

  Chapter 392: Competing on the same stage (Second update!)

  Of course, geniuses are geniuses, and it is impossible to compete with him.

  The soul realm of these two people is probably still at the level of perfection in the mortal realm. It is impossible for them to refine the eighth-grade elixir now.

  And with his soul power, except for the eighth-grade nine-color elixir, which he is not sure about, he can try the rest.

  "These two will take the test of the eighth-grade pharmacist

  later. It's a coincidence that you can compete with them on the same stage once." The great elder Qiu Ling continued.

  Hearing this, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

  This was beyond his expectation. The soul power of these two has already broken through the spiritual realm?

  Not so fast, right?

  Now there are still some years before the alchemy meeting, and the timeline should be earlier.

  "Excuse me, have Cao Ying and Dan Chen broken through to the eighth level?"

  Su Yun asked Elder Qiu Ling.

  Elder Qiu Ling shook his head.


  A strange look flashed in Su Yun's eyes. They came to the test without breaking through. What kind of operation is this?

  Elder Qiu Ling seemed to see Su Yun's doubts and said.

  "Come with me first. I believe you will understand everything during the test."

  Then Elder Qiu Ling took Su Yun to another medicine refining square.

  With him leading the test this time, there is no need to register in the hall. There are also two other old men watching the seventh-level peak pharmacist test site, so there won't be too many problems for the time being.

  There are not many places in Danta, but this medicine refining place is everywhere.

  This medicine refining square is quite grand. Unlike the previous two medicine refining squares, the materials used are quite solid.

  Su Yun looked at it and nodded secretly. It should be a place specially prepared for refining eighth-grade elixirs.

  The pill calamity caused by the eighth-grade elixir is already as powerful as that of Dou Zun. A random thunderbolt can shatter mountains. Naturally, this medicine refining site must be built more solidly.

  And on this continent, only Danta will build a place specially for refining eighth-grade elixirs with a large amount of money.

  Its profound foundation is reflected in all aspects. Su Yun's experience along the way to Shengdan City is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

  Two women with different styles are sitting cross-legged in the medicine refining square, closing their eyes and resting their minds.

  One of the girls was tall and slender, wearing a black dress, with skin as white as snow, small and thin cheeks, as delicate as porcelain, and she was so charming that people couldn't let her go. There was a trace of laziness between her eyebrows, and her temperament was extremely charming.

  The other girl had beautiful cheeks and a delicate figure, but her face was quite pale, and she looked sick.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. Such obvious physical features, combined with what the Great Elder Qiu Ling said before, otherwise he would know that these two girls were Cao Ying and Dan Chen, the absolute leaders of Danta in the future.

  Immediately, Su Yun used the system's scanning function to scan the two people.

  Sure enough, the names of Cao Ying and Dan Chen appeared in front of Su Yun.

  Just seeing the column of their spiritual power, Su Yun frowned.

  "Strange, they are indeed all spiritual powers of the perfect mortal realm, why are they here to take the test of the eighth-grade alchemist?"

  Just as Su Yun was puzzled, the great elder Qiu Ling bowed to an old man in the alchemy square and said.

  "President, this person's name is Su Yun, and this time he is also here to take the test of the eighth-grade alchemist."


  Taking the test of the eighth-grade alchemist... so young..."

  The old man looked at Su Yun, stroked his long beard, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  His aura was extremely deep, and he didn't show it at all, but the momentum he showed in his gestures could show his extraordinaryness.

  Feeling the old man's gaze, Su Yun also looked up and subconsciously activated the system scanning function again.

  Xuan Kongzi!

  Su Yun's pupils shrank slightly.

  Xuan Kongzi, one of the three giants of Danta, is an eighth-grade pharmacist. His cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level. In a few years, he will even be promoted to a semi-saint.

  "He just passed the assessment of the seventh-grade peak pharmacist and is qualified to participate in the eighth-grade pharmacist assessment."

  Qiu Ling said.

  Xuan Kongzi nodded.

  "Got it."   

  Afterwards, Qiu Ling said goodbye to Xuan Kongzi and went back to continue presiding over the seventh-grade peak alchemist assessment.

  "Little guy, just find a seat.

  The assessment will start in half an hour, and you can adjust your state during this time."

  Xuan Kongzi smiled at Su Yun and Xu.

  "Thank you, President."

  Su Yun thanked him, came to a position, and began to close his eyes and rest.

  In this alchemy square, only Su Yun and the other three were taking the assessment. It was obvious that the difficulty of becoming an eighth-grade alchemist was a cliff-like gap from the rest. Just

  as the three were adjusting their states and responding to the assessment, Xuan Kongzi set his eyes on Su Yun, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

  "Looking at his age, he is only in his twenties, but he is already qualified to challenge for the eighth-grade alchemist...

  I wonder which old man cultivated this little monster."

  Xuan Kongzi thought to himself.

  Eighth-grade alchemists are rare in the entire Douqi Continent. The circle is so small that everyone knows each other.

  Half an hour passed quickly, and Xuan Kongzi coughed lightly.

  Su Yun and the other two immediately opened their eyes.

  "Hey, why is there one more person?"

  Cao Ying and Dan Chen only then realized that there was an extra man of the same age in the square, and they couldn't help but look at him.

  Since he can stay here and take the assessment with them, he is most likely a seventh-grade peak alchemist and should not be underestimated.

  Seeing the two women looking at him, Su Yun smiled formally and nodded lightly, as a greeting.

  Dan Chen was shy and timid by nature, somewhat similar to Qing Lin when he was a child. Seeing Su Yun nod to him, he quickly turned his head away.

  Cao Ying's reaction was completely the opposite. A hint of interest flashed in her narrow and slightly lazy eyes.

  "What's your name?"

  Su Yun was slightly startled, and immediately came back to her senses and smiled.

  "My name is Su Yun, and I have heard of Miss Cao for a long time."

  "Ahem, all right, Ying'er, the assessment is about to begin."

  Xuan Kongzi coughed again.

  "Yes, teacher."

  Cao Ying said respectfully.


  Xuan Kongzi nodded lightly. He would not care about anything for his own apprentice.

  "Are you three ready?"


  "In that case, the eighth-grade alchemist assessment begins!"

  With Xuan Kong's order, the three immediately opened the pill recipes on their desks.

  After reading the recipe, Cao Ying and Dan Chen both looked solemn.

  But Su Yun looked calm.

  "Lingxuan Qingsheng Pill." Su Yun raised

  his eyebrows. This kind of pill is a low-grade 8th-grade pill. It can attract up to 8th-grade two-color pill thunder, which can speed up the practice of Douzun stage.

  Among the low-grade 8th-grade pills, the difficulty of refining is not low.

  After reading the recipe, Su Yun did not start refining immediately, but turned his attention to Cao Ying and Dan Chen.

  He wanted to see why these two people would challenge the 8th-grade pill with the perfect soul power of the mortal realm.