


  Chapter 375 Wanted (Third update!)

  Su Xuehui nodded.

  Although she was traveling abroad, she also knew about this matter.

  At that time, she was still in the Northwest Continent. After hearing the news, she planned to go back to help. However, after returning to Canaan Academy, the matter had already been resolved by Su Yun.

  Moreover, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian and his party had already gone to the Gama Empire to resolve the three major empires at that time, but there was a time difference between them and she, so they did not meet.

  "It is said that at that time, there was a student with a calamity poison body who blocked the main force of the Black Horn Region for the academy.

  This is really surprising. Every time the calamity poison body comes out, it will cause the lives of people in one area to be charcoaled, but this time it actually saved the academy.

  She seems to be called Xiao Yixian, right?"

  The face of the head of the Dai family was full of sighs.

  The elders on the side also echoed the sentiment, lamenting that Canaan Academy was so lucky.

  However, Su Xuehui frowned slightly when she heard the words. She felt

  a little ill-intentioned towards Dai Jianbin mentioned by Patriarch Dai.

  The fact that Miss Xian'er was suffering from the poisonous body should be kept secret. Even after she returned, the old man specifically told her to keep it a secret.

  Dai Jianbin was such a big mouth that he actually revealed the news verbatim. However,

  as she was a guest on someone else's turf, Su Xuehui could not say anything and could only respond.


  I have some friendship with Miss Xian'er. She is kind-hearted and has a deep friendship with the academy. She helped the academy avoid this disaster."

  We have a friendship! It's good to have a friendship!

  Hearing Su Xuehui's response, Patriarch Dai's mouth cracked a little more.

  "I wonder if Junior Sister Su knows the whereabouts of Miss Xian'er.

  I used to be a student of the academy, and I want to meet this junior sister in person."

  Su Xuehui's heart suddenly sounded alarm bells, and her expression changed slightly, but she quickly covered it up.

  No, he seems to be targeting Miss Xian'er! What's going on?

  Her expression changed very slightly, but the eyes of the head of the Dai family and many elders were all on her.

  These old-fashioned people will always find something wrong.

  Sure enough, one of the middle-aged elders narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that the head of his family was a little too hasty, which attracted Su Xuehui's attention. The

  middle-aged elder immediately gave the head of the Dai family a look, indicating that there was a flaw.

  The head of the Dai family was slightly startled, and he also realized that he was a little impatient.

  Just as he was thinking about how to save her, Su Xuehui spoke.

  "I'm full too. Thank you for the hospitality of the clan leader these two days. I'll take my leave today."

  Su Xuehui stood up and bowed to the head of the Dai family to thank him.

  The head of the Dai family hurriedly stood up.

  "Hey, don't be in a hurry to leave. If there is anything that is not good enough for your hospitality, just tell me."

  As he said that, the head of the Dai family slightly signaled to the other elders.

  The elders of the Dai family nodded secretly and surrounded Su Xuehui.

  Su Xuehui looked grim, knowing that she might have entered a wolf's den today.

  Immediately, she stopped playing coy with the head of the Dai family, burst into fighting spirit, unfolded the aura of the peak of the fighting emperor, swung the long sword, and then... was taken down.

  "Little girl, you really think you can escape."

  The head of the Dai family looked at Su Xuehui who had fainted on the ground, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

  "Head, what should we do next? Kill her?"


  A trace of sinisterness flashed in the eyes of the head of the Dai family.

  "Since she said that she has a friendship with the owner of this generation of the evil poison body, it is better to hand her over to the Glacier Valley. Maybe she can be of some use."


  Three days later.

  A piece of news came out from the Glacier Valley and quickly spread throughout the Central Plains, causing an uproar.

  "What! The evil poison body actually appeared!"

  "I am afraid that Zhongzhou will set off another bloody storm."   

  "This Glacier Valley is really a good person. They actually took the initiative to spend a lot of manpower to hunt the Evil Poison Body and posted a high reward. If you

  provide clues, you will get a seventh-grade intermediate elixir. If you capture the Evil Poison Body and hand it over to the Glacier Valley, you will be rewarded with an eighth-grade one-color elixir!

  How generous!"


  This Glacier Valley is not a good thing.

  They capture the Evil Poison Body not for Zhongzhou, but for themselves!"


  In Heizi City, Lin Xiuya just won the two-city competition and won the title of regular army for Xiao Heizi.

  "This is... the bounty of the Glacier Valley!"

  Lin Xiuya looked at the bounty order on the city wall and frowned tightly.

  "No, we have to find a way to tell them the news quickly!

  Since they have also come to Heizi City, with the intelligence means of our Lin family, the first Heizi family, it is not difficult to find their traces!"


  Another two months passed.

  Netherworld Poison Marsh.

  The aura of Xiao Yixian has reached the peak of Dou Zong, and it keeps attacking the neck of the Dou Zun bottle.

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun was not surprised at all.

  According to his previous estimation, it is natural for Xiao Yixian to be promoted to Dou Zun this time.

  "However, how many stars can Xian'er break through this time..."

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes. If this trend continues, Xiao Yixian will probably be able to rise a few more stars after breaking through Dou Zun.

  At this time, at the edge of the Nether Poison Marsh, the three-flowered pupil of the Green Snake flashed in Qinglin's eyes, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

  "It's him."

  In Qinglin's sight, Lin Xiuya was riding a big black rooster, and under the guidance of several roosters, he rushed here.



  Lin Xiuya made a few chicken calls from his mouth, as if communicating something with the little rooster in front.

  Back then, Venerable Kunkun galloped around the Douqi Continent and was famous for being well-informed. He relied on this secret method to drive chicken monsters.

  This secret method is definitely not comparable to the three-flowered pupil of the Green Snake, and can only control chicken monsters below the third level.

  But the wonderful thing is that you can interact with the chickens and get information.

  After the death of Master Kunkun, this secret method was obtained by their little black man.

  They raised a large number of roosters, spreading out from the Black City as the center.

  Before, Su Yun and his friends stayed in Black City, and their whereabouts were recorded by the roosters.

  This is why Lin Xiuya was sure to find them.

  However, this search took a full two months, which made him very tired.

  At the edge of the Nether Poison Marsh, a seventh-level snake monster appeared in the air.


  Qinglin's eyes flashed with green light, and he commanded the seventh-level snake monster to bring Lin Xiuya over.

  Lin Xiuya was riding a big rooster, hurrying along, when suddenly a seventh-level snake monster fell from the sky.

  "My life is over!"

  Lin Xiuya's eyes flashed with despair, and he could only watch the giant snake rushing towards him.

  He was only a fighting king now, how could he be a match for a seventh-level monster.


  The giant snake hissed, and the fighting spirit burst out from its body, carrying Lin Xiuya on its back and flying back.

  "What's going on?"

  Lin Xiuya panted heavily, his eyes full of