

  Chapter 386 Holy Pill City (Second update!)

  "Senior Skyfire."

  Su Yun glanced at the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast lightly, but did not take its attack seriously.


  Lord Skyfire waved his hand, and a hand of flame grabbed the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast with majestic force.

  "Dou Zun!"

  The Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast's eyes were wide open, its pupils shrank suddenly, and it hurriedly put away its scorpion tail, as if running away into the distance.

  It's just that it's just a seventh-level monster. It doesn't have the ability to reach the sky, so how can it escape from Dou Zun's hands.

  The flaming big hand grabbed the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast, squeezed it with a little force, and exploded it. The Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast's body turned into blood mist, exploded, and a seventh-level poisonous magic core appeared in the flaming big hand.

  Lord Skyfire waved his sleeves and rolled up the demonic core of the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast, floating it accurately in front of Su Yun.

  Su Yun caught it, a smile flashed in his eyes.

  In this way, all the materials for refining the poison pill for the little medical fairy have been prepared, and her strength will take another leap.


  Soul Palace.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  "Mang Tianzhi! Are you done yet!"

  A semi-saint strongman from the Soul Palace said through gritted teeth, and the vast aura burst out from his body to compete with Mang Tianzhi.

  "Is there any mistake?

  You attacked my Canaan College, and openly sent people to kill my students, and now you ask me if I'm done with it!

  Do you still want the face?"

  Mang Tianchi shouted angrily, without giving any thought to the half-saint of the Soul Palace. A little face.

  A look of headache flashed in the eyes of the Soul Palace Semi-Saint.

  This Mang Tianzhi is just a ball of hob meat.

  It's not that they don't have more powerful men in the Soul Palace, they can suppress Mang Tianchi more than enough, but they are from the Thunder Clan.

  Based on the clan's plans, now is not the time to completely break up with the Thunder Clan.

  "What on earth do you want!"

  the Half-Saint of the Soul Palace said sharply.

  "Kill some of the lords from the Soul Palace for fun."

  Mang Tianzhi snorted coldly, and the vast aura erupted again. The terrifying Qi machine was like the center of the heaven and earth, the clouds gathered, and the silver snake-like electric arc faintly emerged.

  "That's enough."

  Suddenly, an even larger aura emerged from the depths of the Soul Palace. Its force was vast, much stronger than the Mang Tianchi. As soon as the aura was revealed, the clouds in the sky were immediately dispersed.

  "Fighting Saint."

  Mang Tianzhi's face showed a solemn look. The person who came was a true fighting saint. He had crossed over to the semi-saint level and reached the holy realm.

  The terrifying holy power swept away towards the elder of the Soul Palace brought by Mang Tianzhi. In less than a breath, his body turned into blood mist, and even his soul was crushed into crumbs and dissipated between heaven and earth.

  "How about using his life as an apology?"

  Mang Tianchi narrowed his eyes, knowing that this was the final compromise made by the Soul Palace.

  The gap between the Half-Saint and the Dou-Saint is even greater. Today he dared to invade the Soul Palace because of the Thunder Clan.

  If he continues to hold on to this matter, maybe he will really be left behind.

  "After that, the Soul Palace can no longer cause trouble for Su Yun!"


  Mang Tianchi's expression softened, he tore apart the space, turned around and left.


  Time flies, and another month has passed.

  "This is Shengdan City!"

  Haibodong's eyes flashed with a hint of shock.

  After they obtained the magic core of the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast, they continued on their way. Today they happened to step out of the space wormhole and arrived at the most prosperous place on the continent.

  The elixir tower is located in Shengdan City.   

  "Not bad."

  Lord Tianhuo stroked his beard and smiled.

  "This place is still so prosperous."

  Su Yun also nodded.

  In this Holy Pill City, he didn't dare to use soul power to explore, but that's it. Along the way, high-level Dou Zong was often seen, and even the strong Dou Zong could encounter one or two.

  The center of the continent lives up to its reputation.

  "Let's find a place to stay first. After traveling for so long, everyone is tired."

  Su Yun said.

  Next, he planned to refine the poison elixir for the Little Medical Immortal, and then the Heavenly Demon Puppet. Then he could go to the Dan Pagoda to take the exam for the eighth-level alchemist.

  Everyone walked in Shengdan City and started looking for a house. However, they had always had smooth sailing, but they encountered a rare wall here.

  "Buy a house?

  Do you have the certification of a seventh-grade alchemist?"

  Ya Renlai, a peak Douzong expert, asked Su Yun.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with astonishment.

  "Do you need to be a seventh-grade alchemist to buy a house here?"

  The other people also looked at each other. This requirement is a bit too strict.

  Zhongzhou is prosperous, and seventh-grade alchemists are not rare, but they are equally rare. To buy a house here, you actually need to be a seventh-grade alchemist?


  Yaren glanced at the Little Medical Fairy and Lord Tianhuo out of the corner of his eye, with a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes.

  It's strange, there are strong Dou Zun people accompanying them, why don't they even know this rule.

  Although he felt strange in his heart, Yaren's attitude was considered polite and he said with cupped hands.

  "Guests, don't be surprised. It is indeed the case.

  Shengdan City was established by Danta, and the rules are naturally formulated by it.

  In this Shengdan City, if a guest wants to buy a real estate for permanent residence, unless he has a relationship with Danta, otherwise he will need a seventh-level refining The identity of the pharmacist.

  This rule is not unreasonable. It is forbidden to do anything in Shengdan City. Danta's original intention is to let everyone be harmonious and talk well.

  But this rule also has drawbacks. If a desperado escapes to Shengdan City, buy one. If there are more people in a permanent property, the environment will naturally become smoky."

  Su Yun had a flash of understanding in his eyes, and Danta had thought carefully.

  This was originally a place for exchanges and gatherings of alchemists. If there were too many desperadoes, it would conflict with the original intention of establishing Shengdan City.

  When they entered the Holy Pill City, they were also interrogated by the guards guarding the city as to their purpose of coming. He filled out the examination form for a seventh-grade alchemist, and the guard's attitude softened a lot.

  Moreover, the registration form filled out also included a column for the length of stay, presumably to prevent desperadoes from using Shengdan City as a place to escape.

  As for why he didn't know the rules, it can only be said that Yao Lao has no concerns in this regard. He is free and easy by nature and has no intention of living in Shengdan City, so he has never been exposed to the rules in this area.

  And based on his alchemy skills and connections, someone must be chasing after these properties to give them away.

  Yaren paused and continued.

  "Due to the guest's status, although our store cannot provide you with permanent real estate, we can provide you with temporary accommodation.

  I don't know how long the guest will stay."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "One month."

  In one month, he must have completed the assessment, and it will not be too late to buy real estate by then.

  "Okay, sir, please come with me."

  Su Yun and others then followed Ya Ren to choose a temporary residence, and they decided on it after half a day.

  After Yaren left, Su Yun turned around and said to everyone.

  "After arriving in Zhongzhou, we have been running all the way. During this time, everyone has a good rest. You can also go shopping around Shengdan City."