

  Chapter 370 Farewell Lin Xiuya (3rd update!)

  Bringing back the Evil Poison Body may be difficult...

  "It's worth it that I have been awake for ten days and have been instilling fighting spirit in you."

  Bai Lie felt the surging power in his body, and a hint of satisfaction flashed across his face. Then he turned his body, and invisible fire flashed in his eyes, staring at Tian Shuangzi.

  "Old thing, you just said I couldn't beat you, but what about now!"

  The invisible flames erupted like a volcano, and Bai Lie punched Tian Shuangzi again.

  The falling heart flames wrapped around his fist, and the terrifying temperature carried a tyrannical aura, and its power was more than one-fold stronger than before!

  "Not good!"

  Tian Shuangzi's face changed drastically, and in a hurry, he still wanted to resist with an ice palm.


  A figure flew out, but unlike before, it was Tianshuangzi who flew out this time.


  Didn't you guys have a great time fighting just now? Now it's my turn!"

  Bailie showed a sly smile on his face, and his figure shot out like a stream of light.

  A new round of war broke out again!

  The echoes in the sky continued, and an hour passed.

  Tianshuangzi was covered in wounds, barely escaping from Bailie's attack range, and forcibly dispelled the invisible flames in his body with a majestic fighting spirit.

  "Just wait for me, I will definitely come back!"

  After saying this, Tianshuangzi tore through the space in a rage and left like a wolf.


  Bailie spat in the direction of Tianshuangzi's escape. He was always hot-tempered and didn't care about the so-called venerable image.

  At this moment, the Meteoric Heart Flame in Bailie's body suddenly sent out a feeling of dissatisfaction.

  "Oh, my ancestor.

  Don't worry, don't worry, I will infuse you with fighting spirit later, and I will infuse you with it for another ten days!"

  Hearing Bailie say this, the Meteoric Heart Flame finally calmed down.

  Bailie also breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although the secret method left by Su Yun can make the Meteoric Heart Flame completely used by Canaan Academy, it is not an omnipotent secret method.

  It is better to refine it directly and do whatever you want to it.

  After the battle, Bai Lie returned to the inner courtyard, put the Falling Heart Flame back into the Sky Burning Refining Qi Tower to comfort it, and then turned to look at Su Qian and others who had been waiting on the side.

  "Have Su Xiaoyou and the others already gone to Zhongzhou?"

  "Yes, it should be time now."

  Su Qian replied.

  "What should we do now? Tian Shuangzi is still okay, but Binghe had already broken through to the four-star Dou Zun many years ago. With their strength, I'm afraid they are no match for him."

  Bai Lie's face flashed with a headache.

  If you were to fight him, he would definitely rush to the front, but if you were to make plans, don't get close to him.

  Su Qian sighed.

  "I don't know either."

  "Speaking of which, how did the fact that Miss Xian'er was a body of evil poison leak out..."

  Old Yang frowned.

  They have already told all teachers and students not to disclose the matter, but it hasn't been long since the people from Glacier Valley showed up.

  Hearing this, Su Qian's eyes flashed.

  "I do have some ideas about this matter.

  It is very likely that there was a traitor among the students who went to Zhongzhou before.

  The Northwest Continent, the Eastern Continent... The probability of students returning to those places passing the news to Zhongzhou is very low.

  And the time is almost right. The students from Zhongzhou went back some time ago."

  "Do you have any suspects?"

  Bai Lie asked.


  Su Qian shook his head.

  It happened too suddenly, and he couldn't lock on to the target.

  "Now we can only try our best to delay Tian Shuangzi, and try not to expose the news of their trip to Zhongzhou.

  There is too little we can do."


  A month passed slowly.

  After rushing for this period of time, everyone came to a large city called Baizi City and walked on the street.

  "Zhongzhou is really prosperous. The number of Dou Zong masters I have seen in this month is more than ten times that of the Northwest Continent."

  Hai Bodong shook his body and couldn't help saying.


  This is just the beginning. Since I follow little friend Su, I will meet Dou Zun and even... Dou Sheng in the future."

  Tianhuo Zun laughed, with a flash of amazement in his eyes.

  In his opinion, Su Yun's qualifications could not stop at the level of Dou Zun.

  Su Yun is now a six-star Dou Zong. According to his previous breakthrough speed, it will probably take only one or two years to reach the realm of Dou Zun.

  "Senior Tianhuo, you are too kind."

  Su Yun smiled and said nothing more.

  "Hey, what are you doing!"

  "How can I deal with you when you are like this!"

  Suddenly, a quarrel was heard on the street ahead.

  Everyone looked over and saw that it was a man who wanted to use the space channel and had a conflict with the person guarding the space channel.

  "Lin Xiuya?"

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with surprise and he recognized the man's identity.

  Lin Xiuya was born in Zhongzhou. Calculating the time, although he has not completely left Canaan Academy.

  But sometimes, students from Zhongzhou will return to Zhongzhou to visit relatives, so it is normal to see him here.

  "Mr. Lin, Baizi City does not welcome you."

  The guard was a one-star Douzong strongman with an extremely arrogant attitude.

  Lin Xiuya's face was ashen, but he dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

  He was born in the Lin family, and the Lin family was located in Heizi City and was the first family in the city.

  Since ancient times, black pieces and white pieces cannot coexist. If he did not need to use the space wormhole of Baizi City to go to Black City, he would not want to suffer this humiliation.

  He had disguised himself and planned to get through, but he did not expect to be discovered by the guard. It was really bad luck.

  Lin Xiuya's face flashed with frustration, and he could only leave silently and think of other ways.

  At this time, he was suddenly pulled over.

  "Lin Xiuya, long time no see."

  Su Yun looked at Lin Xiuya in front of him and smiled.

  Lin Xiuya's body stiffened, and a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

  He immediately remembered the scene of being beaten by Su Yun before.

  "Su, Senior Su Yun, long time no see."

  "Well, what's the matter with you?"

  Lin Xiuya's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't expect Su Yun to talk to him with such a pleasant expression.

  "Don't be nervous. We are all classmates."

  Su Yun shook his head.

  He and Lin Xiuya didn't have any big conflicts.

  Students from Canaan Academy basically support each other when they meet in Douqi Continent.

  Su Qian would also do some ideological work at every inner courtyard graduation ceremony.

  Although he didn't participate, sometimes when he talked to Su Qian, he would also mention it and help if he could.

  He didn't mind it. Of course, if he couldn't help, it would be fine. He was not the Holy Mother.

  Lin Xiuya took a deep breath. Indeed, he and Su Yun did not have any major conflicts, so... why was he beaten so badly before?

  "It's like this..."

  Then Lin Xiuya told the whole story.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with surprise.

  "Strange, can't you take a detour? Since there is a conflict between your two cities, aren't you afraid of being caught by them?"

  "Well, actually, the conflict between our two cities is not that big."