

  Chapter 365 Tianya City (3rd update!)

  "You, you!"

  Iron Guardian was horrified.

  "Let me go, or Soul Palace will not let you go!"

  A hint of ridicule flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  "I caught you? Who said that!"


  Iron Guardian was furious.

  Su Yun shook his head, knocked him unconscious, sealed him in a jade bottle, and stored it in the system space.

  Soul Palace...

  Su Yun's eyes flashed a trace of haze.

  When he helped Canaan Academy defeat the Black Horn Region, he had already entered the sight of Soul Palace. He must be careful when he arrived in Zhongzhou.

  Facing such a behemoth, it is absolutely false to say that he is not worried at all.

  The biggest reliance he can show is probably only the identity of an eighth-grade alchemist.

  But if we refer to the fate of Yao Lao, this identity... will definitely not make Soul Palace more excited...

  And Yao Lao is still a peak Dou Zun strongman after all. If he is fully fired, the little Karami, who is only a beginner Dou Zun, will not end well.

  Forget it, forget it, take one step and see.

  Afterwards, the two of them did not continue to stay in the Jia Ma Empire, and flew to Canaan Academy.

  A few days later, the two of them were in the inner courtyard.

  Su Yun called Qing Lin and others to the small attic.


  A tingling voice sounded, and Cai Lin looked at Su Yun with a happy face.

  "Cai Lin hasn't seen the master for a long time."

  Su Yun smiled and touched Cai Lin's head.

  Before, he gave Cai Lin a local advanced technique and asked her to practice it.

  So Cai Lin was in seclusion for a long time, and he stayed in the Sky Snake Empire for more than two months.

  They really haven't seen each other for a long time.

  Su Yun sensed Cai Lin's cultivation, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  The cultivation speed of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is not slow. Now Cai Lin's cultivation has reached the peak of the two-star Dou Zong, and it is only one step away from the three-star Dou Zong.

  "Pills, pills, Su Yun pills!"

  Zi Yan hugged Su Yun's thighs, shook her head and said, her big eyes like purple gems flashing with excitement.

  Su Yun's face darkened and gave Zi Yan a slap.

  "You're the one who's going to be finished!"

  "It hurts!"

  Zi Yan covered her little head and glared at Su Yun to protest.

  Su Yun casually threw a pill aside, and the little girl immediately smiled and sat down obediently.

  "The Northwest Continent is done, and next, we'll go to Zhongzhou."

  Everyone looked quite solemn.

  Zhongzhou is prosperous, with more opportunities, but with it come challenges.

  In Zhongzhou, Dou Zong cultivation is not too strong. Except for Venerable Tianhuo and She Linyue, they are almost all at this level.

  "After arriving in Zhongzhou, we all have to be careful.

  The many secrets I have cannot be used easily in public.

  When the time comes, I will have to rely on Senior Tianhuo most of the time."

  Su Yun said, looking at Venerable Tianhuo.

  As for She Linyue, because she was controlled by the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils, he would only consider letting her take action when encountering a battle.

  He himself had no choice. Tianhuo had three mysterious changes, and many kinds of strange fire could not be used, and his combat power was almost sharply reduced.

  Even Qianhuan Jueyingyi had to take the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan into consideration, and their speed also dropped significantly.


  Skyfire Venerable nodded.

  "Leave it to me."


  Gather here again in seven days, everyone get ready."


  After everyone dispersed, Su Yun stood up and planned to leave the small attic.

  "Where are you going?"   

  Xiao Yixian hugged Su Yun from behind, her charming body pressed against Su Yun's back, and a caressing feeling came, which made Su Yun a little distracted.

  However, he had something serious to do this time.

  Su Yun turned around and hugged Xiao Yixian in his arms, gently tapping her snow-white forehead.

  "Be good, I'll be back soon."

  "Okay, hurry up, I'll wait for you in the bedroom."

  Xiao Yixian blushed and whispered.

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Don't worry."

  Then Su Yun started to deceive the world, hiding his breath and figure, quietly left the small attic and came to the library.

  Now that they are leaving the Northwest Continent, these treasures must be returned quickly, otherwise there will be no chance in the future.

  He didn't use the things he took away at that time, such as elixirs, magic cores and other resources. As for the skills and fighting skills, he naturally looked through them all.

  Mang Tianchi was also generous and put some high-level earth-level fighting skills in it.

  It's just a pity that in these years, I'm afraid no student can take them out, and they all fell into his hands.

  Arriving at the library, Su Yun put down his things and left immediately without any mistakes.

  No one in Canaan College could find him.

  Returning to the small attic, Su Yun opened the bedroom door and found Xiao Yixian lying on the bed.

  She was wrapped tightly in a quilt, with only a small head sticking out, and her clothes were neatly folded at the head of the bed.

  The soul barrier unfolded, and Su Yun pounced on Xiao Yixian.


  Seven days passed quickly, and it was time to go to Zhongzhou.

  Xiao Yixian was busy in the small attic, tidying up the house inside and outside.

  "I don't know when Senior Sister Su Xuehui will come back, so we have to clean up this place."

  Xiao Yixian said while tidying up.

  Su Yun nodded.

  Indeed, this is someone else's house after all.

  Speaking of which, they haven't seen Su Xuehui for a long time. It is said that she is traveling around the continent again. It is unknown whether she will meet in Zhongzhou.

  After Xiao Yixian packed up, the two came to the door.

  Qinglin, Tianhuo Zunzhe, Hai Bodong, and Ziyan had already gathered here early.

  "Let's go."

  Su Yun smiled at everyone, and took the lead in stepping into the air and flew towards the inner courtyard exit.

  After leaving the inner courtyard, Su Yun turned his head to look at Qinglin.



  Qinglin nodded, and the three-flowered pupil of the green snake appeared in his pupil, and a seventh-level snake monster appeared in the outside world. They

  had previously gone to the Sky Snake Empire to import a wave of goods, and their mounts for traveling also changed from sixth-level monsters to seventh-level monsters.

  Zhongzhou is extremely far away from the northwest continent, and the Skyfire Venerable cannot build a space channel across such a distance.

  So this time, they need to go to Tianya City first.

  There is a space wormhole leading to Zhongzhou.

  Everyone came to the back of the seventh-level snake monster, and then Qinglin looked at the map in his hand, commanded the seventh-level snake monster, and headed towards Tianya City.

  "Su Yun, will there really be news about my parents in Zhongzhou?"

  Zi Yan pulled the corner of Su Yun's clothes, and a trace of uneasiness flashed across her delicate face.

  Su Yun was slightly startled, and then comforted her.

  "Don't worry, there will definitely be one."

  According to the description in the original book, after arriving in Zhongzhou, Zi Yan will have a sense of it and take the initiative to leave for Donglong Island.

  "Is that so..."

  Zi Yan's heart flashed with a trace of uneasiness.

  At this time, the little medical fairy stretched out her jade hand and hugged Zi Yan into her arms.

  "Even if you can't find it, it doesn't matter, everyone will accompany you."

  "Yeah, sister Zi Yan, don't worry."

  Qing Lin, who was standing at the head of the snake, also turned around and encouraged.

   Continue in the evening, and stop here in the afternoon.