

  Chapter 357 The Active Little Medical Fairy (3rd update!)

  After the space channel was built, Su Yun let Qinglin go under her resentful eyes and walked towards the space channel.

  Young Master is so bad...

  Qinglin rubbed her red cheeks and thought insincerely.

  Looking at the space channel leading to Canaan Academy, Qinglin's eyes flashed with complexity.

  So fast... Is it over like this, the time I was alone with the young master.

  "Qinglin, come here, don't be in a daze."

  Su Yun saw Qinglin still staying there and waved to her.

  "Oh oh."

  Seeing this, Qinglin immediately trotted.

  I want to go back so much, is it because of Sister Xian'er?

  For no reason, Qinglin felt a little annoyed, but it was quickly suppressed and hidden deep in his heart.

  The three of them passed through the space channel and soon arrived at Canaan Academy.

  Su Yun let out a long sigh. The matter was completely settled, and he also wanted to take a short break.

  "Qinglin, Senior Tianhuo, go back.

  I will inform you when we are going to Zhongzhou."

  The two nodded slightly and left.

  Qinglin couldn't help but glance at Su Yun with his remaining eyes, but soon retracted his eyes, with a flash of nostalgia in his eyes.

  After the two left, Su Yun also walked towards the small pavilion.

  When he arrived in front of the small pavilion, Su Yun did not suppress his breath. A beautiful figure pushed the door open and threw herself into Su Yun's arms.

  "You didn't say it would take that long before."

  The little doctor fairy pressed her pretty face against Su Yun's chest, took a breath greedily, and there was a hint of blame in her tone.

  Su Yun held Xiao Yixian's slender waist, with a smile in his eyes.

  "There is a reason for this."

  "I don't care. If you don't explain it clearly, you can't get out of bed today."

  Xiao Yixian snorted and wrapped her arms around Su Yun's neck.

  "There is such a good thing!"

  Su Yun's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xiao Yixian with a fiery light in his eyes.

  After not seeing each other for so long, he also wanted to vent his anger.

  "Then I won't explain!"

  Hearing this, Xiao Yixian's face flashed a blush. Although she had done it many times, it was still embarrassing to say it out loud.

  "If you don't want to explain, then don't explain. Who cares."

  Xiao Yixian was still stubborn, but Su Yun had already picked up Xiao Yixian by the waist and ran towards the bedroom.

  After entering the bedroom, Su Yun immediately unfolded the soul barrier and put Xiao Yixian on the bed.

  Su Yun pressed on Xiao Yixian, held her delicate face, and kissed her.

  At the same time, Su Yun's hands did not stop, sticking to the white skin like mutton-fat jade, and sliding under the clothes.

  After a while, the two separated.

  Xiao Yixian's pretty face was flushed, and her originally snow-white neck began to turn red. Her beautiful eyes also became blurred, looking quite tempting.

  A hint of shyness emerged in Xiao Yixian's heart.

  "Brother, is the foreplay enough..."


  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of heat, and he untied the belt around Xiao Yixian's waist.

  As if peeling off a shell, he took off the clothes from the body of the little doctor fairy. Su Yun saw an alluring and charming figure, like a masterpiece of heaven.

  In a room of Canaan Academy, Qinglin's pupils were shining with green light. After opening the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils, the beautiful eyes that should have been smart and enchanting were now a little absent-minded.

  The relationship between the young master and Sister Xian'er is really good.

  Qinglin is so jealous...

  "Qinglin, what are you looking at?"

  At this time, a tingling voice sounded.

  A colorful little snake drilled in from the crack of the door. The slender snake body was wrapped in colorful energy and turned into a charming beauty.

  Qinglin's eyes flashed with a trace of panic, and he quickly put away the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils and turned to look at Cailin with a curious face.

  "No, nothing, just looking around, I'm just practicing my eye technique."   

  "Is that so?"

  Cai Lin followed the direction Qing Lin had just looked at, with a flash of thought in his eyes.

  There... seems to be the small attic where the master lives.

  In the mountains near Canaan Academy, Xiao Yan waved the Xuanzhong Ruler and killed a fifth-level monster, panting heavily.

  "Teacher, when will we leave Canaan Academy?"

  Xiao Yan asked Yao Lao who was standing beside him.

  Yao Lao put his hands behind his back, closed his eyes, and frowned slightly, as if he was sensing something.

  Soon, Yao Lao opened his eyes.


  If I sense it correctly, there is a space fluctuation emerging in Canaan Academy.

  Most likely Su Yun is back."

  Yao Lao said, stroking his beard.

  As a former Dou Zun peak warrior, he was very sensitive to the fluctuations of space, and soon sensed the fluctuations of the Tianhuo Zun opening the space channel.

  Thinking of the space fluctuations during the previous battle with Lingquan, Yao Lao was almost certain that this was done by the Dou Zun warrior next to Su Yun.

  Dou Zun was rare in the Northwest Continent. Even in Canaan Academy, only Mang Tianchi had reached this level.

  Moreover, he liked to travel around the continent, and the possibility of returning was not great.

  "Young friend Su already has the Falling Heart Flame, but you can ask him if there is any news about other strange fires.

  You can go and visit him in a few days."

  "Okay, teacher."

  Xiao Yan nodded.

  Brother Su's sect is not simple, and the news is very well-informed. I believe he knows the whereabouts of some strange fires.

  Xiao Yan clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with fury.

  "Lingquan, you just wait!

  Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. The next time we meet, I will avenge my past shame!"


  A day and a night passed, and Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were both paralyzed in bed.

  "Xian'er, are you worried about something?

  Why today..."

  Xiao Yixian was silent for a while, her pretty face slightly tilted, pressed against Su Yun's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

  "Our cultivation is getting higher and higher, but until now my stomach is still quiet..."

  Su Yun was slightly startled when he heard this. He still didn't expect that Xiao Yixian was actually worried about this problem.

  Indeed, he is now a six-star Dou Zong.

  After this period of training, Xiao Yixian's cultivation has also improved a step further, reaching a three-star Dou Zong.

  As the cultivation level gradually increases, the probability of giving birth to offspring is getting lower and lower.

  Gu Yuan had become a nine-star fighting saint a thousand years ago, but he only has one daughter, Xiao Xun'er, because of this fate.

  "It's okay, there will always be one in the future."

  Su Yun comforted.

  "It's all your fault. When our cultivation level was low, you didn't want me, otherwise we would have a lovely child now."

  The little doctor's fist landed lightly on Su Yun's chest, like a kitten scratching its master's itch, weak and powerless.

  Su Yun smiled, turned over and pressed the little doctor under him.

  "Then let's work harder."

  Another day and night passed, and Su Yun ate the medicinal food under the service of the little doctor.

  Su Yun covered his kidneys.

  High-intensity exercise is still not good, so I have to be moderate.

  After finishing the medicinal meal, Su Yun sat down cross-legged and immersed his mind in the system.

  "System, unfold She Linyue's memory."