

  Chapter 376 Little Medical Fairy Breaks Through (First Update!)

  The giant snake soon carried Lin Xiuya to the edge of the Netherworld Poison Swamp.

  "That's... Qinglin!"

  Lin Xiuya's eyes flashed with surprise.

  He had seen Qinglin when he was in Canaan Academy. When Little Medical Fairy and others helped Canaan Academy resist the Black Horn Domain, Qinglin also contributed a lot.

  Looking at the giant snake under his feet, Lin Xiuya seemed to understand something and felt relieved.

  Yes, it is said that Qinglin can control big snakes, and this snake should be controlled by her.

  When the Black Horn Domain invaded Canaan Academy before, they, the students, were protected in the house and were not allowed to go out.

  He had only heard of Qinglin's ability. He

  never thought it would be so exaggerated that even a seventh-level snake monster could be controlled.

  It can't be the Green Snake with Three Flower Pupils, haha, how is that possible.

  Su Yun is lucky to have a poisonous body by his side, it's impossible that he can take advantage of everything.

  The giant snake stopped in front of Qing Lin, Lin Xiuya jumped off the snake's back, looked at Qing Lin's eyes that seemed to be able to capture people's minds, and fell silent.

  "Are you here to find us?"

  Qing Lin asked.

  Lin Xiuya came back to his senses and remembered that he had something important to do.

  "Yes, Miss Qing Lin, where are Su Yun and Miss Xian'er?

  I have something urgent to find them."

  Qing Lin nodded.

  "Wait a minute."

  Qing Lin then used the method of soul transmission to notify Su Yun who was in the Netherworld Poison Swamp.

  "Sir, Lin Xiuya is here to look for you and Sister Xian'er."

  Su Yun opened his eyes in the Netherworld Poisonous Marsh, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

  It was strange, why would Lin Xiuya come to look for them, and how did he know their whereabouts.

  Su Yun's figure flashed, disappeared from the spot, passed through the soul barrier, and came to the edge of the Netherworld Poisonous Marsh.

  "Senior Su Yun."


  Su Yun nodded.

  "What do you want to talk to us about?"

  "You are wanted by Glacier Valley."

  Su Yun heard this, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

  They are wanted!

  Glacier Valley actually knows about Xian'er's existence!

  Lin Xiuya took out a wanted order from his ring and handed it to Su Yun.

  "This is a wanted order in our Heizi City. I tore it off at night."

  Looking at the wanted order in his hand, Su Yun's face gradually turned cold.

  Before, he had thought that after Xiao Yixian completely absorbed the Netherworld Poison Fire, he would go and get the magic core of the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast.

  With the help of the poison pill method, Xiao Yixian's cultivation will reach a higher level.

  In this way, unless the hidden old monster in the Glacier Valley takes action, they don't have to be afraid of the Glacier Valley anymore.

  "Thank you so much this time."

  Su Yun took a deep breath and said sincerely.

  "Well, we are all classmates, and didn't you help me before?"

  Lin Xiuya smiled.

  "Xiuya, do you know how Xian'er's identity was exposed?"

  Because Lin Xiuya delivered the message for them, Su Yun's address was also much kinder.

  Hearing this, Lin Xiuya shook his head.

  "I don't know about this either.

  But Glacier Valley is now spreading the news of the emergence of the evil poisonous body in various regions of Zhongzhou, and has issued a wanted order.

  I believe your whereabouts have not been leaked yet, so you can rest assured."

  Su Yun nodded secretly.

  Lin Xiuya's words made sense. Even if their whereabouts were exposed a little, Glacier Valley would not use such a wide net.

  Su Yun pondered for a while and took out a scroll from the system space.   

  "This is an intermediate earth-level wind-attribute technique, the Wind-Swept Shadow Technique.

  If there are any other moves in the Glacier Valley, please tell me immediately."

  Lin Xiuya's eyes flashed with surprise, and he took the Wind-Swept Shadow Technique from Su Yun's hand.

  An intermediate earth-level technique, even if their Lin family is the number one family in Heizi City, the techniques they pass down are only of the lower earth-level.

  That's right, even in Zhongzhou, such an intermediate earth-level technique is relatively rare.

  Of course, this point must exclude those super forces with fighting honor.

  Among those super forces, the intermediate earth-level techniques may be very precious, but it is far from rare.

  "Don't worry, if there is any news, I will definitely tell you immediately."

  Lin Xiuya said solemnly.

  At the same time, he secretly decided in his heart that he would not go back to Canaan Academy for the time being.

  Not for anything else, but for the technique in his hand.


  Su Yun nodded, and then seemed to think of something and asked Lin Xiuya.

  "Speaking of which, how did you find our trace?"

  Hearing this, Lin Xiuya hesitated.

  "It's like this, our family has a secret method left by Master Kunkun, which can communicate with roosters and get information."

  "So that's how it is."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a flash of realization. Hearing Lin Xiuya say this, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a lot of roosters near Heizi City.

  "In that case, I'll leave first."


  After Lin Xiuya left, Su Yun's eyes flashed with coldness again.

  "Glacier Valley..."

  The owner of Glacier Valley, Master Bing, is a four-star peak fighting master.

  With their current strength, they are temporarily unable to compete with him, especially when he cannot expose his many methods.

  "After Xian'er comes out of retreat, go to Danta first."

  Not to mention Danta, as long as it is in Shengdan City, Glacier Valley dare not act rashly. It

  is forbidden to take action in Shengdan City. This is the rule set by Danta.

  The super forces in Zhongzhou are also different, and Danta is undoubtedly at the top level.

  When he arrives at Danta, he can identify the eighth-grade elixir, and then collect the medicinal materials for Fuling Qingdan.

  Tianhuo Zun will also be able to restore the strength of the five-star Dou Zun, and then he will not have to fear the Glacier Valley.

  But it is not necessarily...

  Su Yun turned around and looked at the Netherworld Poisonous Lake wrapped in the barrier.

  If Xian'er can break through to the two-star Dou Zun level in one fell swoop and activate the Disaster Poison Body, it seems that she will not be afraid of the Glacier Valley.

  Although the combat power of Xiao Yixian in the same realm is not as good as his, it can be said to be rare in the world.

  Su Yun shook his head.

  Now Xiao Yixian has not come out of retreat yet, and it is really hard to say to what extent the Netherworld Poison Fire can increase her strength.

  Everything he thinks now is just a subjective speculation.

  How to act next still depends on the real combat power of Xiao Yixian after she comes out of retreat.

  Entering the soul barrier, a sudden majestic pressure hit his face.

  Su Yun's eyes suddenly flashed with joy.

  Xiao Yixian has broken through to Dou Zun!

  In the lavender flame, the looming figure was filled with a terrifying aura. Compared with the previous one, it was as if she had reached another world, which was incomparable. What was

  even more frightening was that the aura on her body did not stop there, but continued to rise!

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun's eyes narrowed into a slit.

  Sure enough, she can continue to break through!

  And Xian'er's speed of absorbing toxins suddenly increased a lot...

  It was the technique!

  Not only did her realm rise to the Dou Zun realm, but even her technique had undergone a transformation!