

  Chapter 356: Destroying the Sky Snake Palace (Second Update!)

  A young figure stepped out of the space crack first.

  "Hey, why isn't it Venerable Bishui?"

  "Who would know?"

  The Great Elder of the Sky Snake Palace was also stunned, looking at Su Yun's figure with great confusion.

  Soon, Venerable Tianhuo and Qinglin also walked out one after another.

  Seeing the figure of Venerable Tianhuo, the face of the Great Elder of the Sky Snake Palace changed suddenly.

  "How is this possible! Where is the ancestor!"

  There was a burst of exclamations in the Sky Snake Holy City, and then it calmed down within a few breaths.

  They were afraid that Venerable Tianhuo would hear their discussion and slap them to death.

  "Senior Tianhuo, I will leave it to you next."

  Su Yun said.


  Don't worry."

  Skyfire Venerable laughed, and then took a step forward. A majestic aura burst out instantly, and the unique aura of Dou Zun was visible at a glance, overwhelming the entire Holy City of Heavenly Snake.

  "Not good!"

  The pupils of the Great Elder of the Heavenly Snake Palace shrank, and he felt something was wrong.

  The ancestor was not here, and the Palace Master and others were nowhere to be found. There was only one Dou Zong strongman in such a huge Heavenly Snake Palace, how could he compete with a Dou Zun.

  The terrifying flame aura rose from the sky.

  Although Skyfire Venerable has now lost the Falling Heart Flame, the fire attribute Dou Zun-level fighting spirit is still incomparably strong and should not be underestimated.

  "Shining Sun!"

  Skyfire Venerable raised his hands, and a huge scorching fireball appeared in the air, emitting endless temperature, like a second sun.


  A huge scorching fireball immediately fell towards the Heavenly Snake Palace.


  The great elder of the Heavenly Snake Palace felt a sense of suffocation in his heart. He hardened his heart and used his strongest move, but it was of no use at all.


  The terrifying flames swept across the entire Heavenly Snake Palace, and the houses collapsed and turned into ashes.

  The disciples and elders inside died in the raging fire before they even had time to scream.

  The people of the entire Heavenly Snake Holy City were trembling, fearing that the Heavenly Fire Venerable would massacre the city.

  There were also people who had been persecuted by the Heavenly Snake Palace for a long time applauded and shouted that God had eyes. With

  a huge spiritual power penetrating his body, Su Yun began to explore whether there were any survivors in the Heavenly Snake Palace.

  "Qinglin, you also use the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils to help me take a look."

  "Yes, yes, Qinglin got it."

  The Green Snake Three Flower Pupils flashed in Qinglin's pupils, and it seemed that everything in front of it had no secrets.

  "Young Master, there is someone there."

  After a while, Qinglin pointed to a corner of the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Su Yun immediately used his soul power to scan.

  Sure enough, there was a handsome and feminine man lying in the fire, unconscious. His body was wrapped in a strange energy, so that he was not hurt by the fire.

  "Nice job."

  "Hehe, I'm glad I can help."

  Qinglin said with a smile.

  The three of them immediately flew to the Heavenly Snake Mansion, which had turned into ruins, and came to the man's side.

  Looking at the unconscious man, Su Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

  This person is the young master of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, She Lengyue.

  There is a green jade pendant on She Lengyue's waist that flashes with strange light. The energy that protects She Lengyue is emitted by this jade pendant.

  "This is... a weapon."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.


  Venerable Tianhuo and Qinglin were a little puzzled.

  "It is a magic nuclear weapon.

  Nowadays, the art of refining medicine is popular in the Douqi Continent, and various elixirs are circulating everywhere in the continent.

  In ancient times, in addition to the art of refining medicine, there was also a technique of refining weapons that was widely popular.   

  This method uses magic cores as its foundation and can be used to refine various weapons that suit the fighter.

  But later, for some unknown reason, it was lost."

  Su Yun explained, taking out Canyang from the system space and holding it in his hand.

  "For example, the Canyang in my hand is a seventh-level magic core weapon."

  He was able to find that the jade pendant on She Lengyue's waist was refined using the weapon refining technique, and it was also because of Canyang.

  There is a special aura on this weapon, and he has been using Canyang in combat for many years, so he can feel it.

  However, he couldn't sense the specific grade of She Lengyue's jade pendant.

  "System, scan the jade pendant on She Lengyue's waist."

  "Ding, the scan is successful. "

  Heavenly Snake Jade Pendant (broken): A protective weapon made by a weaponsmith in ancient times for the owner of the Green Snake Three-Flower Pupil at that time, ranked among the seventh level.

  Su Yun nodded secretly in his heart, just as he thought, this is a magic core weapon.

  There are some cracks on the jade pendant, which may be the reason why the system shows it as broken.

  If it can resist a few more attacks, it will most likely be scrapped.

  High-level magic core weapons are extremely rare, and the art of refining is now almost lost in the Douqi Continent.

  The highest maker of the time, They can only refine seventh-order magic nuclear weapons, and the types of weapons are limited.

  Compared with the still prosperous alchemy, it is miserable.

  This is also the reason why fighters with higher cultivation almost never use weapons.

  Because these magic nuclear weapons have too little impact on their combat power.

  But these have nothing to do with him. After all, he has a system.

  Su Yun wielded Canyang and cut through the strange protective energy. The long sword pierced She Lengyue's chest.

  Tianshe Mansion, destroyed.

  "This trip is considered a success."

  Su Yun put away Canyang, a smile flashed in his eyes.

  "Senior Tianhuo and Qinglin have worked hard this time. After returning, rest for a few days, and then we will go to Zhongzhou.

  Let's go back to Canaan Academy first."

  Su Yun wanted to fly into the sky after saying that.

  "Young Master, wait a minute."

  The familiar scene was played out again and again.

  An absurd sense of déjà vu came over Su Yun, leaving him with a lot of questions.

  "Maybe Senior Tianhuo also left space coordinates at Canaan Academy."

  Qinglin smiled with his eyebrows curved, covering his mouth lightly.

  Su Yun's mouth twitched, and he looked at Venerable Tianhuo.

  "Senior Tianhuo, is that so?"


  I can still build a space passage from Tianshe Mansion to Canaan Academy. "

  A smile also flashed across Venerable Tianhuo's face.

  This kid usually seems to be omniscient and omnipotent, but now he doesn't look very smart.

  Su Yun's face darkened, and he pulled Qinglin into his arms and ruffled her hair into a mess.

  "Young Master, Qinglin knows she's wrong, don't ruffle her hair...

  Qinglin won't be pretty like this."

  There was a hint of pleading in Qinglin's tone, but the slightly raised corners of her mouth let people know that she was not actually sad in her heart.

  "In that case, please trouble Senior Tianhuo to clear the way. "

  Su Yun said, and put his two big hands, which were malicious in various senses, from Qinglin's hair to her fair cheeks, and ravaged her vigorously.

  "Well... Young Master, well... Qinglin really... knows... Woo..."

  The Skyfire Venerable on the side did not disturb the two of them, and closed his eyes to sense the coordinates he had left at Canaan Academy before.

  After a half-response, the Skyfire Venerable opened his eyes, and the power of space surged. The empty space in front of him gradually distorted, and a space crack soon emerged.


  The Skyfire Venerable shouted softly, and the power of space hit the space crack one after another, and the space channel was constructed.
