


  Chapter 372: Fighting the Eighth-Level Monster (Fifth Update!)


  Several people nodded. They also understood that in a battle of this level, they could only be a drag. After

  everyone flew for a while, the Netherworld Poison Lake also entered Su Yun's perception range.

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped.

  In his perception, the strength of the eighth-level lizard that Qinglin just mentioned actually reached the level of a three-star late-stage Dou Zun.

  It looks like another tough battle.

  "Qinglin, release She Linyue."

  "Okay, sir."

  The green light in Qinglin's pupils became three points brighter again, and a plump, beautiful woman with a slender waist appeared in the outside world.

  It was She Linyue who was captured in the Heavenly Snake Empire before.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed a little bit of relief.

  Fortunately, the Netherworld Poison Marsh is in this deserted mountain.

  Otherwise, they would have to retreat and come back after a while.

  She Linyue is only a three-star early Dou Zun, and Tianhuo Zun is only a one-star Dou Zun.

  Without him, She Linyue and Tianhuo Zun alone might not be able to take down the lizard.

  It doesn't seem right to say that. It's okay to just use the system's recycling function to take it away.

  When they arrived near the Netherworld Poison Marsh, Su Yun waved his hand to signal everyone to land.

  "Qinglin, you guys stay here.

  With your pupil power, you should be able to control She Linyue here."

  "Yeah, it's okay, sir."

  Qinglin nodded, indicating that he had no problem.

  "Okay, Senior Tianhuo and She Linyue will stay here, I'll go first."

  Everyone was confused for a moment, and Xiao Yixian's eyes flashed with worry.

  However, a smile flashed across the face of Venerable Tianhuo.

  "Like before in the Heavenly Snake Empire, use the Five-wheel Fire Method to sneak attack first, it is indeed a good idea."

  Qinglin also responded.

  Well, the young master seems to have a very powerful fighting skill that can hide his body, so that even her Green Snake Three Flower Pupils can't find it.

  "Not bad."

  Su Yun's mouth curled up slightly, being the sixth child is addictive.

  Immediately, the deception of heaven and the world was opened, and Su Yun disappeared in front of everyone.


  In the Netherworld Poison Marsh, the eighth-level monster Ancient Poison Lizard was living there. Threads of poisonous gas were floating out of the poison marsh and entering its body.

  A hint of enjoyment flashed across the face of the Ancient Poison Lizard, and greed and fear appeared in its eyes when it looked at the Netherworld Poison Fire in the center of the poison marsh.

  He only discovered this Netherworld Poison Marsh three years ago.

  After coming here, he killed all the poisonous monsters living here and occupied this place.

  In addition to absorbing the energy of heaven and earth to strengthen themselves, poisonous monsters can also absorb poisonous substances such as poisonous fruits to improve their cultivation.

  The venom, poisonous gas, and poisonous fog in the Netherworld Poison Marsh are all great supplements for them, and the Netherworld Poison Fire in the center is even more of a dream come true.

  If it can be refined, not only will its combat power increase greatly, but the speed of its cultivation will also increase significantly.

  However, the toxicity of the Netherworld Poison Fire is too strong, and even it cannot absorb it.

  But it doesn't matter, its lifespan is very long. After hundreds of years, with the help of the Netherworld Poison Ze, it will be able to grow into a high-level eighth-level monster.

  Perhaps other monsters and humans still avoid the Netherworld Poison Fire at this stage.

  But he is different. As a poison-attributed monster, his resistance to toxins at this level of cultivation is already very high, allowing him to refine the Netherworld Poison Fire.

  While the ancient poisonous lizard was daydreaming, Su Yun had already touched its side.

  "System, use three seventh-level magic cores to replace the origin of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire."

  "Ding, replacement successful."

  A rather young Bone Spirit Cold Fire appeared in the system space.

  Su Yun's mouth suddenly curved.   

  "Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire, the first transformation, Heart Flame Transformation!"

  A strong aura rose from Su Yun's body, and in a few breaths, he climbed to the level of the Nine Star Fighting Sect.

  And under the effect of deceiving the heaven and the world, not a single drop of it leaked out.

  The ancient poisonous lizard was still lying lazily in the poisonous marsh, not noticing it at all.

  "Fire spirits appear!"

  Five kinds of strange fire appeared around Su Yun's body, and their forms changed.

  The spirit of the fire wolf, the spirit of the fire leopard, the spirit of the fire lion, the spirit of the fire tiger, and the spirit of the fire dragon, the five kinds of fire spirits immediately returned to their positions.

  A terrifying aura emanated from them, with the power to burn the sky and boil the sea.

  "Five-wheel Fire Separation Formation!"

  Five fire spirits formed a five-cornered formation, surrounding the ancient poisonous lizard. As their auras connected, terrifying energy fire pillars burst out, and a five-cornered light-shaped formation appeared.

  "It's done."

  A hint of joy flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  The Five-wheel Fire Separation Formation at the Great Perfection level, combined with the power of five kinds of strange fire, can exert a power that has reached the level of a low-level heavenly fighting skill.

  Before in the Heavenly Snake Mansion, his combat power was only that of a two-star peak fighting master, and there was still a gap between him and She Linyue. He was able to severely injure her with one move because of this fighting skill .

  Now that his cultivation has improved again, it is not difficult to severely injure this poisonous lizard.

  A blazing flame suddenly rose in the Nether Poison Marsh, illuminating the entire poison marsh, and along with it, there was an extremely terrifying energy wave.

  The ancient poisonous lizard immediately opened his eyes, and a sense of bad luck flashed in his pupils.

  What's going on! How come such a huge energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in this Nether Poison Marsh!

  A five-pointed magic circle appeared around the ancient poisonous lizard, and five terrifying fire spirits rushed towards him.

  "Lihuo Burning the Sky!"

  "Boom! Boom! Boom..."

  The terrifying energy fluctuations erupted, and the flames raged in the Nether Poison Marsh, and the ancient poisonous lizard suffered even more.


  "Young friend Su has taken action!"

  At the edge of the Nether Poison Marsh, the Sky Fire Venerable's expression frightened, and his figure disappeared from the spot, and he flew rapidly to the battlefield.

  Qinglin also quickly controlled the snake Linyue and flew to the battlefield.

  The aftermath gradually dissipated, and the ancient poisonous lizard was covered with five different flames all over his body, and there were basically no intact scales.

  "Who are you!"

  The ancient poisonous lizard endured the pain and roared at Su Yun beside him.

  Su Yun smiled, turned his palm, and Canyang appeared in his hand.

  "You are thick-skinned and have the leisure to shout."

  "Despicable human, you will pay the price for this!"

  The ancient poisonous lizard roared again and spit out a poisonous light at Su Yun.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows and held Canyang horizontally in front of him.

  This dead lizard still has strength, so it's better to be careful.

  "Jiyang Sword Wall."

  Thousands of small flame swords overlapped each other, forming an airtight five-color flame sword in front of Su Yun.

  Su Yun didn't use Jiyang Sword Wall often, but its defensive power was not weak.

  As a low-level earth-level fighting skill, if the Jiyang Sword Wall is used with the alien fire, it can show a defensive power that is not inferior to the earth-level intermediate fighting skills.

  Moreover, the alien fire is the nemesis of all poisonous creatures in the world.


  Without a doubt, the poisonous light spit out by the ancient poisonous lizard was blocked by the flame sword wall and did not cause any harm to Su Yun.

  A trace of brutality flashed across the face of the ancient poisonous crocodile. Just when it wanted to continue the attack, its pupils shrank.

  Two Dou Zun-level attacks came at it from the sky.