

  Chapter 362 Rescue (Fifth Update!)

  "Has the Xiao family's issue not been resolved yet?"

  asked the first venerable.

  The other venerables all shook their heads.

  The first venerable frowned and shouted.

  "It's just a declining Xiao family, what are they doing?

  Humph, the clan is quite concerned about this matter, and the hall master personally asked about it yesterday. If it is not resolved, go and explain it to the hall master yourself."


  The other venerables responded.

  "In addition, there is also the matter of Canaan Academy."

  The first venerable's eyes flashed with a cold light.

  "The Canaan Academy is backed by the Mangtian Ruler, so we can't make it too ugly in public.

  But someone has to be held accountable for the two guardians who died in the Canaan Academy.

  The dignity of the Soul Palace cannot be lost. According to the news, a student named Su Yun helped the Canaan Academy defeat those two bastards.

  We will use him to establish our authority!"



  The Canaan Academy, the small attic where Su Yun and Xiao Yixian live.

  "Xian'er, let's go back to the Gama Empire."

  Xiao Yixian was stunned when she heard this.

  "Is there something wrong with the Gama Empire again?"


  Su Yun smiled and shook his head, and told her about getting the "Lingqing Yuanhui" from She Linyue.

  A hint of surprise flashed across Xiao Yixian's pretty face.

  "That is to say, Xiaolan will also be able to reach the level of Dou Zun in the future."

  "Well, with our help, it won't be a big problem."

  Hearing this, Xiao Yixian tapped Su Yun's face lightly.

  Two slender jade hands held Su Yun's arms, one of which opened the gap between Su Yun's fingers and held his fingers together.

  "Brother is really amazing."

  Xiao Yixian looked up at Su Yun, and a trace of admiration and attachment flashed in her beautiful eyes.

  Su Yun smiled and scratched Xiao Yixian's nose.

  "Of course."

  Then the two of them flew through the air and left the inner courtyard to the Gama Empire.

  From Canaan Academy to the Gama Empire, it is inevitable to pass through the Black Horn Region, and the two soon flew over the Black Horn Region.

  Su Yun looked at the chaotic scene on the ground, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

  In the past, he had to plan for a long time to deal with the first-class forces in the Black Horn Region. When facing Han Feng, he took all the influences into consideration before he dared to take action.

  With his current cultivation strength, he can destroy the entire Black Horn Region by himself.


  Suddenly Su Yun's expression condensed, and his soul power penetrated his body and probed downwards.

  Seeing Su Yun's reaction, the Little Medical Fairy followed Su Yun's gaze and also stretched out her soul power.

  Although her soul talent is not high, she can't resist the help of the Soul Spell and the Soul Origin.

  The two Soul Palace guardians who invaded the Soul Palace before were refined by Su Yun into soul essences and handed over to Xiao Yixian to improve her soul power.

  He also used the system replacement function to replace some soul essences and gave them to Xiao Yixian before going to Tianshe Mansion.

  After all the refining, her soul realm also reached the perfection of the mortal realm. She was only one step away from breaking through the spiritual realm and absorbing spiritual energy. Where

  the two people's soul power swept through, a one-star fighting emperor was besieged by two fighting emperors.

  "Is that... the elder of Han Pavilion before, Xiong Liming?"

  Xiao Yixian thought for a moment and remembered the identity of that person.

  "Not bad."

  Su Yun nodded, and with a wave of his sleeves, two flame sword qi swung out, slashing at the two fighting emperors who besieged Xiong Liming.

  After being rescued by Hai Bodong, Xiong Liming became loyal to Han Ge and made great contributions.

  After Han Ge was disbanded, he wanted to continue to follow Hai Bodong, but was rejected.

  Worth saving.

  On the ground, Xiong Liming was sweating profusely and was a little exhausted when facing the siege of two Dou Huangs.

  He had just broken through to Dou Huang not long ago, while these two were three-star and two-star Dou Huangs respectively.

  If his life-threatening fighting style had not made these two people wary, he would have died long ago.

  "Don't fight, Xiong Lida."   

  "Give up resistance, hand over the stuff, and we can leave you with an intact body."

  The two Dou Huangs flashed a sneer on their faces, and they provoked each other with words.

  "Dream on!"

  Xiong Lida roared.

  He accidentally got a low-level earth-level fighting skill, but he didn't know how the news leaked out. These two people knew about it and came to kill him.

  "Hmph, don't blame us then."

  Seeing Xiong Lida's answer, the three-star Dou Huang snorted coldly.

  At this time, two hot flame sword qi with terrifying power killed the two Dou Huangs.


  The two Dou Huangs' faces changed drastically. Just when they wanted to resist, the flame sword qi had already cut them. The

  terrible temperature exploded instantly, and the violent flames spread over the two people.


  Two miserable screams rang out, but they disappeared in a moment. The bodies of the two were burned into charred corpses, and turned into dust in the whistling wind, and drifted away with the wind.

  A cool breeze emerged from the soles of Xiong Lida's feet, along the spine to the top of his head.

  Everything just happened in a flash, and an inexplicable sense of fear surrounded Xiong Lida's heart.

  Suddenly, a big hand slapped Xiong Lida on the shoulder.

  Xiong Lida's body suddenly stiffened, and he dared not move at all, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

  My life is over!

  "Turn around."

  The voice of a young man rang in Xiong Lida's ears.

  Xiong Lida secretly groaned, but did not dare to disobey orders, and turned around.

  Su Yun looked at Xiong Lida's stiff expression, and a slight smile flashed across his face.

  Yes, he hid his identity when he was in Han Ge before, and he didn't use his real name, but Zhang Xiaofan's vest. The

  Little Medical Fairy also changed his appearance with a disguise mask at that time.

  Su Yun stretched out his hand, and a ball of purple flame emerged from his palm.

  This is the long-lost purple fire.

  As Su Yun's cultivation level increased, this sixth-level beast fire was rarely used.

  But when he was in Han Ge, he used this fire, and Xiong Lida should be able to recognize it.

  "This is... Master Zhang's flame, you are Master Zhang!"

  Xiong Lida exclaimed as he looked at the familiar flame in front of him.

  "Not bad, you still remember me."

  Su Yun smiled.

  "My name is Su Yun.

  I concealed my identity in Han Ge before. This is my true face."

  Hearing this, Xiong Lida finally let go of his worries, but there was still a trace of fear in his eyes.

  Su Yun's method just now was simply frightening to a one-star Dou Huang. With

  just two simple flame sword qi, the two Dou Huang warriors were gone in a snap.

  Su Yun pondered for a moment, took out a jade bottle from the system space, and threw it to Xiong Lida.

  "Catch it."

  Looking at the jade bottle flying towards him, Xiong Lida hurriedly caught it.

  "This is... the Emperor Pill!"

  Xiong Lida looked at it for a moment, and his pupils shrank slightly.

  "You did your best for Han Ge back then, this is your reward."

  "Thank you, Master Su.

  I just wonder if Hai Ge's master is doing well now?"

  Hearing this, Su Yun smiled. It seems that this person is not loyal to Han Ge, but to Hai Bodong.

  It must be said that Hai Lao's personality charm is not low.

  "Hai Lao is very good, don't worry."

   Five more chapters, huh, I'm so tired.

    It's not too much to ask for some monthly tickets.
