

  Chapter 350 Preparing to Capture (Second Update!)

  The face of the Skyfire Venerable was heavy, and he stretched out his hands forward. Fighting spirit burst out from all parts of his body, turning into surging flames, gathering into a flame barrier in front of him.

  "Yao Yangtian!"


  Another loud noise rose, and She Linyue's attack was finally blocked.

  The terrible aftermath spread over the Holy City of the Sky Snake, and the terrifying hurricane and energy aftermath swept the entire city.

  Those with lower strength could not stand at all and were blown away, looking very miserable.

  Some were even worse and were hit by the aftermath and died immediately.

  The Fighting Sect of the Sky Snake Mansion looked at the invincible posture of their ancestor, with a hint of enthusiasm and yearning on their faces.

  The aftermath gradually dissipated, and everyone in the city breathed a sigh of relief, with fear in their eyes.

  The battle between the Venerables was not something that people of their level could witness.

  The aftermath of the battle alone was a devastating disaster for them.

  At this moment, the surging green water suddenly filled the sky, enveloping the entire Sky Snake Mansion, and the water was as mighty as the sea.

  "Xuanqing Green Water Palm!"

  She Linyue shouted softly, and the majestic aura rose from her charming and curvy body again.

  The green water in the sky quickly changed its form, gradually turning into a large green water palm, which was much more powerful than the fire palm print that the Sky Fire Venerable had used before.

  The might of the surging green water was all gathered in it. It was so powerful that with one palm, the entire Holy City of Heavenly Snake would probably be razed to the ground.

  This was the power of Dou Zun. He didn't need to make a second move. With just one move, he could destroy a city, a huge city that contained many Dou Zong strongmen.

  The face of the Skyfire Venerable immediately changed drastically, and he looked a little overwhelmed.

  "Over the years, you are not the only one who wants to establish my authority.

  If you can block this move, I will let you go."

  A trace of indifference flashed in She Linyue's eyes. He was very confident in the Xuanqing Green Water Palm that he had condensed.

  The face of the Skyfire Venerable was gloomy. He ignored She Linyue and turned around to escape to the depths of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

  She Linyue chuckled, but there was a coldness in her beautiful eyes.

  Want to leave when you see the situation is not right?

  There is no such good thing!

  She Linyue dispersed the Green Water Palm, and in a flash, she attacked the Skyfire Venerable.

  "I'm afraid this unknown Venerable is going to die."

  "The outcome is set, and the Green Water Venerable is still invincible in the world."


  Just as the people in the Sky Snake Holy City were discussing.

  The Skyfire Venerable and She Linyue had already moved a long distance.

  "Old sir, you finally came to the Sky Snake Palace, why do you leave so soon?"

  She Linyue smiled, and with a wave of her jade hand, the energy of the heaven and earth around her body surged, and dozens of Green Water Snakes and Pythons gathered in an instant, crossed the space, and quickly rushed towards the Skyfire Venerable.

  "Haha, the Green Water Venerable is really too polite.

  It's just that my brother suddenly collapsed, and I hurried back to see the situation."

  The Skyfire Venerable responded, and as his hands changed, a layer of flame shield covered his whole body.

  The green water pythons collided with the flame shield, and the green water pythons gradually dissipated, turning into pure energy of heaven and earth and dissipating between heaven and earth.

  But the fighting spirit that maintained the flame shield also dissipated rapidly, forcing the Skyfire Venerable to keep injecting fighting spirit into the flame shield.

  "Oh, that's not a coincidence.

  In this case, I'll go back with the old gentleman.

  My surging green water may be able to clear your brother's name."

  A hint of coldness flashed in She Linyue's eyes.

  Even if Brother Ji himself came forward today, he couldn't protect you, little blackie!

  "Uh... forget it.   

  "It's hard to say whether you washed yourself in vain with the clear water, but you will definitely become a chicken in the soup."

  Venerable Skyfire smiled awkwardly, with some cold sweat on his forehead.

  After all, She Linyue's strength was higher than his, and with the blessing of cultivation, her speed was much faster than his.

  The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. If this continued, he would be completely caught up by She Linyue before reaching the ambush site agreed upon by him and Su Yun.

  No, this cannot go on.

  Venerable Skyfire's aura suddenly changed, and the color of the flames coming out of his body gradually deepened, gradually approaching dark red.

  She Linyue frowned . , immediately noticed the change in Venerable Skyfire's aura.

  As the color of the flame changed, Venerable Skyfire's speed also began to increase.

  In just half an hour, he was already on par with She Linyue. But when he wanted to improve further, it seemed that he had no spare energy and could only barely maintain this speed.

  Moreover, Venerable Skyfire's aura seemed to have weakened a little.

  Seeing this, She Linyue quickly realized that Venerable Skyfire was performing some kind of overdraft escape technique.

  But it seemed that he had not yet practiced it well, and was unable to completely get rid of her.

  "Old man, give up. If you stop and surrender now, I can still give you a decent death. "

  She Linyue chuckled. After figuring out the situation, she had already regarded the Skyfire Venerable as a sure thing.

  The overdraft secret method cannot be maintained for a long time, and there will be a certain backlash. After using it, it will inevitably fall into weakness.

  This old thing was not her opponent in the first place, let alone after falling into weakness.

  Skyfire Venerable did not reply, but concentrated on controlling the distance between the two.

  This fire escape method is his life-saving skill. In the past, even the eight-star Dou Zun could not catch up with him.

  Even if he only has the cultivation of a one-star Dou Zun now, he can more than get rid of She Linyue.

  But if He used too fast a speed, and She Linyue stopped chasing him. This was a big joke.

  Su Yun had promised him that this time, as long as he did it well enough,

  he would refine the eighth-grade elixir, Fuling Qingdan, for him after collecting enough medicinal materials in Zhongzhou.

  That's right, Su Yun, the black-hearted old dog coin, started to draw big pie for his employees again.

  The eighth-grade elixir, Fuling Qingdan, can restore the strength of those whose strength has regressed, and it is very suitable for him.

  Therefore, Venerable Tianhuo was very concerned about capturing She Linyue this time.

  The two of them each had their own ghost plans, and while chasing each other, they flew towards the depths of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.


  "Young Master, Senior Tianhuo and She Linyue are here. "

  Qing Lin's voice echoed from the bottom of Su Yun's heart, making him slightly stunned.

  Strange, why didn't I notice it?

  "Qing Lin, how did you know?"

  "It's the Green Snake Three Flower Pupil. I have successfully cultivated the Green Jade Eye created by the Snake Saint.

  The insight ability of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupil is much stronger. "

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. This Green Snake Three Flower Pupil is so strong.

  His soul power has reached the late stage of the spiritual realm, while Qing Lin is only in the early stage of the spiritual realm. He is stronger than him in perception and insight. It can only be said that he is worthy of being the world's number one pupil.

  A quarter of an hour later, two majestic auras appeared in Su Yun's perception.

  It is indeed coming!

  Su Yun's expression was shocked, and at the same time, a trace of horror flashed through his mind.

  A quarter of an hour... The distance that can be crossed at the speed of the two is extremely large.

  And he is only now sensing the aura of the two.

  In other words, Qing Lin's detection ability is already far stronger than his.