


  Chapter 368: Beast Domain (First Update!)

  Judging from the direction Zi Yan pointed, she should want to go to the Beast Domain.

  The Beast Domain is different from Zhongzhou. It is the territory occupied by magic beasts.

  The three magic beast families of Taixu Ancient Dragon, Tianyao Phoenix, and Jiuyou Diming Python are all there.

  In addition, there are some powerful magic beast families left over from ancient times. Of course, in the original book, this part is rarely mentioned.

  And Su Yun is not concerned about the Beast Domain, but a place that must be passed on the way from here to the Beast Domain.

  In Su Yun's mind, a netherworld poisonous swamp emerged, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

  This netherworld poisonous swamp is where the netherworld poisonous fire is!

  After he explored Zhang Ritian's memory before, he learned that he was in Zhongzhou.

  Although the netherworld poisonous fire ranks only 20th on the list of strange fires, it has a huge effect on Xiao Yixian.

  Xiao Yixian's "Spirit Cloud Fairy" is different from his own "Fenhan Jue".

  The Burning Cold Art absorbs spiritual objects with fire and ice attributes, while the Spiritual Cloud Immortal absorbs spiritual objects with poison attributes.

  In other words, if the Little Medical Immortal refines the Netherworld Poison Fire, the most beneficial thing to her is not the fire energy contained in the Netherworld Poison Fire, but the terrifying toxin.

  The content of the Netherworld Poison Fire toxin is much more than the fire energy.

  This toxin has a great effect on both the Evil Poison Body and the Spiritual Cloud Immortal.

  It can not only promote the original poison power of the Evil Poison Body, but also increase the grade of the Spiritual Cloud Immortal. It can be said that there are many benefits.

  Su Yun immediately made a decision in his heart.

  If the Little Medical Immortal completely refines and absorbs the Netherworld Poison Fire, then his cultivation will have a qualitative leap.

  "Let's take Zi Yan home first."

  "Su Yun, thank you!"

  Zi Yan's eyes flashed with excitement and she jumped up excitedly.

  The Skyfire Venerable had no objection to this.

  "That's good."

  He just made a suggestion just now. After all, their group still focused on Su Yun.

  The decision had been made, and everyone began to turn around and head towards the Beast Domain.

  "Zhongzhou is vast and boundless, and it is not easy to pass through

  . Therefore, space wormholes have been built in those large cities. If you want to get to the Beast Domain quickly, it is better to continue to use the space wormholes to travel instead of traveling by yourself."

  Venerable Tianhuo suggested.

  Su Yun nodded.

  "Just listen to Senior Tianhuo."

  Venerable Tianhuo is knowledgeable and experienced. With him, they can be much more relaxed in Zhongzhou.

  In the next period of time, they began another round of travel.

  Although they can use space wormholes in large cities, they still have to fly to get there.

  However, with the seventh-level snake monster, it is not too tiring.


  Just as Su Yun and others were on their way to the Beast Domain, Tianshuangzi also rushed from Zhongzhou to the northwest continent and arrived at Canaan College.

  Tianshuangzi stood above the clouds, looking at Canaan College protected by the barrier, and a smile flashed across his mouth.

  "Jia Nan Academy...

  except for that one Mang Tian Chi, the rest are just trash, not worth mentioning.

  However, let's use courtesy first and then force. If we can get him to hand over his poisonous body, we can avoid making enemies."

  A majestic aura emerged from Tian Shuangzi's body, as if announcing his arrival.

  Su Qian, who was working in the office, suddenly changed his face.

  Many elders of Jia Nan Academy also changed their faces instantly.

  "This aura... is from a Dou Zun strongman!"

  Su Qian looked solemn, but surprisingly, he did not panic at all. Instead, he called an elder and asked him to go to the bottom of the Tian Fen Refining Qi Tower.

  He took two inner courtyard elders with him and flew out of the inner courtyard.

  The three of them came to Tian Shuangzi.   

  "I don't know which venerable is here. My name is Su Qian, and I am the elder of the inner courtyard of Canaan College."

  Su Qian said.

  Tian Shuangzi's eyes flashed with indifference.

  "My name is Tian Shuangzi, you should have heard of my name."

  Su Qian's pupils shrank.

  The elder of Binghe Valley, Tian Shuangzi!

  Perhaps other forces in the northwest continent don't know much about Zhongzhou, but Canaan College is not one of them.

  Whether it is the students from Zhongzhou or its dean Mang Tianchi, they have a source of information about Zhongzhou.

  It's strange, Binghe Valley and their Canaan College have always kept their distance, why did Tian Shuangzi come here?

  "I don't know what the venerable came to Canaan College today for?"

  Su Qian asked.

  "I heard in Binghe Valley that a person with a poisonous body appeared in Canaan College.

  You know this kind of physique, every time it appears, it is a disaster for the creatures on the continent.

  I came here this time to take him back to Binghe Valley for disposal."

  Tian Shuangzi said righteously.

  Su Qian frowned tightly.

  He cursed Binghe Valley for being shameless in his heart.

  Do you really think that since Canaan College is located in the northwest continent, they know nothing about Glacier Valley?

  Glacier Valley Master, Binghe is a post-natally formed evil poison body. Now he has sent Dou Zun strongmen to ask for the innate evil poison body. Even if

  you use your knees to think, you can know that he has bad intentions.

  But how did this matter get exposed...

  For a moment, Su Qian's mind was spinning wildly.

  Now Su Yun and Xiao Yixian have gone to Zhongzhou. This news is probably unknown to Glacier Valley, otherwise they would not come to Canaan College to ask for people.

  And this information cannot be exposed to Glacier Valley, otherwise Glacier Valley will start a search in Zhongzhou and they will be in danger.

  As for whether Canaan College will be in danger because of this...

  If it was ten days ago, this would indeed be a big problem, but now it is different from the past.

  "Sir, I am very sorry, Canaan College has never had an evil poison body."

  Su Qian said apologetically.


  Tian Shuangzi narrowed his old eyes, and a cold light flashed obscurely.

  When the Valley Master questioned him that day, he was also present. Dai Jianbin did not look like he was lying.

  "Humph, if you don't accept my toast, you will be punished!"

  Tian Shuangzi snorted coldly, and his majestic fighting spirit burst out again.

  He did not believe Su Qian's words, but thought that Su Qian wanted to cover up the Evil Poison Body.

  "The power of the Venerable cannot be violated. You should just hand over the Evil Poison Body obediently."

  The terrifying might immediately pressed on the three people.

  The three people's faces turned pale, and Elder Yang and Elder Yin even spit out blood.

  The might of the Dou Zun was indeed not something they could resist. If they were not afraid of Mang Tianchi's account later, the three people would probably not be so relaxed.

  "What Evil Poison Body, I don't know!"

  Su Qian gritted his teeth and said.

  "I don't know, haha.

  Then I will go in and find it myself!"

  Tian Shuangzi flashed a sneer on his face, and he passed the three people and was about to enter the inner courtyard.

  Suddenly, another majestic aura rose from Canaan College, which made Tian Shuangzi's face change.

  "This is... Dou Zun!

  How is it possible! Canaan College actually has a Dou Zun!"

  A stream of blazing Dou Qi with terrifying power flew out from the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, passed through the exit of the barrier, and blasted towards Tian Shuangzi.

   Let's do it, let's do it!