

  Chapter 364 The Real Angel Investor (Second Update!)

  Su Yun came to Xiao Lan with the blood energy ball.

  "Woo woo."

  Xiao Lan looked at the energy ball in Su Yun's hand and instinctively felt a little eager.

  This was what Su Yun had prepared before he came.

  He first caught a blue eagle and used "Ling Qing Yuan Hui" to extract the blood power from it as a sample.

  After that, he used the system's replacement function to replace a large amount of blue eagle blood essence with three seventh-level magic cores.

  If Xiao Lan can absorb all of it, the speed of cultivation will increase greatly, and the upper limit will be raised to the seventh-level monster.

  "Don't worry, this thing is prepared for you."

  Su Yun smiled slightly, and used the unique method of "Lingqing Yuanhui" to pour the blood energy in his hand into Xiaolan's body.

  Xiaolan is only a fourth-level monster now, and it is unrealistic to completely absorb the blood energy.

  Su Yun can only use the sealing method to seal most of the blood energy in its body, waiting for it to absorb it later.

  As for why the upper limit is a seventh-level monster, it is not that Su Yun is stingy.

  The main reason is that the blood power can reach the eighth-level monster. Even if it is sealed, Xiaolan's body cannot bear it.

  He still doesn't understand how Xiao Xun'er, with such a little cultivation, can seal the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame in her body.

  Is it the child fire, or is the sealing method too powerful? The original book does not make it clear.

  The power of blood continued to surge into Xiaolan's body, and Xiaolan let out a painful hiss.

  The little doctor looked at this scene, his face full of worry, and he was worried about Xiaolan.

  An hour later, all the power of blood entered Xiaolan's body, a small part of it was successfully absorbed by her, and the rest was sealed deep in the eagle's body.

  The increase in blood power did not bring Xiaolan a significant improvement in her cultivation, but her foundation was deeper. The

  azure feathers became more vivid, and the eagle's claws flashed with cold light, as if they could tear apart boulders, and the strength of the body also increased a lot.

  "Woo woo."

  Xiaolan rubbed Su Yun's palm affectionately with her eagle head.

  Su Yun's eyes also flashed a smile, and he flipped his palm, and a broken jade pendant engraved with a celestial snake appeared in his hand.

  This was the celestial snake jade pendant that the young master of the celestial snake mansion had worn before.

  This thing was not very useful to Su Yun and the little medical fairy, but it was quite suitable for Xiao Lan.

  This thing was ranked seventh, and although it would be scrapped after a few uses, it could still withstand a few more attacks from the Dou Zong level.

  Su Yun drew a drop of blood from Xiao Lan with a stroke of his finger, and then used his soul power to tear off a strand of Xiao Lan's soul and put them into the jade pendant.

  After doing all this, Su Yun hung the jade pendant around Xiao Lan's neck and buried it in the feathers.

  With these things, Xiao Lan had the power to protect herself in the Jiama Empire, and he had solved another problem.

  Afterwards, the two said goodbye to Xiao Lan again and walked on the streets of Wutan City.

  Revisiting the old place, the two were filled with emotion.

  "Brother, will we come back in the future?"


  Su Yun had a slight smile on his face.

  Wutan City is his hometown to him. Here is the path where his fighting spirit developed, and the time he spent with the little doctor.

  If he can reach the top in the future, he is willing to come back here.

  However, if that time comes, he will probably have to ascend.

  Su Yun shook his head. It was too far to say these things now.

  "Sir, please be kind and don't smash it."

  At this time, the wailing of an old man in front sounded.

  "Humph, you can't afford the money, but you still want to set up a stall here?

  How can such a good thing happen!"

  Another person who looked like a supervisor smashed the old man's stall while cursing.

  Su Yun looked at him and was a little dazed for a moment.   

  He knew the old man.

  When he was still in the stage of cultivation of fighting spirit, he "borrowed" the herbs on his stall to synthesize the foundation-building spirit liquid.

  The old man's face was bitter. After the Xiao family was changed, the Jialie family was the only one in the whole Wutan City, occupying the entire market, so they also engaged in monopoly.

  The rent of the market stalls has been rising again and again. He is an old widower who makes a living by selling low-grade herbs, but he doesn't have that much money.

  The old man watched his stall being smashed, and he didn't dare to say anything. He could only pick up the herbs that were still intact on the ground and left silently.

  Su Yun saw this scene, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.


  The little medical fairy took Su Yun's arm and shook it gently.

  Although she didn't know what the relationship between Su Yun and the old man was, she could feel that Su Yun didn't seem to be in a good mood.

  "It's okay."

  Su Yun shook his head, memorized the old man's appearance, and went to the Mitre Auction House branch in Wutan City with Xiao Yixian, and took out a token.

  Then he left the old man's portrait, and then left Wutan City with Xiao Yixian.

  He could only do this, because the rest of the stall owners died or escaped during the invasion of the Three Kingdoms, and they could not be found. He could help as many as he could.

  Later, the director of the Mitre Auction House in Wutan City found the old man, bowed down, and said that the old man looked very much like his long-lost father.

  The old man was therefore happy to be a father, and under the careful care of the director, he enjoyed his old age.


  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were flying over the Jiama Empire, planning to return to Canaan Academy, gather everyone, and prepare to go to Zhongzhou.

  A strange and gloomy aura suddenly appeared in Su Yun's perception.


  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

  "Is this... the aura of the Soul Palace Guardian?"

  Immediately, Su Yun took Xiao Yixian and followed the sense and went over.

  "Strange, where did those people from the Xiao family go?"

  Iron Guardian frowned.

  Since the three kingdoms of the Izumo Empire were defeated by Su Yun, his progress in plundering the Xiao family has slowed down a lot.

  "So it's you."

  At this time, a joking voice appeared behind Iron Guardian.

  "Who are you!"

  Iron Guardian was startled and turned around quickly. It was Su Yun and Xiao Yixian who came into view.

  "It's you!"

  The Iron Protector's face changed suddenly, and he wanted to escape under the strange and sinister fighting spirit. He had no intention of fighting.

  When Su Yun defeated Lu Biyan and others with his invincible posture, he hid in the dark and observed, and naturally knew how strong Su Yun's fighting power was.

  He was just a two-star fighting sect, how could he dare to be an enemy.

  "Can you get away?"

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with indifference, and when the fighting spirit burst out, the energy of heaven and earth gathered into a big energy hand, grabbing the Iron Protector.

  He didn't catch the Iron Protector from the dark before, because in the public eye, it would be easy to find out afterwards that he took the initiative to capture a Soul Palace protector.

  But now that there was no one around, he no longer had to worry about this.

  He looked down on this person's cultivation, but he was an extremely good material for refining the soul essence, so he would be wasted if he didn't catch him.

  The energy hand immediately grabbed the Iron Guardian tightly. With Su Yun's current strength, he had no chance of resisting.
