

  Chapter 391 Cao Ying, Dan Chen (First Update!)

  "Spiritual Realm Soul!"

  "With his soul power, how could he be tested here as a 7th-grade intermediate alchemist?"

  "So terrifying!"


  The other alchemists also cried out in surprise when they saw this scene.

  Su Yun turned a deaf ear to this and just refined the pills on his own.

  After a while, a 7th-grade intermediate pill emitting a strong pill fragrance emerged from the medicine cauldron.

  There was no accident. With his current attainments in alchemy, it would be a probability event if he didn't succeed once.

  The sky was rolling with dark clouds and lightning flashing, emitting a strong power of heaven.

  The pill thunder after the 7th-grade pill was formed emerged.

  Su Yun's mind moved and took out the Heavenly Demon Puppet from the system space to resist the pill thunder.

  After the demon puppet's grade reached the level of the Heavenly Demon Puppet, if he wanted to further improve his strength, the pill thunder formed by the 7th-grade pill would not be of much use, but it was better than nothing.

  The three old men who were taking the test looked at the Heavenly Demon Puppet summoned by Su Yun and their brows jumped.

  "Is that... a puppet?"

  "Judging from its aura, it seems to be comparable to that of a Dou Zun strongman."

  "It really has a profound foundation."

  The silver thunder suddenly struck down. If a Dou Zong strongman were to face it, he would probably be on high alert, but for the Heavenly Demon Puppet, this level of thunder might not even reach the strength of a massage.

  Soon, the Heavenly Demon Puppet blocked all the thunder.

  In the medicine cauldron, the pill turned into a white light and seemed to want to escape from here. A soul hand quickly emerged and grabbed it.

  The pill was spiritual and wanted to continue struggling, but facing Su Yun's huge soul power, it could not move at all.

  After a while, the pill stopped struggling. Su Yun picked up the pill and began to walk towards the three old men.

  After refining, he did not intend to stay on the field for long.

  "Three seniors."

  Su Yun bowed and greeted, and handed over the pill in his hand.

  The three alchemists hurriedly waved their hands, and their reactions were exactly the same as the middle-aged man in the hall before.

  "I dare not, I dare not."

  The leading seventh-grade peak alchemist took the pill from Su Yun's hand, and after looking at it for a moment, he quickly determined that there was no problem with this pill, and it was even much better than the one he refined.

  "Please follow me."

  The seventh-grade peak alchemist explained a few words to the other two old men, and then took Su Yun away from the venue.

  The two came to a room. After a while of tinkering, the seventh-grade peak alchemist certified Su Yun's identity as a seventh-grade intermediate alchemist and handed him the alchemist robe.

  After doing this, he couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

  "This... uh..."

  Su Yun put the alchemist robe into the system space and smiled.

  "My name is Su Yun."

  "Master Su, may I ask why you have such a strong soul power, why are you only here to test the seventh-grade intermediate alchemist now?"

  Su Yun smiled, and also understood that his situation was too different.

  This question made him a little dazed, as if Luo Qianchen had asked him a similar question when he was testing the alchemist's grade in Wutan City.

  "I was in seclusion for too long, and improved my alchemy skills too much at one time, so I had no time to take the test."

  Su Yun made up an excuse.   

  "So that's how it is."

  The old man, who was a seventh-grade peak alchemist, believed Su Yun's words and had no doubts. Then he bowed to Su Yun and said,

  "Master Su, I need to go back to continue presiding over the assessment, so I'll leave first."

  "No problem, you go."

  Su Yun nodded, and after the old man left, he went to the hall without stopping, and asked the middle-aged man to report the seventh-grade peak alchemist assessment for him.

  As for the tiger body shaking, showing the spiritual realm soul power in the hall, alarming the high-level of Danta, and asking them to arrange the eighth-grade alchemist assessment for him directly, he had never thought about it.

  Those who knew understood that he was here for the assessment, and those who didn't know thought he was here to find trouble with Danta.

  It's better to keep a low profile here.

  After the middle-aged man reported the assessment, Su Yun waited in the hall for a while, and the middle-aged man took Su Yun to another alchemist square.

  There were fewer people taking the seventh-grade peak alchemist assessment, only a few, all of whom were elderly. Except for Su Yun, there was only one middle-aged man who was the youngest.

  Su Yun focused his eyes on the people who were being assessed and used the system's scanning function to scan them.

  The same three old men were in charge of the assessment, but the difference was that these three old men had higher attainments in alchemy than the previous three.

  The leader was an eighth-grade alchemist, and the other two were seventh-grade peak alchemists.

  It is worth mentioning that this eighth-grade alchemist appeared in the original work. His name was Qiu Ling, and he was the great elder of Danta, and he also had Dou Zun cultivation.

  He was the one who brought the top ten of the Danhui into the star field and subdued the Three Thousand Flames.

  Needless to say, the process of the assessment was naturally not much to say. Su Yun once again displayed the Fallen Heart Flame and the Spirit Realm Soul Power, which shocked everyone and caused exclamations. Qiu Ling, the eighth-grade alchemist, also looked at him sideways.

  After the assessment, Qiu Ling handed the seventh-grade alchemist robe to Su Yun. After hearing Su Yun's story about his situation and his desire to assess the eighth-grade alchemist, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

  "Great Elder Qiu Ling, what's the problem?"

  Su Yun saw Qiu Ling's abnormal expression and asked.

  After the assessment, the two of them chatted for a while. Although they were not familiar with each other, they could still talk.

  Hearing this, Qiu Ling shook his head and looked at Su Yun and said leisurely.

  "You are very young, too young. Someone is going to be hit."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of helplessness. Why did this elder Qiu Ling still act as a riddle man?

  As if knowing Su Yun's thoughts, Qiu Ling explained.

  "You should have heard of Cao Ying of the Cao family and Dan Chen of the Dan family."

  Su Yun has a spiritual soul and has put forward the requirements for the assessment of an eighth-grade alchemist. He must have been a genuine eighth-grade alchemist.

  As an eighth-grade alchemist, Qiu Ling is also willing to talk more with Su Yun and build a relationship. Otherwise, if it were someone else, he would not be so easy to talk to.

  "Of course."

  Su Yun nodded.

  In the original work, except for Xiao Yan, the cheater, the young generation with the highest attainments in alchemy on the continent belong to these two.

  Even among the ancient race Yao Clan, which is famous for its alchemy skills, only a few people in the younger generation can compare with these two.

  Cao Ying is an extraordinary girl. It is said that when she was born, she showed a very terrifying soul power, and even almost shocked her mother to death. Her

  subsequent growth path is even more legendary. She

  became an alchemist at the age of seven, and was spotted by Danta at the age of fifteen. She became a core disciple of Danta and became a disciple of Xuankongzi, one of the three giants of Danta.

  At the age of twenty, she became the youngest seventh-grade alchemist in the Cao family.

  Now she should be striving for the eighth-grade realm.

  The description of Danchen in the original work is relatively small. Su Yun only knows that she has a special physique that can absorb soul power.