

  Chapter 393 Refining the Eighth-grade Alchemy Pill (3rd update!)

  Two excellent soul powers rose from Cao Ying and Dan Chen. The perfect

  soul power of the mortal realm unfolded, and both souls had some spirituality, but the thorough absorption of spiritual energy was three points short of the fire, and was faintly stuck before the spiritual realm.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and understood the reason why Cao Ying and Dan Chen came to participate in the eighth-grade alchemist assessment.

  If you want to transform the mortal realm soul into the spiritual realm soul, you must sense the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, absorb it into the soul, and make your own soul full of spirituality. This is a process that requires both accumulation and perception.

  Even if you have the help of the soul decision, it is not easy to cross this threshold.

  Cao Ying and Dan Chen were clearly on the verge of a breakthrough. Their souls were already tainted with spirituality. All they had to do next was to constantly sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and absorb it into their bodies to completely break through that layer of bottleneck.

  But even so, if they wanted to completely cross it, it would probably take a long time to accumulate.

  They probably came together to participate in the eighth-grade pharmacist assessment this time.

  Through the competition between each other and the pressure brought by the assessment, they tried their best to gain insights from the unknown, saving the long accumulated time and stepping into the spiritual realm in one fell swoop.

  After understanding the two women's thoughts, even Su Yun couldn't help but flash a trace of amazement in his eyes.

  Such behavior is truly a gifted act.

  However, judging from the performance in the original novel, Cao Ying and Dan Chen probably failed this time.

  A strange bright red flame emerged from Cao Ying, and Dan Chen also summoned his own beast fire.

  Needless to say, Dan Chen's beast fire is naturally the best among all beast fires, but that's all.

  Cao Ying's bright red flame has some origins.

  This flame is called blood demon flame, which is a kind of artificial flame, which is formed by the blood of nearly a thousand fire-attributed monsters.

  It sounds similar to the spirit fire of all beasts, but the relationship between the two is completely different.

  All the strange fires are born and raised by nature. After thousands or even tens of thousands of years of hammering and tempering, they have fought between heaven and earth, and the sense of tyranny and destruction they have cultivated is simply not something that artificial fire can touch.

  Su Yun shook his head and ignored the situation of the two people. The Falling Heart Flame emerged from his palm, and the aura of tyranny and destruction swept over.

  "This is... strange fire!"

  Just like the previous two assessments, Xuan Kongzi and the two women's attention was immediately attracted by the flame in Su Yun's palm.

  There is no way, there are only twenty-three kinds of strange fire on the strange fire list, which is too rare.

  Su Yun can now refine four kinds of strange fire, and it has also taken a lot of effort.

  Even in the Dan Tower, there is only one Three Thousand Flames Fire.

  "Meteoric Heart Flame, what good luck."

  A hint of admiration flashed across Xuan Kongzi's eyes.

  The two women also showed envy on their faces. Which alchemist doesn't want the strange fire? But even if they were from the five major families of Danta, as the most prominent existence in the family, it was difficult to get it. The

  unknown man of the same age in front of them could actually subdue the strange fire, which made the two women feel a little curious about Su Yun.

  Another huge spiritual power rose from Su Yun's body, and the whole soul was filled with spirituality.

  "How is this possible!"

  Cao Ying exclaimed, her tall and delicate body trembling slightly.

  All along, in the art of alchemy, she thought that among her peers, only Dan Chen could stand shoulder to shoulder with her, and the rest were not worth her attention.

  As for leaving her behind in the way of refining medicine, this was something she had never thought about.

  And today, seeing Su Yun, a peer who possessed the strange fire and whose soul had completely stepped into the spiritual realm, she, who had always been proud of her alchemy skills, couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

  Dan Chen's reaction was not much better than Cao Ying's. She covered her mouth with her jade hand, her pupils slightly dilated, and a look of disbelief appeared on her pale face.   

  "This is... the soul power of the late stage of the spiritual realm!"

  Compared with Cao Ying and Dan Chen, Xuan Kongzi could better perceive how powerful Su Yun's soul power was, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

  How difficult it is to improve soul power. Even he himself only reached the perfect state of the spiritual realm a few years ago.

  "Isn't this some old guy, disguised as a young man to make fun of me?"

  Xuan Kongzi's eyes flashed with suspicion.

  Su Yun didn't care about the reactions of the three people. He put the herbs into the medicine cauldron one by one and concentrated on

  refining the elixir. Seeing this scene, Cao Ying and Dan Chen also came back to their senses and began to refine the herbs.

  Time passed in a flash, and more than ten days passed like this.

  During this period, the three were still refining herbs.

  It is not easy to refine the eighth-grade elixir. It takes a long time to refine the medicinal materials. Even with the help of the Falling Heart Flame, Su Yun has not succeeded in refining it, not to mention Cao Ying and Dan Chen.

  After a few more days, Su Yun finally finished refining all the medicinal materials.

  Su Yun took a long breath, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  This was his first time to refine an eighth-grade elixir. He had not practiced before, and even with the memory of the old medicine master, he was still a little rusty. He had to be careful.

  Then Su Yun carefully mobilized his soul power and slowly merged the various medicinal liquids.

  "The technique is correct, but it seems a little rusty, hmm..."

  Xuan Kongzi looked at Su Yun's technique, pondered for a moment, and felt that the previous guess was unlikely.

  How to explain this soul power that far exceeds that of his peers?

  Is it a natural gift?

  Thinking about it, Xuan Kongzi can only come to this conclusion.

  It takes a lot of time to refine the medicinal materials, and it takes a lot of time to melt the pill.

  The colorful liquid medicine with strong medicinal power slowly melted into a ball, and this process took more than ten days.

  An eighth-grade elixir appeared in the medicine cauldron, but Su Yun did not relax. He was highly focused and used his soul power to wrap it. A wisp of spiritual energy flowed into the eighth-grade elixir, giving it spirituality.

  The biggest difference between the eighth-grade elixir and the seventh-grade elixir is here, and this is also the reason why only the spiritual realm soul power can refine the eighth-grade elixir.

  Only by giving the elixir a spirit can it be possible to refine an eighth-grade elixir.

  Shocking energy fluctuations suddenly emerged from Su Yun's medicine cauldron, and a huge beam of energy shot up into the sky. The clouds in the sky gathered crazily, and under the rolling thunderclouds, a terrifying silver thunder python emerged from them.

  "He succeeded!"

  Xuan Kongzi's expression was dignified. He was not too surprised by this scene. He had seen Su Yun's elixir refining techniques. Although he was unfamiliar, every step was steady and there were no mistakes.


  Cao Ying, who had just finished refining the medicinal materials, bit her teeth lightly, looked up at the elixir thunder in the sky, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across her charming face.

  She is very competitive and will not easily admit that she is inferior to others.

  "It is the two-color pill thunder..."

  Dan Chen's eyes flashed with a complicated color. Although she is not so competitive, she is also quite confident in the way of refining medicine.

  Now seeing that a person of the same age can actually refine an eighth-grade two-color pill, far surpassing herself, how can she be calm in her heart.