores in the system space disappeared quietly, and a mysterious energy instantly poured into Su Yun's body.

  A trace of pain flashed across Su Yun's face.

  Strengthening the body to a level comparable to that of an eighth-level demon beast would bring pain that even Su Yun could not bear with his current endurance. An

  eighth-level demon beast, a fighting master, as long as you stick to these two, it will not be easy.

  This level is also a figure in Zhongzhou. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is already out of reach, a legendary existence.

  It was like in such a huge Northwest Continent, Su Yun only knew that there was a She Linyue who had reached this level.

  Two days had passed, and Su Yun's body was wet with sweat, but the corners of his mouth were raised with an arc.

  At this time, his physical strength was magnificent, and under his well-proportioned body was a terrible power.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and he came out of the system space.

  Before, he sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough, so he entered the system space.

  In case the aura dissipated involuntarily when breaking through, and his true cultivation was discovered.

  After coming out, Su Yun immediately took a shower, his body was full of sweat, and he was very uncomfortable.

  In the room next to him, Qing Lin's delicate and small ears moved slightly.

  The young master is back.

  Qing Lin's eyes flashed with joy.

  Suddenly, in Qinglin's perception, a soul barrier rose.

  "Hey, why did you open the soul barrier?"

  A trace of doubt emerged in Qinglin's heart, and a green light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and the three-flower pupil of the green snake quietly emerged.

  Take a look, it shouldn't be a problem, hmm.

  Qinglin convinced himself in this way, and used the secret method. The green light of the three-flower pupil of the green snake became three times more magnificent, adding a touch of enchantment.


  Qinglin's face immediately flushed, and her snow-white neck was slightly flushed. Her breathing was rapid, and her already small chest was heaving. The

  young master's body seemed to be stronger again...

  At this time, Su Yun was wiping her body in the bathtub, and she didn't realize that she was being peeped at.

  Su Yun looked down subconsciously. The strengthening of his body made him more angry.

  "Forget it. I already have a girlfriend, so I won't bother Miss Five Fingers."

  Su Yun said to himself.

  Fortunately, since he traveled through time, Su Yun no longer rewards himself. Otherwise,

  maybe, you don't want Sister Xian'er to know about your hand-to-hand fight, so it might not happen.


  At night, Su Yun came to the Heavenly Snake Mansion again.

  It had been a while since he came to the Heavenly Snake Mansion to inquire about the news.

  Although the Heavenly Snake Mansion has not completely let down its guard, it has also relaxed a little, which is just right for action.

  With the help of Qi Tianmianshi, Su Yun entered the Heavenly Snake Mansion very easily.   

  The current Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion is an eight-star Dou Zong cultivator. It is not difficult to knock him out, but it is troublesome to do it without alarming anyone. It is better to start

  with She Lengyue.

  This person is the son of the previous Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion. He must have a close relationship with She Linyue. His cultivation is also low, which is very convenient.

  After making up his mind, Su Yun began to look for his residence.

  She Lengyue has a high status in the Heavenly Snake Mansion. If the Heavenly Snake Mansion does not find the owner of the next generation of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils, he will be the next Lord.

  Therefore, his residence is also very gorgeous and conspicuous, and Su Yun found it quickly.

  Coming in front of a luxurious palace, Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

  There is also a three-star Dou Zong near this palace. It seems that the Heavenly Snake Mansion sent She Lengyue to protect him.

  This protection is indeed thorough. In the northwest continent, the only place that can offer such a service is probably the Heavenly Snake Palace.

  But in front of him, it was not good enough.

  A trace of indifference flashed across Su Yun's eyes, and he arrived at the palace gate in a flash.

  Then he entered the system space and performed the space jump method. When he appeared in the outside world again, he was already inside the palace.

  Su Yun followed the induction of his soul power and entered a training room. A man with a feminine appearance was sitting cross-legged and practicing.

  A jade bottle suddenly appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  Although he had not yet refined an eighth-grade elixir, with the help of Yao Lao's memory, his medicine refining skills had truly entered the realm of an eighth-grade medicine refining master.

  The elixir and the poison are inseparable, so he is naturally good at playing with poison.

  The jade bottle contains a kind of poisonous fragrance, which is colorless and odorless, and can immediately make the Dou Emperor or even the strong men who have just entered the Dou Sect fall into a coma.

  But it has little effect on a high-level Dou Sect like the Lord of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  It's not that he can't make it, but he is limited by the medicinal materials.

  The materials required for poisons of that level are almost the same as those of the seventh-grade peak elixir, which are not easy to find in this northwest continent.

  Su Yun opened the jade bottle, and the Dou Qi in his palm churned, drawing out the colorless poisonous fragrance.

  At this time, She Lengyue's mind was completely immersed in cultivation, practicing the Tianshe Mansion's inherited skills over and over again.

  Hey, strange, why is my Dou Qi suddenly running so slowly, is there something wrong with my cultivation...


  She Lengyue fell to the ground in response.

  "System, scan She Lengyue's memory."

  "Ding, scan successful."

  "Recover She Lengyue's memory."

  "Ding, recovered successfully."

  A smile flashed across Su Yun's eyes. He put away the jade bottle and was about to leave when his pupils shrank. Suddenly, he sensed something and immediately entered the system space.

  The moment Su Yun entered the system space, a huge green hand descended from the sky with a majestic force and suddenly grabbed the hall.


  The hall collapsed immediately and turned into ruins. She Lengyue was wrapped in green energy and was taken out, but she was unharmed.

  A beautiful figure appeared above the ruins like a ghost.

  "Strange, why is that person gone?"

  The beautiful figure stepped on the ruins, and a little doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

  Su Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead in the system space, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

  She actually hid my perception!

  The attack just now must have the power of a three-star fighting master.

  In other words, this person is She Linyue!