

  Chapter 377 Qianmu goes to Zhongzhou (Second update!)

  I am afraid that in another month or two, she will be able to completely refine the Netherworld Poison Fire.

  Su Yun's mouth curled up. At this rate, perhaps there is no need to wait until he recovers the strength for Skyfire Venerable, and the Little Medical Fairy will be able to compete with Ice Venerable.


  Canaan Academy.

  Elder Qianmu walked out of the secret room, but although his aura was much stronger than before the retreat, he did not have the majestic feeling of Dou Zun.

  Obviously, he did not succeed in breaking through this time.

  Qianmu sighed. The Dou Zun realm was too difficult to break through. Even with the seventh-grade peak elixir, the Wall Breaking Pill, which increased the success rate, he still failed.

  I guess that old guy Bailie also failed, Qianmu thought.

  "Hey, isn't this Qianmu? Why are you still so lame now? Ahahahaha..."

  At this time, a gloating laugh came from the sky, which made him feel angry.

  Qianmu immediately looked up at the sky, glaring at Bailie in the sky, and was about to retort.

  But suddenly he found that the old guy who had always been on par with him had a majestic aura, as vast as the sea. He had already left the realm of Douzong and completely taken that step.

  "You, you succeeded in breaking through!"

  Qianmu's eyes were wide open, watching Bailie's successful promotion was more painful than his failure to break through.

  "You didn't expect it, hahaha!"

  Bailie laughed out loud, without any image.

  Ever since Jiang Tian Shuangzi disappeared, he has been staying near Qianmu's closed-door secret room, just to know Qianmu's situation at the first time.

  If Qianmu succeeds in breaking through, he will summon the Falling Heart Flame to beat Qianmu violently.

  If the breakthrough fails, it goes without saying, mockery, crazy mockery.

  The action of Venerable Bailie can be said to be a perfect display of the two words "harming a friend".


  Qianmu's body trembled, pointing at Bailie and unable to speak.

  At this time, Su Qian and others also heard the news and rushed over.

  "Elder Qianmu, I am sorry."

  "It doesn't matter."

  Qianmu waved his hand. His success rate of breaking through Douzun was not high.

  The previous closed-door attempt to break through was also because Su Yun refined the wall-breaking pill for them.

  It would be a lie for Qianmu to say that he was not sad about the failure of the breakthrough, but it would not be a lie to say that he was particularly disappointed.

  His situation was different from that of Elder Yang and Elder Yin. He was not in danger of his demise.

  "By the way, where is Young Master Su?"

  Qianmu asked Su Qian.

  He did not know if he could ask for another Wall Breaking Pill. As for the reward, it could be negotiated.

  "He has already gone to Zhongzhou."

  Su Qian replied.

  "He went to Zhongzhou, so soon?"

  Qianmu was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of relief flashed across his face.

  Yes, as a seventh-grade peak alchemist, it is impossible for him to stay in this northwestern continent for a long time.

  This place is still too small, and the stage is not big enough.


  Su Qian then told Qianmu about what happened during this period.

  "Tian Shuangzi hasn't appeared around the academy for some time.

  If my guess is correct, he may have learned about Su Yun and Xiao Yixian's intelligence and returned to the Glacier Valley."

  Su Qian's face was full of solemnity.

  Before, Tian Shuangzi was defeated by Bai Lie, and he would come to harass Canaan Academy from time to time. Now he suddenly disappeared, and there must be unknown variables.

  "So that's the case.

  Glacier Valley..."

  Qianmu's eyes flashed with thought, and then he made a decision.

  "I have been in seclusion in the academy for a long time.

  After getting the wall-breaking pill from little friend Su, I still can't break through to the Dou Zun.

  It doesn't make much sense for me to be in seclusion blindly.

  I will go to Zhongzhou tomorrow to travel around to increase my perception, and I can also see if I can pass the news that the Glacier Valley is targeting them to Su Yun."   

  Hearing this, Su Qian's eyes flashed with surprise.

  "Elder Qianmu, there is no need to be like this. Zhongzhou is so big, and they have been in Zhongzhou for a long time. It is almost impossible to find..."

  Su Qian was interrupted by Qianmu before he finished speaking.

  "How do you know if you don't try!

  Young friend Su has helped us Canaan Academy so much, these things are what we should do."

  Qianmu's eyes flashed with a firm look, and his tone was upright and righteous.

  Su Qian immediately respected Qianmu.

  "I've learned from you!"

  "You are teachable."

  Qianmu's face showed a look of relief.

  Bailie on the side, however, felt that something was wrong, and a look of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

  "Qianmu, you are not going to take this opportunity to find Su Xiaoyou and refine another wall-breaking pill for you, right?"

  Qianmu's body stiffened.

  "Sure enough, you old fellow, I knew you couldn't be so kind!"

  "Shut up!"

  The next day.

  Qianmu set out on the road to Zhongzhou with a head full of lumps.


  Glacier Valley.

  The Ice Venerable sat on the ice throne with a blank expression, making it difficult to tell whether he was happy or angry.

  "Two months, and there is still no news."

  The Ice Venerable looked at the elders in the hall, and a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.

  The elders of the Glacier Valley immediately knelt on their knees, knocked their heads on the ground, and said in unison.

  "Please give us another chance, Valley Master."

  Tian Shuangzi, the only one who did not kneel down, also bent his waist, dared not breathe, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  Once the acquired calamity poison body is formed, it can ignore the bottleneck and cultivate all the way to the Dou Zun realm.

  But who knows that this acquired physique is extremely difficult and often requires inhuman torture.

  Under such torture, people's temperaments often become moody.

  This is the case with Bingzun Binghe. Since he took charge of Binghe Valley, he has executed countless disciples and elders. Therefore,

  although everyone in Binghe Valley is respectful to him, they have some complaints in private.

  "They are all a bunch of garbage."

  Bingzun's face was as cold as frost, and there was a barely perceptible madness in his eyes.

  "Didn't we capture a disciple of the Grand Elder of Canaan Academy?

  She is also related to the Evil Poison Body.

  Spread the news throughout Zhongzhou, and execute her in my Glacier Valley headquarters in two months."

  Tian Shuangzi's face changed when he heard this, and he raised his head and objected.

  "This is absolutely impossible. This girl is different from the students of Canaan Academy. She can be called a direct descendant of Canaan Academy.

  If she is killed, it will be a complete enmity with Canaan Academy.

  Valley Master, think twice."

  After they took over Su Xuehui from the Dai family, they investigated her background and background clearly. Naturally, they knew Su Xuehui's identity and how pure her roots were in Canaan Academy.

  Hearing what Tian Shuangzi said, the eyes of Bing Zun flashed with displeasure.

  "Are you questioning me?"

  "I dare not!"

  Tian Shuangzi's back was already wet with cold sweat.

  Although he is the only two Dou Zun strongmen in Binghe Valley, Binghe will not easily execute him.

  But it is easy to suffer and be bullied.

  "There is no need to worry about the other people in Canaan Academy, only the Mangtian Ruler..."

  Tianshuangzi said hesitantly.