

  Chapter 369 Bailie vs. Tianshuangzi (Second Update!)

  Tianshuangzi's face was gloomy. He waved his sleeves, and the energy of heaven and earth condensed into a big hand, grabbing and exploding the Dou Qi.

  "Janaan Academy is not a place you can just enter."

  An old figure stepped out of the inner courtyard, stretched out his palm, and dispersed the power of Su Qian and the other two. A suction force emerged and pulled the three people to his side.

  "Thank you, Elder Bailie."

  "Well. Go down, and leave the next thing to me."

  Bailie said.


  Su Qian and the other two responded respectfully and flew back to the inner courtyard.

  "Bailie, you actually became a Dou Zun!"

  Tianshuangzi's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

  From the words, it was not difficult to see that the two knew each other.

  Bailie glanced at him lightly.

  "Old thing, you only broke through ten years earlier than me, what are you proud of?"

  After getting the seventh-grade peak elixir, the wall-breaking elixir, from Su Yun, he and Qianmu had been in seclusion.

  Until ten days ago, he finally succeeded in breaking through and became a Dou Zun.

  As for his acquaintance with Tian Shuangzi, it can be traced back to a hundred years ago when he and Qianmu traveled together in Zhongzhou.

  "Hmph, time is strength.

  You are just a beginner Dou Zun, and in the past ten years, I have been promoted to a one-star mid-stage Dou Zun.

  You'd better hand over the evil poison body obediently, you are not my opponent."

  Bai Lie frowned.

  What Tian Shuangzi said was true.

  A great realm is divided into nine stars, and each star level is divided into four levels: early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak.

  In the previous realms, almost no one would care about these divisions.

  Because this division is too detailed, and the gap between them is not big.

  But it is different in the Dou Zun realm. Often, if there is a one-star difference, the combat power between the two will become a crushing trend.

  At this time, more subtle divisions will be brought out again.

  For example, Tian Shuangzi is a one-star mid-stage Dou Zun, and Bai Lie is a one-star early Dou Zun.

  But even if it is further divided, the gap between the early stage and the middle stage is still not small. If Bai Lie does not have other means, I am afraid he is really not Tian Shuangzi's opponent.

  "How do you know if you haven't fought before!"

  Bai Lie has a hot temper and will not give in easily.

  Moreover, when the two confronted each other, Su Qian also told him the whole story by using the soul transmission method.

  Regardless of the favor between Su Yun, Xiao Yixian and Canaan College, the college will not betray them just because they are students of Canaan College.

  This has always been the code of conduct of Canaan College, which was established by Mang Tianchi and continues to this day.

  The auras of the two people exploded in the sky, and the clouds turned into nothingness. The terrifying flames and the cold chill intertwined and neither of them gave in.

  "Bai Lie, I will say it again for the last time. As long as you hand over the evil poison body, I will leave immediately."

  Tian Shuangzi shouted sternly.


  Bai Lie roared, his fighting spirit burst out, and the energy of heaven and earth surged, instantly condensing into a terrifying flame lion, killing Tian Shuangzi.

  "Then come and try!"

  Tian Shuangzi's face gradually became gloomy, and the cold fighting spirit of Ling Ran emerged, and the temperature of his body immediately dropped to zero.

  The biting cold was like winter. A dragon made of ice appeared in front of him and fought with the flame lion.


  The flame lion roared and rushed towards the ice dragon.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The terrifying wave suddenly erupted.

  Under Su Qian's command, many elders in the inner courtyard had formed a formation together, cooperating with the barrier to protect the entire inner courtyard and resist the aftermath of the battle between the two.   

  In the sky, there were dozens of space cracks. The Flame Lion and the Ice Dragon had collided dozens of times in an instant.

  The flame and ice canceled each other out. Even the aftermath that escaped was enough to severely injure a Dou Zong strongman.

  The elders in the inner courtyard looked at this scene in the sky, and their eyes flashed with shock.

  Su Qian clenched his fists and sweated for Bai Lie.

  The battle between the two was not optimistic. Although he could not see the specific situation, it was clear that the Flame Lion condensed by Bai Lie was at a disadvantage.

  After a few more breaths, the Flame Lion let out a wail.

  The huge body was tightly entangled by the dragon, and the terrifying ice fighting spirit permeated its body. The dragon opened its mouth and bit the Flame Lion's neck.

  Finally, the Flame Lion fell down under the heavy burden, and its body escaped and turned into the energy of heaven and earth and disappeared between heaven and earth.

  Tian Shuangzi looked at Bai Lie with mockery in his eyes.

  "You are no match for me."

  Bai Lie's face was livid, and the blazing flames on his body burst out again. His figure disappeared from the spot, and he came to the front of the Ice Dragon and slapped it with one palm.

  Although the Ice Dragon successfully killed the Flame Lion, it did not have much energy left in its body. It was blown up by Bai Lie's palm. Bai Lie dodged again and punched Tian Shuangzi.


  A trace of coldness flashed across Tian Shuangzi's face, and he used his palm to fight his fist.


  The terrifying wave exploded with the two of them as the center. The aftermath was so strong that even though it was far above the sky, the surrounding trees had all been broken and the mountaintops had been flattened.

  Dou Zun's great power was so terrifying!

  "I said, you are no match for me!"

  Tian Shuangzi slapped again and beat Bai Lie back.

  Bai Lie's figure exploded back, stabilized his body in the air, groaned, and suffered a loss.

  "If you don't want to hand over the Evil Poison Body, it's fine.

  I will find it myself."

  Tian Shuangzi looked gloomy and flew towards Canaan College.


  At this moment, Bailie suddenly roared, and the surging and fiery fighting spirit suddenly burst out. He put his hands together, and a mysterious feeling emerged, as if he was calling something.


  What is this guy crazy about again?"

  Tianshuangzi's expression condensed, and he immediately became alert.

  A violent and fiery breath rose from the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, attracting the attention of many inner court elders.

  "This is...

  Elder Bailie succeeded!"

  Su Qian showed ecstasy.

  Since Bailie came out of retreat, Su Qian also gave Bailie the secret method that Su Yun left to Canaan Academy, "Yangxuan Array Fire".

  This secret method can make people connect with the strange fire. The higher the cultivation level, the better the effect of using it. Of course, it is limited to fire attribute fighters.

  Because the principle of this secret method is to transmit the fire attribute fighting spirit into the strange fire, so that the strange fire can be familiar with the breath of the transmitter.

  If the connection between the strange fire and the person reaches a certain level, it can even allow the person to control the strange fire.

  Although it is not as easy to drive as after refining the strange fire, it also greatly increases the combat power.

  A small invisible flame shot out from the bottom of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, came to Bailie, paused for a moment, and then penetrated into his body.


  I succeeded!"

  Bailie laughed wildly, his breath suddenly rose, and invisible flames covered his whole body.

  "Falling Heart Flame!"

  Tianshuangzi's pupils shrank, and he felt something was wrong.

  Falling Heart Flame is only ranked fourteenth on the list of strange fires, and its impact on the Venerable's combat power is not that great, but it is more than enough to make up for the gap between Bailie and him.