

  Chapter 366 Little Medical Fairy Exposed (Fourth Update!)

  Although everyone encouraged Zi Yan, she was still a little nervous.

  Su Yun took out a bottle of pills from the system space.

  "Eat it, everything will pass."

  Zi Yan took the jade bottle, immediately opened the cork, and poured the pills into her mouth to cover up her inner uneasiness.

  Su Yun looked into the distance with deep eyes.

  Now that Dragon Island is separated and the three dragon kings have rebelled, Zi Yan will be well trained after returning to Donglong Island, but with it comes potential crises.

  At this point, he can't help much now, he can only grow up as quickly as possible.

  Although the snake monster is not good at flying, it is a seventh-level monster after all. After a few days, Su Yun and others came to Tianya City.

  Outside the city, Su Yun and the others jumped off the snake's back and let Qing Lin take the seventh-level snake monster into his sight.

  As a city with a space wormhole, Tianya City is also extremely prosperous, with people coming and going on the streets and a large population.

  Su Yun and the others walked on the street, and after a little inquiry, they knew the specific location of the space wormhole, and rushed to the space wormhole.

  "Hiss, Dou Zong strongmen!"

  "Wow, except for the little girl who is Dou Huang, the old man's cultivation is not obvious, and the rest are Dou Zong strongmen!"

  "This Tianya City has come to an incredible big man!"


  The cultivation of Su Yun and others made passers-by gasp.

  They did not deliberately suppress their cultivation, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger or something like that.

  Sometimes showing your strong side can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

  This is not Zhongzhou, there is no need to be so low-key.

  Soon, everyone arrived near the space wormhole.

  "So many people are queuing."

  Hai Bodong sighed.

  The line in front of the space wormhole has been lined up for hundreds of meters. It will take a long time for them to get their turn.

  "It doesn't matter. The strong will have some privileges in the end."

  Su Yun raised the corner of his mouth.

  The rules of the Fighting Continent have always been like this. Not only has he gotten used to it, but he can also use it very well.

  The strongest person in Tianya City is just a beginner fighting sect. Don't dare to say anything in front of them.

  It's just cutting in line. It's okay.

  The powerful fighting spirit burst out, and the momentum of a six-star fighting sect spread all around.

  People around looked over one after another, with shock flashing in their eyes.

  Su Yun led everyone across the team and came to the space wormhole, showing a kind smile to the Dou Zong strongman guarding the wormhole.

  "We'll use it first, is that okay?"

  The beginner Dou Zong trembled in front of Su Yun and swallowed his saliva.

  "No, no problem."

  As he said that, he took out a palm-sized wooden boat from his ring and handed it to Su Yun tremblingly.


  Su Yun smiled and suddenly remembered a sentence from his previous life.

  Society only flirts with the rich.

  The thing in his hand is called a space ship, which is specially used to travel through space wormholes. It is very expensive. Even the simplest space ship costs millions.

  "Thank you very much."

  After Su Yun took the spaceship from him, he took out a gold coin card from the system space and put it in his hand.

  "Let's go."

  Then Su Yun signaled to everyone and stepped into the space wormhole. Xiao Yixian and others also hurriedly followed.

  In front of everyone was an extremely deep space channel. As long as you pass through it, you can reach Zhongzhou.

  Su Yun threw the spaceship in his hand forward.

  The spaceship immediately underwent a huge change. It expanded rapidly at an extremely fast speed and turned into a small boat of more than ten inches. There was still a trace of space force flowing on the surface of the boat.

  Everyone entered the boat together and looked at the hull with some curiosity.   

  Venerable Skyfire, on the other hand, did not react at all, and was very calm.

  "Let me control it.

  I'm more familiar with it."

  Venerable Skyfire suggested.


  Su Yun nodded.

  Indeed, Venerable Skyfire was the most familiar with this thing among them.

  Even he had only seen it in the memories of Yao Lao and Jinglian Demon Saint.

  Venerable Skyfire walked to the bow, and his majestic fighting spirit unfolded, infusing fighting spirit into the energy input point.

  As Venerable Skyfire's fighting spirit was transmitted, the hull of the spaceship immediately trembled, and then turned into a silver light, and with a whoosh, it passed through the space channel.

  "What a fast speed."

  A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Little Medical Immortal.

  Su Yun also felt a little curious.

  In his opinion, this speed was much faster than when he used the Thousand Illusions Absolute Shadow Wings.

  "It's OK. The speed of this thing also depends on the person.

  If a Dou Zong were to operate it, the speed would not be able to reach this level.

  Only if the Venerable's Dou Qi is strong enough and it is assisted by the power of space,

  can it have such an effect.

  And it can only be used here. Outside, this thing is just a small broken boat."

  Venerable Tianhuo said while operating the spaceship.

  "Senior Tianhuo, how long will it take us to reach Zhongzhou?"

  Su Yun asked Venerable Tianhuo.


  at this speed, it should only take five days."


  Su Yun nodded. Five days is already very fast.

  The distance from the Northwest Continent to Zhongzhou, if there is no help from this space channel, with the speed of a nine-star Dou Zong strongman, I am afraid it will take half a year of non-stop flying to reach it.


  Just as Su Yun and his party were heading to Zhongzhou, in the Zhongzhou Glacier Valley.

  In a hall made entirely of cold iron, a handsome man in a white robe who looked very young was sitting on the ice throne.

  There was a hint of femininity between his brows, and there was a dark snowflake pattern between his brows.

  This man was the owner of the Glacier Valley, the famous Ice Venerable on the mainland, a four-star peak fighting Venerable, Binghe.

  "Are you telling the truth?"

  A suffocating cold light flashed in Binghe's eyes,

  "It's absolutely true, how dare I deceive you!

  If you don't believe it, you can ask him!"

  A young man knelt in the hall and said hurriedly, pointing his finger at the figure lying on the ground beside him.

  "Dai Jianbin! You traitor!

  You wasted the academy's cultivation. Senior Sister saved the entire academy, and you also benefited from her kindness, but you dared to betray Senior Sister!

  You are worse than a pig and a dog!

  You really deserve your dog name, Dai bastard!


  The figure next to Dai Jianbin roared.

  He was covered in wounds and tied up with thick ropes like twists. His Dantian was broken, and more than 20 years of hard training came to nothing.

  This person was Xu Jie, who had challenged Su Yun in the ring before, and who happened to meet at the gate of the inner courtyard when Su Yun took Qinglin to the Tianshe Empire.

  He came to the Dai family as a guest at the invitation of Dai Jianbin, but he never thought that the Dai family would become a vassal of the Glacier Valley.

  It is very common in Zhongzhou for some small families to rely on super powers.

  And the Glacier Valley secretly issued an order to all its subordinate forces, which is to search for the evil poison body!