

  Chapter 351 Five-round Fire-leaving Method (First Update!)

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with disbelief.

  In silence, Qing Lin's growth rate has exceeded his expectations.

  Then Su Yun shook his head and suppressed the shock in his heart.

  The stronger Qing Lin's strength is, the better it is for him, which is also a good thing.

  "Qing Lin, remember to protect yourself later. Although your location is relatively far away,

  you may also be hit by the aftermath of the energy."

  Su Yun warned.

  "I know, young master."

  Although Qing Lin can now control She Linyue, the gap between Dou Huang and Dou Zun is too big.

  It is true that Qing Lin's combat power has reached the initial Dou Zong level, but if he is hit by the aftermath of their battle, he will probably be seriously injured immediately.

  The Green Snake Triple Eyes are indeed the nemesis of snake monsters, but they need to be activated to work. If they are killed by snake monsters before they can be activated, then everything is over.

  It is said that the reason why the Heavenly Snake Palace moved from Zhongzhou to the Northwest Continent

  was because the owner of the Green Snake Triple Eyes of that generation wanted to control the Fighting Saint-level Nine Nether Earth Python with his Fighting Honor cultivation.

  However, he was later killed by the Fighting Saint-level Nine Nether Earth Python with terrifying means from a very long distance.

  The Green Snake Triple Eyes had no time to control it.

  As a result, the Heavenly Snake Palace was greatly reduced in power and was forced to move to the Northwest Continent.

  A man and a snake gradually approached under Su Yun's perception. A gleam of brilliance flashed in Su Yun's eyes. With a thought, five different kinds of fire suddenly appeared and surrounded him.

  The five kinds of flames exuded a monstrous power, as if they could burn the sky and boil the sea. Four of them were faintly connected to Su Yun's aura.

  Although the only pale white fire was not as easy to control as the other four kinds of fire, it was suppressed by the "Burning Cold Art" and was used by Su Yun obediently.

  This bone spirit cold fire was not the one that Yao Lao had.

  It was the origin of the bone spirit cold fire that he replaced with four seventh-level magic cores, and was used to perform the Five Wheels Fire Method.

  Lao Liu's behavior has always been his style.

  As long as She Linyue entered his attack range, he would immediately give her a hard blow.

  The power of the Five-wheel Fire Method, which was performed with five kinds of strange fire, has definitely reached the level of a low-level heavenly fighting skill.

  Even if She Linyue has the cultivation of three-star fighting master, she will be seriously injured by this move.


  Venerable Tianhuo looked at the familiar mountain range in the distance, and a smile appeared on his old face.

  It was almost there, and it was tiring to control his speed to the point where it was neither too fast nor too slow.

  "Senior Tianhuo, lead her to this direction of the mountain range..."

  Su Yun's voice suddenly rang from Venerable Tianhuo's heart, making the smile on his face even deeper.

  Venerable Tianhuo followed the instructions and carefully deviated slightly, moving towards Su Yun's direction.

  Snake Linyue followed behind the Skyfire Venerable at a leisurely pace, not realizing the danger was coming, and even said a few words to him.

  "Old sir, you may not know yet, this Monster Mountain Range is where my Sky Snake Mansion keeps snake monsters.

  I am much more familiar with this mountain range than you are.

  Relying on the speed and the complex terrain of the Monster Mountain Range to get rid of me, it's a good idea, but it's a pity..."

  This woman, she just likes to make up stories.

  Skyfire Venerable cursed in his heart.

  Snake Linyue made a few more sarcastic remarks, but Skyfire Venerable never answered, pretending to concentrate on practicing the escape technique and not being distracted.

  Seeing this, Snake Linyue was not angry, but just thought that Skyfire Venerable was still trying to fight to the death.

  In the darkness, Su Yun's mouth curled up, and among the five strange fires around him, an invisible flame suddenly entered his body.   

  "Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, first change!"

  Su Yun's aura surged instantly, and he soared from a five-star Dou Zong to an eight-star Dou Zong at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  And this process was concealed from the world, and did not cause any movement in the outside world.

  "The fire spirit returns!"

  Su Yun shouted in his heart, and his hands kept moving and changing hand seals.

  The shapes of the four kinds of strange fires suspended around him changed immediately.

  The spirit of the fire wolf, the spirit of the fire leopard, and the spirit of the fire lion were transformed from Su Yun's own three kinds of strange fire.

  The three kinds of fire spirits carried violent momentum and exuded their terrifying power in the sky where no one could see.

  "Bone Spirit Cold Fire, explode!"

  The origin of the bone spirit cold fire replaced by the system exploded.

  The power of the origin burned quickly, turning into a pale fire tiger spirit, whose might was not inferior to the other three fire spirits.

  "Meteoric Heart Flame, condense!"

  The invisible flames on Su Yun's body immediately gathered to his head, and while changing shape, he turned into a fire dragon spirit.

  Its might was three times greater than the four flames condensed before.

  The power of a fire spirit is closely related to the alien fire that condenses it.

  As the strongest alien fire that Su Yun currently possesses, the fire dragon transformed from the Meteoric Heart Flame is naturally much stronger than the other alien fires.

  After condensing the five fire spirits, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of heat.

  Since he obtained the Five-wheel Fire Separation Method, he has never really used it. I believe that the power of this fighting skill will not disappoint him.

  Afterwards, Su Yun mobilized his soul power and sent a voice to the soul of Skyfire Venerable again.

  "Senior Skyfire, I will remind you before I launch my strongest attack. When the time comes, use your fastest speed to escape from the scene."


  Skyfire Venerable responded.

  After receiving Skyfire Venerable's response, Su Yun changed his hand seals again, and the fighting spirit on his body burst out like a fountain, attracting five terrifying fire spirits.

  "Five-wheel Lihuo Formation!"

  Five terrifying fire spirits suddenly rushed up, forming a five-cornered force, and their auras connected to each other.

  Under the violent intersection of fire attribute energy, the auras of the five fire spirits were still rising.

  The energy column that turned into substance connected the five fire spirits, forming a five-cornered light-shaped magic formation!

  The Five-wheel Lihuo Formation was completely completed!

  After completing the Five-Wheel Fire Formation, Su Yun's fighting spirit dissipated a lot, but a perverted smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  During the time when the Five-Wheel Fire Formation was completely formed, the Skyfire Venerable had already completely led She Linyue into his attack range.

  Let's start!


  The Skyfire Venerable's expression suddenly changed, and his majestic fighting spirit surged. His speed increased again, but within a few breaths, he left She Linyue far behind.

  "Strange! How did his speed suddenly become so much faster!"

  Seeing the speed of the Skyfire Venerable soaring, She Linyue suddenly felt a little bad, and just as he was about to chase him with his fighting spirit, a terrifying five-cornered magic formation appeared around him!

  "Not good!"

  She Linyue's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately realized that he had fallen into a trap!

  "Lihuo Burns the Sky!"

  Su Yun stood on the five-cornered magic circle, stretched out his finger and lightly pointed at She Linyue, and the five fire spirits immediately rioted.

  "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

  Roars came one after another, and the five fire spirits brought the power of heaven and earth to kill She Linyue!