

  Chapter 371 Netherworld Poison Fire (Fourth Update!)

  Lin Xiuya paused and continued to explain.

  "Back then, our two cities followed a venerable named Kun Kun.

  The space wormhole connecting our two cities was also built by venerable Kun Kun, who wanted to make black and white one family.

  But later, venerable Kun Kun died.

  Black and white also had disagreements due to their different philosophies, but they did not fight to the death.

  Every ten years, our two cities will gather together and send out the strongest of their young generation to fight.

  In this way, the ownership of this space wormhole will be determined.

  I came back this time to fight on behalf of Black."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with enlightenment.

  Little Black was bullied by White, so this is the case.

  This matter is simple, and it does not cost much.

  Lin Xiuya's disguise skills are not up to par, but he knows how to do it.

  "Stand still."

  Su Yun shouted.

  Lin Xiuya's expression froze, and his body subconsciously obeyed Su Yun's orders.

  Then a mask was covered on Lin Xiuya's face.

  Su Yun used his hands to rub Lin Xiuya's face, and soon a strange man appeared in front of everyone.

  This disguise mask was left over from before he learned "Cheating the Heaven and the World", and now it's just right to reuse it.


  Su Yun said to Lin Xiuya.

  Lin Xiuya immediately took out a mirror from his ring and looked at his face.

  It seemed like a completely different person, and his disguise skills were much better than his own.

  "Thank you, Senior Su!"

  Lin Xiuya said happily.


  Su Yun nodded. It was just a simple effort and there was no loss for him.

  Then Su Yun said goodbye to Lin Xiuya and started to line up.

  This guy still had to find a place to change clothes, otherwise he would still be easily exposed.

  "Why don't you cut in line like you did in Tianya City?"

  Zi Yan muttered softly.

  She was eager to return home now, and looking at the long line, she felt a little dizzy.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows and tapped Zi Yan's head with his fingers.

  "This is Zhongzhou, not comparable to the Northwest Continent."


  Zi Yan pouted and said nothing more.

  Now Zi Yan is still very well behaved in front of Su Yun, and her previous shrewd look is no longer seen.

  Although it is not difficult for them to roam freely here with the strength of the Skyfire Venerable, this is Zhongzhou after all, so it is better to keep a low profile.

  The group queued for half a day and entered the space wormhole. Half a day later, everyone came to Heizi City.

  "Let's go and see which big city to go to next."

  Su Yun said to everyone. Just after turning around and taking a few steps, a creepy feeling suddenly spread throughout the body.

  "Where is Sister Zi Yan?"

  At this time, Qing Lin seemed to have discovered something was wrong, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

  Everyone looked at each other when they heard this.

  Just before they came out of the space wormhole, they saw Zi Yan, but in the blink of an eye, she disappeared...

  Xiao Yixian and the others were anxious, and just as they were about to return to the space wormhole, they were stopped by Su Yun.

  "No need to go back, Zi Yan has been taken away by her people."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a deep color, which seemed unfathomable, but cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

  His soul power had reached the late stage of the spiritual realm, but he did not find any clues...

  Was the person coming a half-saint or... a real fighting saint!

  "Ah, has she been taken away?"

  Xiao Yixian covered her mouth lightly, her pupils slightly dilated.

  Tianhuo Zun's eyes also flashed with a trace of incredible color.   

  "To take her away in the space channel, we must use the power of space, but I didn't detect any space fluctuations!"

  "Don't be too surprised. For Zi Yan's family, it's very simple to do this."

  Su Yun took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

  The little doctor took out a handkerchief from the ring and wiped the sweat from Su Yun's forehead.

  "Brother, have you known about Zi Yan's family situation for a long time?"


  Su Yun nodded.

  "That level is too far away from us. When Zi Yan comes back, she will tell you in person." The

  Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan has now been divided into four.

  But even so, any Dragon Island taken out is an insurmountable mountain for them.

  "The monster family, the power of space..."

  Venerable Skyfire suddenly shuddered, as if he understood something.

  A green light flashed in Qinglin's eyes.

  After successfully cultivating the Qingbi Dark Eye, the insight of the Green Snake Three Flower Eye was greatly enhanced.

  According to the records of the Snake Saint, the only one who can still hide from her eyes is the Fighting Saint...

  "Friend Su, since Zi Yan has been taken away by her clan, where should we go next?"

  Venerable Skyfire asked.

  Su Yun pondered for a while, and did not answer immediately, but took out the Zhongzhou map from the system space.

  Now their location is still some distance away from the Netherworld Poison Marsh.

  But generally speaking, it is only a month's journey.

  "Go to the Netherworld Poison Marsh."


  Another month passed.

  Everyone came to a gloomy mountain.

  "The Netherworld Poison Fire ranks 20th on the list of strange fires.

  Although it is a strange fire from heaven and earth, the real horror lies in the toxins it contains.

  Its fire energy has no effect on the battles between the venerables.

  But the poison is so strong that even high-level fighting venerables dare not touch it easily.

  In the case of solving the outbreak of the calamity poison body, this thing is indeed a great opportunity for Miss Xian'er."

  A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Sky Fire Venerable, and he became more and more curious about Su Yun's origin. It

  would be fine if he had so many strange fires, but he could actually find one for his girlfriend.

  He didn't believe that there was no huge force behind it.

  The Little Medical Fairy held Su Yun's arm, and the deep love in her eyes almost overflowed.

  "If I remember correctly, the Netherworld Poison Marsh is just ahead. Everyone be careful. There might be some powerful poisonous monsters lurking in it."

  Su Yun reminded everyone.

  According to Zhang Ritian's records, there were indeed many poisonous monsters lurking in the Netherworld Poison Marsh. At that time, the strongest was only a seventh-level monster.

  But after so long, who knows if an eighth-level monster will appear.

  After all, this is no longer the Northwest Continent, and he would not be surprised even if a Fighting Saint suddenly appeared.

  Everyone continued to fly for an hour.

  At this time, Qinglin's voice rang out.

  "Sir, I saw a ball of lavender flame in the swamp ahead.

  And there is also an eighth-level lizard."

  The three-flower pupil of the green snake in Qinglin's pupil has opened, and the dazzling green light seems to be able to see through everything.

  Su Yun's eyes flickered slightly.

  Now Qinglin's insight is far superior to his. Since she said so, it must be true.

  "Everyone be careful.

  Wait, Hai Lao, Qinglin, and Xian'er are hiding far away to watch the battle.

  Protect yourself."

  As for Cai Lin, she has always been on Qinglin's wrist. Where Qinglin is, she will naturally be there.