

  Chapter 361 Got it, awesome (fourth update!)

  "So that's how it is, you're really lucky."


  Su Yun smiled and nodded, but he was actually cursing in his heart.

  God is really chasing after me, and I can find the token of the super power in Zhongzhou in any cave.

  Fortunately, your things are my things, and my things are still my things.

  Taking the jade flute from Xiao Yan's hand, Su Yun pretended to look at it, and even used his soul power to explore it, and then nodded.

  "That's right, this is the lost secret treasure of the sect."

  Then Su Yun put the broken jade flute into the system space.

  Although this performance was a bit deliberate, he believed that Yao Lao would definitely fill in the blanks for him.

  Many superpowers in Zhongzhou value the inheritances they have, but they all have corresponding induction methods.

  This is like the Three Thousand Thunder Illusionary Bodies of the Wind and Thunder Pavilion. In the original novel, Fei Tian used this to hunt down Xiao Yan.

  "I'll leave the matter of the technique to Brother Su."


  Su Yun nodded.

  "Don't worry, I'll do my best."

  "Then I'll leave first."

  Xiao Yan stood up and was about to say goodbye, but was stopped by Yao Lao.

  Under Xiao Yan's puzzled eyes, Yao Lao asked Su Yun.

  "My friend, can you tell me the name of the owner of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire?"

  Yao Lao's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

  He is already a soul body, and he doesn't have much desire for strange fire.

  But Xiao Yan is different. That man has two kinds of strange fire. If they can capture him, Xiao Yan will have three kinds of strange fire.

  Not only will his cultivation soar, but he will also have all three kinds of strange fire needed to refine his body.

  And if he hands that man's body to Su Yun, he might even be able to do him a favor.

  Kill three birds with one stone, isn't that great?

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and quickly guessed Yao Lao's plan.

  "This is not a secret. If you can capture him and hand over his body to me, I can also get some rewards from the sect.

  I owe you a favor."

  "No problem, no problem."

  It works!

  A smile flashed across Yao Lao's face.

  "His name is Gui Li."


  The master and his disciple left the small pavilion.

  "I am really lucky. If I hadn't happened to get the broken jade flute before,

  I am afraid that when I absorb the second kind of strange fire and the news of possessing two kinds of strange fire spreads in the mainland, I will have to face the sect behind Brother Su."

  Xiao Yan sighed and called it lucky.

  Su Yun's background is extremely mysterious. The sect behind him is definitely not simple. Just when he was training outside, a Dou Zun strongman was sent to protect him, which shows how powerful the power is.

  "I am afraid that when you entered the living room, your brother Su had already noticed that the broken jade flute was on you."

  Yao Lao said leisurely.


  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

  "Teacher, why is that?"

  "It's just my intuition. There are no such coincidences in the world.

  Since it is a lost secret treasure, then the sect must have a corresponding secret method to sense it.

  Otherwise, the Douqi Continent is so big, where can we find it?"

  Upon hearing this, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with doubt.

  "Secret method to sense it?"

  "Yes, just like the Sky Demon Phoenix clan attaches great importance to their own bloodline. In order to prevent the bloodline from being lost, they have developed a corresponding secret method to sense it.

  Even if you put the essence of the Sky Demon Phoenix into the ring, they can sense it through the secret method.

  Even its essence will break through the ring and appear in the outside world, and it will be useless for you to put a soul mark on the ring."

  "So magical!"

  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with surprise.

  "Don't underestimate the people of the world. The world is so big that there is nothing strange. There are countless secret methods for various effects.   

  "Young friend Su is also giving you face by using the broken jade flute to help you deal with the sect. Otherwise, if he had just taken us down directly, he would have gotten everything naturally."

  said Yao Lao.

  It can only be said that smart people like to make up stories in their heads. If you make up everything in your head, you will hurt yourself sooner or later.

  This is also the reason why Su Yun likes to deal with smart people. You don't even have to think of reasons, he will make up everything for you.

  "Brother Su is such a good person."

  Xiao Yan sighed again.

  Yes, it's all black when you cut it open. He asked

  you to voluntarily send the Sound Valley token over with a fabricated sect-inherited technique, and you still have to be grateful to him.

  Then Xiao Yan asked Yao Lao again.

  "Teacher, what should we do next? "

  Yao Lao pondered for a while.

  "Leave Canaan Academy. Your cultivation has reached the level of Dou Wang. You can go to other places to explore."


  Xiao Yan nodded.


  After the two left, Su Yun went to visit the great elder Su Qian.

  "You have been gone for more than two months and finally come back."

  Su Qian stroked his beard with his dry big hand and smiled.

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Thank you for your concern, great elder."

  The two exchanged greetings for a while, and Su Yun began to get to the point.

  "Great elder, I will leave for Zhongzhou soon. Have you thought about it, do you want Zi Yan to go with me?"

  "Zi Yan..."

  Su Qian's eyes flashed with a trace of loneliness.

  "Let her go with you.

  Zhongzhou is the only prosperous place in the Douqi Continent.

  Although it is unknown what kind of monster Zi Yan is.

  But both her physical strength and her natural ability to ignore space barriers are extremely extraordinary, and only Zhongzhou can find her biological parents.

  She has been in the Northwest Continent for too long, although she doesn't say it, and she also complains about her parents abandoning her.

  But I can feel that deep in her heart, she is very eager for family affection. "

  Su Yun nodded. Although Zi Yan was born noble, her childhood experience was miserable because of Cang Kun's fault.

  "Don't worry, Great Elder, I will take good care of Zi Yan."

  "I believe you."

  Su Qian smiled.

  "Six-star Dou Zong, your cultivation speed is still so fast. I'm afraid that there will be no students who can surpass you in the future. "

  Su Yun had a slight smile on his face, but did not answer.

  How could a genius be compared with a cheater?

  "By the way, I have already spread the news that two guardians of the Soul Palace invaded Canaan Academy and were killed by the strong men of the academy.

  Even if the Soul Palace pursues the responsibility later, the academy will stop it, so you don't have to worry too much. "

  Su Yun was slightly startled when he heard this. He didn't expect that Canaan Academy would take the initiative to bear the pressure of the Soul Palace.

  However, the effect of doing so is limited. As the main force in that battle, he will definitely be noticed by the Soul Palace.

  Of course, if the dean of Canaan Academy, Mang Tianchi, could come forward, the situation would be different.

  This old dean is extremely protective of his shortcomings. The Soul Clan also has its own plans. If they can't tolerate small things, they will mess up big things. They will not openly make enemies with the Thunder Clan just because of a mere Dou Zong.

  "Thank you, Great Elder."

  Su Yun bowed and thanked him.

  He thought so, but no matter what, this was Su Qian's intention.

  "You should help the academy, but this is all I can do.

  The Soul Palace has always been vindictive, and Zhongzhou is their base camp. You must be careful when you go to Zhongzhou. "

  Su Qian warned.

  "Don't worry, Great Elder."

  Su Yun smiled.

  At this time, the Soul Palace in Zhongzhou, far away, was summoning many elders to discuss matters.