

  Chapter 360 Burning Decision (3rd update!)

  "There is still such a situation."

  Yao Lao's eyes flashed with surprise.

  Before, he heard Su Yun say that the man was a disciple of their sect, and he thought the matter was completely over.

  But since that person has defected, the situation is naturally different.

  "I don't know whether that Bone Spirit Cold Fire is Mr. Yao Lao's, but it is certain that he has the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

  When I was still in the sect, I saw him display it in the sect competition."

  "So that's it."

  Yao Lao nodded and understood what Su Yun meant.

  There are 23 strange fires on the strange fire list. Except for the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and the Void Swallowing Flame, there can only be one in the world.

  The rest of the strange fires may exist multiple times.

  As for the strange fire ranked first, there is no record of this strange fire in the Douqi Continent.

  When Tuoshe Ancient Emperor released the Alien Fire List, he deliberately left it hanging.

  In this world, except for Su Yun, I am afraid that even the Void Swallowing Flame and the Pure Lotus Demon Fire may not know about it.

  With the help of the Emperor Grade Feather Pill, the two of them escaped from the Alien Fire Square, but they even forgot the agreement with the Emperor Grade Feather Pill, which was erased by Tuoshe Ancient Emperor in an unknown way.

  Not to mention the secret of the Emperor Flame.

  "Then I wonder why Han Feng is related to him again?"

  "Han Feng died at the hands of that person."

  Su Yun said, with a hidden smile in his eyes that was impossible to detect.

  "Han Feng is already dead..."

  Yao Lao's eyes flashed with a complicated color.

  I came here today just to ask Su Yun about the news of the strange fire.

  But I never thought that Han Feng and Bone Spirit Cold Fire would be involved.

  It was really unexpected.

  "That traitor has cultivated one of the three major inherited skills of our sect, which can devour many kinds of strange fire.

  It is also because of this reason that he and Xiao Yan are looking for strange fire.

  And he really found Han Feng and killed him. The Sea Heart Flame must have fallen into his hands."

  As he said, Su Yun looked at Xiao Yan again, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

  Anyway, the origin of "Burning Decree" is mysterious, so he can make up whatever he wants.

  Although this thing was brought out of the ruins by Yao Lao, he doesn't know much about "Burning Decree".

  What, how do you, Su Yun, know that Yao Lao doesn't know about "Burning Decree"?

  This is not nonsense. Yao Lao has all his memories in his hand. He even knows what type of girls Yao Lao likes.

  "The Burning Decree!"

  Xiao Yan, who had been listening, exclaimed in surprise, and a sense of uneasiness flashed through his mind.

  He said why Brother Su's eyes were strange. It turned out that the "Burning Decree" he practiced was one of the three major inherited skills of his sect!

  Yao Lao was also shocked. Although he brought it out from the ruins of Zhongzhou, he didn't know the origin of the "Burning Decree".

  They just bumped into each other!

  But Yao Lao is still an old man after all, and he reacted quickly.

  Although Su Yun's attitude towards them was not very enthusiastic, he was already very kind.

  After knowing that Xiao Yan had cultivated the "Burning Decree", he did not say much, and even told them that the "Burning Decree" was a technique passed down by his sect. He

  should have no ill intentions towards them.

  Otherwise, with the terrifying fighting power Su Yun had shown before, and the Dou Zun aura he had sensed before,

  the two of them, the master and disciple, might have been captured and reduced to prisoners.

  Yao Lao put his hand on Xiao Yan's shoulder and patted him twice, asking him not to be too nervous.

  "My friend, this Burning Decree was brought out by me from a ruin in Zhongzhou. Is there any misunderstanding?"

  Yao Lao asked tentatively.

  Sure enough, he is an old man, and his reaction is different.

  Su Yun laughed dumbly, knowing that Yao Lao was trying to test him.

  "I know this, too.

  In the deepest part of the ruins, there is a small mansion with a few large characters on the mansion tablet: The No. 1 Yan Mansion in the World.

  Mr. Yao must have obtained the "Burning Decree" from the jade box in the center of the mansion."   

  Su Yun smiled.

  "That's true."

  Yao Lao looked dazed, recalling the scene at that time.

  At that time, only he and Old Man Mu Gu discovered the mansion.

  Since Su Yun knew so much, he immediately realized that the ruins might have a thousand connections with the sect behind Su Yun.

  "My friend Su, since the ruins were left by your sect, it doesn't matter if Xiao Yan practiced the "Burning Decree."

  Yao Lao said.

  Su Yun pondered for a moment and did not reply immediately.

  Since he made the "Burning Decree" into a sect's inherited practice, he naturally had his intentions.

  This is related to his subsequent plans, the appearance of the key vest, and... whether to hunt Xiao Yan!

  After a while, Su Yun shrugged.

  "You can't ask me this, Mr. Yao Lao.

  To put it bluntly, I am just an inner sect disciple and I can't make the decision."

  Yao Lao was stunned and smiled bitterly.

  "I am forcing you."

  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with a trace of despair. Now he also reacted that the "Burning Decree" he practiced might also be a hot potato.

  "Well, my friend, when you go back, can you say a few good words for Xiao Yan..."

  Su Yun waved his hands.

  "It's not a little good. It's related to the inheritance of the sect. I didn't take you down immediately and force you back to the sect. I have done my utmost."


  Yao Lao and Xiao Yan looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know what to do.

  Indeed, if Su Yun had not had some friendship with them, he would have taken direct action on this matter concerning the inheritance of the sect.

  Why would he have talked to them and Yan Yuese for so long?


  At this time, Su Yun's tone suddenly changed.

  The master and the disciple immediately showed joy, knowing that there was still a chance of a turnaround.

  "Please speak frankly, little friend Su."

  Su Yun's mouth corners slightly raised.

  "Mr. Yao is straightforward."

  The future plan will be discussed later. The best way is to get the token of Yin Gu first. The

  soul power of the late stage of the spiritual realm surged out, and Su Yun drew the shape of a broken jade flute in the air.

  "This is a secret treasure of our sect that has been passed down.

  Every disciple who comes out for training will receive instructions from the sect and pay more attention. If anyone can bring it back to the sect, it will be a great achievement.

  If you two can help me find it, I can use this as a basis and ask my master to negotiate with the sect."

  Su Yun said with a smile.

  This thing is indeed a token of Yin Gu, but it is inevitable that Yao Lao and Xiao Yan don't know about it.

  It's still the same sentence. Yao Lao has all the memories in his hands. What Yao Lao knows, he definitely knows, and what Yao Lao doesn't know, he still knows.

  "Isn't this a coincidence!"

  Xiao Yan's face was overjoyed, and he quickly took out the broken jade flute from the ring.

  Yao Lao, on the other hand, looked at the soul portrait in the air thoughtfully.

  When Su Yun saw the broken jade flute in Xiao Yan's hand, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  "Where did you get this?"

  Xiao Yan chuckled.

  "I got it by chance from a level 5 monster's cave when I was training in the monster mountains near me.

  I didn't know what this jade flute was at the time, but I felt that its material was not simple, so I put it in my ring and didn't throw it away."

   In the evening,