

  Chapter 387 Condensing the Poison Pill (3rd update!)

  It is forbidden to take action in Shengdan City, so there is no need to worry too much about safety issues.

  Unless it is a large-scale invasion by the Soul Palace like in the original book, or Xiao Yan has a troublesome physique, under normal circumstances, no one dares to challenge the majesty of the Dan Tower in Shengdan City.

  However, for the sake of safety, Su Yun still reminded everyone that if they want to go out, it is best to go together.


  Everyone nodded and dispersed, leaving only the little medical fairy in place.

  Su Yun took the little medical fairy's hand, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  "Let's go, I'll refine a poison pill for you."


  The little medical fairy's eyebrows were curved, and her two jade hands were holding Su Yun's arm. The corners of her mouth were raised seriously. I don't know what ghost idea she was thinking.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian came to a secret room and sat cross-legged facing each other.

  "The poison pill method can compress the poison in your body again and gather it into a poison pill in the dantian.

  During this whole process, the poison is concentrated and the original poison power of the evil poison body is stimulated.

  As a result, more poison power is produced, and your cultivation will be improved by several levels."

  Su Yun said, and took out the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast Demon Core and Bodhi Body Saliva from the system space.

  "Xian'er, take off your clothes."

  Xiao Yixian's eyes flashed with a trace of shyness, and there was no ambiguity.

  The jade hand gently untied the belt around the waist, the dress fell to the ground, the skin was whiter than snow, and a wonderful and delicate body that looked like a masterpiece of heaven was exposed naked in front of Su Yun.

  Three-color flames appeared in Su Yun's hands. He was naturally different from Xiao Yixian. His face was thicker than a city wall. He knew every inch of Xiao Yixian's skin very well. This was just the beginning.

  "Xian'er, I'm going to start.

  Open the body of evil poison."

  Su Yun reminded.


  Xiao Yixian nodded gently, her three thousand black hair turned into silver hair, and her pupils turned gray-purple.

  Su Yun placed his hands on Xiao Yixian's delicate body, and the three-color flames immediately spread over her body, entered her body, and drove the poison that permeated her body into her dantian.

  The terrifying poison immediately erupted from Xiao Yixian's body, and the netherworld poisonous fire also began to resist.

  Su Yun's face was solemn, and he operated the "Burning Cold Art", borrowing its absolute suppression force on the alien fire to suppress the netherworld poisonous fire back into Xiao Yixian's body.

  There was a gap in cultivation between him and Xiao Yixian. If the alien fire was not the nemesis of the toxin, he would not be able to suppress the toxin in Xiao Yixian's body.

  An hour passed, and all the powerful poisonous gas gathered in Xiao Yixian's dantian.


  Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and with a thought, he took the magic core of the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast into his hand and slapped it towards Xiao Yixian's lower abdomen.

  The magic core entered Xiao Yixian's body, and under Su Yun's control, it madly absorbed the toxins in the dantian.

  Then Su Yun picked up the Bodhi Body Transformation Saliva again. Under the continuous tempering of the three-color alien fire, the Bodhi Body Transformation Saliva became more condensed. At the same time, a green bead fell from it.

  Su Yun held it in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  This thing is the Bodhi seed. If you want to obtain the great opportunity contained in the ancient Bodhi tree, you must rely on this thing.

  But now is not the time to think about these things. It is still early for the ancient Bodhi tree to be born. The most urgent task is to refine the poison pill for the little medical fairy.

  Immediately, Su Yun's mind moved, and he put the Bodhi seed into the system space, and put the Bodhi body saliva that was still in his hand on the lower abdomen of the little medical fairy.

  The Bodhi body saliva entered the body of the little medical fairy, and immediately exuded a strong vitality, wrapping the whole body of the little medical fairy.

  "Xian'er, concentrate your mind and condense the poison pill!"

  Su Yun shouted softly.

  The little medical fairy's expression also slightly shone, and the soul power that had reached the perfection of the mortal realm surged to the dantian, and operated the "Lingyunxian". Under the two-pronged approach, he began to condense the poison pill.

  Soon, the terrible poisonous gas in Xiao Yixian's Dantian was further compressed and turned into an extremely terrifying poison pill.

  It was during this process that Xiao Yixian's aura rose rapidly and soared.

  Seeing this, Su Yun's brows relaxed, and he withdrew his hand from Xiao Yixian's lower abdomen, and the three kinds of strange fire also returned to his body.   

  "It's successful. Now we just need to wait for the poison pill to take shape."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with anticipation. With Xiao Yixian's current cultivation growth rate, she might be able to leap a few more stars.

  In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

  Three-star Dou Zun!

  Four-star Dou Zun!

  Five-star Dou Zun!

  Five-star Dou Zun peak!

  Finally, Xiao Yixian's cultivation reached the peak of five-star Dou Zun, and it was stuck just before that layer of membrane and stopped.

  The majestic aura surged from Xiao Yixian's body and began to gather in her delicate body.

  Xiao Yixian slowly opened her eyes, feeling the changes in her body, with a flash of joy in her eyes, and threw herself into Su Yun's arms.

  "Thank you, brother."

  A cute voice emerged, as lovely as a silver bell.

  "Next, it's your turn to protect me."

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Of course."

  The little medical fairy waved her little fist in Su Yun's arms, her face filled with joy.

  "How about it, after opening the evil poison body, what level of combat power can you reach?"

  Su Yun asked.

  "Let's talk about this later~"

  The little medical fairy smiled playfully, and the majestic aura on her body was revealed. Two jade hands stretched out and pressed Su Yun to the ground.

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped wildly, not knowing what the little medical fairy wanted to do.

  With the little medical fairy's current strength, unless he hides in the system space, there is really no way to deal with her.


  Su Yun's clothes were torn to pieces by the little medical fairy.

  The beautiful and charming figure exudes an alluring arc. A hint of laziness flashes across Little Doctor Fairy's face. She stretches her waist lazily and then presses her body against Su Yun.

  "I've wanted to try it for a long time, the feeling of having my brother completely under me..."

  Little Doctor Fairy's eyes flash with a malicious smile. She uses the power of space to imprison Su Yun, making him unable to move, and even unable to activate the alien fire to protect himself.

  Then she takes out the prepared aphrodisiac from the ring, gently opens the bottle stopper, and puts it into Su Yun's mouth.

  Su Yun's pupils suddenly shrank. As far as he is concerned, he may not be able to withstand the power of this thing!

  "In the past, I always cooperated with my brother and played all kinds of tricks. Today, it's finally my turn!"


  Four days passed, and Su Yun was lying on the ground, looking like he had lost all hope in life.

  The little doctor fairy sat on Su Yun's back, rubbed his hands vigorously, and blew hot air into his palms, which he placed on Su Yun's waist and rubbed carefully.

  Anger flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  It was so infuriating!

  He had a body comparable to that of an eighth-level monster, but he was defeated by the little doctor fairy!

  The little doctor fairy's face was flushed, and her eyebrows were full of charm and satisfaction.

  After a while, Su Yun finally recovered some energy, sat up, pulled the little doctor fairy into his arms, and said viciously.

  "Girl, just wait. In a few years, I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

  "Why do you have to wait a few years? Can't you do it now?"

  The Little Doctor Fairy said with a smile.