

  Chapter 388 Refining the Heavenly Demon Puppet (First Update!)

  Su Yun's face suddenly darkened.

  Even a kidney made of iron cannot sustain four days of continuous fighting.

  After the two of them played around for a while, they got down to business.

  Su Yun stroked Xiao Yixian's belly and asked.

  "Xian'er, what level of strength are you at now?"

  Xiao Yixian thought for a while.

  "Because of the condensation of the poison pill, the toxins in my body have further increased, and the amplitude of my combat power will also increase a lot after opening the evil poison body.

  With the cultivation of a five-star peak fighting master, releasing the poison body should be able to have the combat power of an eight-star peak fighting master.

  If it is counted as the blessing of "Lingyunxian", it can completely reach the nine-star fighting master."

  As she said, the little medical fairy practiced her skills, and a strong suction force burst out from her body, and the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth rushed into her body in an instant.

  Su Yun looked at this scene and nodded.

  After condensing the poison pill, the little medical fairy's skills were also promoted to the lower level of the heavenly level, which also had a significant blessing on her combat power.

  The combat power of a nine-star Dou Zun is rare even in the whole Zhongzhou. Unless those super-powerful hidden old monsters take action, there are probably few Dou Zun who are open to the public who can be the opponent of the Little Medical Fairy.

  Of course, except for Danta and Soul Palace, these two forces are too deep.

  And even so, the safety of their group is completely guaranteed.

  Su Yun felt a little relieved, secretly thinking that soft rice is really delicious, and couldn't help touching his kidneys.

  I'm afraid you will suffer in the future.

  At this time, the Little Medical Fairy shook Su Yun's arm and said coquettishly.

  "Brother, can you give me your Three Mysterious Changes of Sky Fire?"

  Su Yun was slightly startled when he heard this.

  "Of course, there is no problem with that. It's just that the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire relies on the huge fire energy of the flame to temporarily improve your cultivation.

  Although the poison of the Netherworld Poison Fire is strong, in terms of fire energy, it should not have much effect on your combat power."

  The Netherworld Poison Fire is only ranked 20th on the list of strange fires, even one place lower than his Green Lotus Earth Core Fire, so its fire energy is naturally not that strong.

  It's not that he is stingy. Even if the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire are used, the fire energy of 20 is just chicken ribs for the Little Medical Immortal. It's tasteless to eat and a pity to throw it away.

  Besides, not everyone is like him. With a system and spending a little magic core, they can directly comprehend fighting skills and secret methods to the extreme.

  This is also the reason why he can have such a big leap in cultivation by using the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire.

  In his opinion, instead of practicing the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, Xiao Yixian would be better off practicing a few low-level Heavenly Rank fighting skills, which would be more beneficial.

  With the cultivation of Dou Zun, practicing Heavenly Rank fighting skills is no longer a problem.

  Then Su Yun told Xiao Yixian about his thoughts.

  Hearing this, Xiao Yixian's eyebrows flashed with a trace of worry.

  "It would be great if there was a secret method to temporarily increase cultivation through poison."

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped, saying it casually but listening to it with intention.

  "It seems to be true."

  Xiao Yixian's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, and she lightly touched Su Yun's face, with anticipation beyond words.


  Su Yun held Xiao Yixian's hand and smiled.

  "Let me look for it first."

  Then, Su Yun closed his eyes and pretended to search his memory under the expectant eyes of Xiao Yixian.

  Xiao Yixian's words reminded him that since he could use the "Burning Art" through the system's fusion function to create the "Burning Cold Art" and "Spiritual Cloud Fairy", it should not be difficult to use the first change of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire to create a secret method to increase cultivation through toxins.

  "System, fuse the fighting skill Poison Palm and the first change of the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire!"

  "Ding, a fusion plan has been detected. The fusion plan is as follows:   

  Fusion plan one, fuse into an earth-level high-level poison-attribute attack fighting skill, which can greatly enhance the power of the fighting skill through special toxins. When it is fully developed, with the assistance of special toxins, it can exert a power comparable to that of heaven-level fighting skills.

  Note: This fusion plan requires the consumption of a sixth-level magic core.

  Fusion plan two, fuse into a secret method that can temporarily increase cultivation through toxins, which can increase cultivation through special toxins. The increase in cultivation depends on the level of toxins, the cultivation of the performer, and the degree of mastery of the secret method.

  Note: This fusion plan requires the consumption of a sixth-level magic core.

  Fusion plan three..."

  Sure enough, it really works!

  Su Yun's heart also surged with joy.

  The system's second fusion plan is what they need!

  In this way, the Little Medical Immortal's combat power will be enhanced again, and perhaps it can reach the level of a first-level fighting master.

  "System, choose plan two and carry out fusion! "

  "Ding, a sixth-order magic core is required. Do you want to fuse it?"


  "Ding, fusion is successful."

  A huge stream of information surged into Su Yun's mind.

  After half a second, Su Yun completely digested it and opened his eyes.

  "Brother, how is it?"

  Su Yun smiled.

  "Found it."

  A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the little medical fairy, and she pressed Su Yun to the ground again with her jade hands.

  "Brother is the best!"

  The little medical fairy leaned down and said.

  "Don't! Don't!

  Let me rest for two days! "

  Seeing this, Su Yun knew what Xiao Yixian wanted to do, and hurriedly stopped her.

  He was really squeezed dry.

  Xiao Yixian covered her mouth and laughed, then held Su Yun's face with her two jade hands, kissed her, and did nothing else.

  After a while, the two separated.

  Su Yun climbed up, handed the fresh secret method to Xiao Yixian, and selected a few low-level fighting skills for her to practice.

  Then The two of them were dressed neatly. Su Yun sat down cross-legged and watched the little doctor who began to comprehend the secret method. He breathed a sigh of relief.

  After a woman has tasted the marrow of this kind of thing, she is much more terrifying than a man.

  Su Yun calmed down and summoned the body of the Ice Master from the system space.

  He has never given up the method of the Heavenly Demon Puppet. Even if the little doctor is here, it is better to have more fighting masters around him.

  The four-color flame surged in Su Yun's palm. It moved like a spirit in the fire, agile and full of terrifying fire energy, even the space was distorted.

  The terrifying flames covered the body of the Ice Venerable. Su Yun took out some precious materials from the system space and threw them into the flames, melting them together with the body of the Ice Venerable.

  With the experience of refining the Sky Demon Puppet before, he was also familiar with it. However, due to the fact that the corpse of the Dou Zun was resistant to burning, it was much slower than the previous two. This refining process was much slower.

  After a while, the corpse was melted, and Su Yun controlled the terrifying four-color flames to burn a big hole on the top of the corpse's head and chest.

  After this, a smile flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and with a thought, the eighth-level magic core obtained from the Netherworld Poison and the jade bottle containing the soul of the Ice Venerable appeared in his hands.

  Su Yun opened the jade bottle, and a weak soul appeared in the air.

  "Let me go, please, I'm willing to be your dog."

  There was a hint of pleading in the tone of the Ice Venerable, but Su Yun was unmoved. The soul power penetrated his body and turned into a substantial soul hand, which he pushed into the big hole on the top of the corpse.