

  Chapter 394: Eighth-grade Alchemist (First Update!)

  Two-color pill thunder appeared in the sky, and its might was comparable to the pressure of Dou Zun.

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun's mouth curled up gradually.

  It was the first time to refine an eighth-grade pill, and he had never expected to succeed in one go. This situation was beyond his expectations.

  It seems that his talent for refining pills is still good.

  "Eighth-grade two-color pill thunder... Can he take on pill thunder of this level..."

  Xuan Kongzi stroked his long beard, and a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

  It's not that he can't help resist the pill thunder.

  There are no fixed rules in the assessment of the eighth-grade alchemist, which is a rule unique to the Alchemy Association.

  If Cao Ying and Dan Chen succeed in refining the elixir this time, with their strength, they will not be able to resist the elixir thunder brought by the eighth-grade elixir, and he will definitely have to take action.

  He just wanted to see if this young man had other skills besides refining the elixir.

  "If the Heavenly Demon Puppet absorbs this eighth-grade two-color elixir thunder, it should be able to return to the strength of a four-star peak Dou Zun."

  Su Yunnian smiled, and with a thought, a golden puppet appeared beside him.

  "This is... a puppet.

  A Dou Zun-level puppet, not bad."

  Xuan Kongzi saw this scene and nodded secretly, his eyes full of admiration for Su Yun.

  Although he didn't know that Su Yun was a descendant of the He family, as long as he didn't have anything to do with the Soul Palace, he would be a family of pharmacists in the world.

  Then Xuan Kongzi turned his gaze to Cao Ying and Dan Chen, who had complicated expressions.

  It would be nice to have someone to suppress them. Dan Chen was okay, but Ying'er was too arrogant.

  Danta treated all alchemists except those from the Soul-Repelling Hall equally. It might show some favoritism to those inside Danta, but it would never suppress other alchemists.

  The appearance of Su Yun was a good stimulus to the two women.

  "They even have a puppet of Dou Zun level to protect them. Who are these guys?"

  Cao Ying felt very uncomfortable because of her strong desire to win.

  The thunderclouds were getting more and more powerful, and the terrifying power of thunder gradually gathered, aiming at the eighth-grade elixir in Su Yun's medicine cauldron, ready to go.


  Finally, a powerful thunderbolt as thick as a baby's arm suddenly fell.

  "Here it comes."

  Su Yun's heart slightly trembled, and he controlled the Heavenly Demon Puppet to block the pill.

  The thunderbolt hit the Heavenly Demon Puppet, not only did it not cause much damage to it, but the power of thunder spread on the Heavenly Demon Puppet and was faintly absorbed by it.

  "This puppet can also absorb the power of thunder and increase its strength!"

  Such a scene made even Xuan Kongzi's eyes flash with surprise.

  For the alchemist, such a puppet is simply a lightning-avoiding weapon, the only magic weapon.

  The low thunder sounded continuously, and the silver thunder python kept moving through the clouds.

  "Boom! Boom!"

  The terrifying power of thunder fell again, and the dazzling lightning raged in the air. The blue and silver colored pill thunder swept over like a blanket covering the sky and the earth. The power was so strong that even a beginner Dou Zun would feel like facing a formidable enemy.

  The thunder struck the Heavenly Demon Puppet crazily, and the aura in its body became stronger and stronger.

  Such a thunderstorm lasted for a full quarter of an hour before it ended.

  As the last pill thunder fell, the aura of the Heavenly Demon Puppet increased dramatically and reached the peak of the four-star Dou Zun. After the pill

  thunder ended, the spirit of the pill in Su Yun's medicine cauldron condensed into a white rabbit under the surrounding.

  The spirit of the eighth-grade pill is so strong that it can already condense its own form.

  If it is a ninth-grade pill, it can even transform into a human form, which is quite mysterious.

  But that level is still too far away for him, and Yao Lao's memory can only support him to the eighth level.

  After that, I'm afraid he has to go it alone.

  But it's not certain, maybe he can find a ninth-level pharmacist to retrieve a wave of memories and get it done in one step.   

  Su Yun thought to himself, and then shook his head. It was not easy to knock out a ninth-grade alchemist.

  In the medicine cauldron, the white rabbit transformed from the eighth-grade elixir slowly opened its lively eyes. A trace of fear flashed in its eyes. Its small body was shining with a little light. When it was about to turn into a beam of white light and escape from this place, a golden hand grabbed it steadily and sent it to Su Yun.

  Taking the white rabbit from the hand of the Heavenly Demon Puppet, Su Yun stood up, came to Xuan Kongzi, and handed the white rabbit to him.



  A smile flashed across Xuan Kongzi's old face. He waved his sleeves, and the energy of heaven and earth flipped, rolling up the white rabbit and accurately sending it to him.

  "Eighth-grade two-color elixir, not bad."

  Then Xuan Kongzi flipped his palm and put the white rabbit into the ring.

  "My friend, I wonder who your master is?

  I have seen all the eighth-grade alchemists on this continent. Your teacher may be my friend."

  Xuan Kongzi smiled at Su Yun.

  Su Yun was slightly startled when he heard this, but then he reacted and said apologetically.

  "The teacher likes to travel around the continent. Before I came, he specifically told me not to tell his name to others. President, this..."

  "It doesn't matter."

  Xuan Kongzi waved his hand and didn't care.

  Those old monsters all have strange tempers, and he won't embarrass a younger generation.

  "Qiu Ling."


  An old figure flashed and appeared on the alchemy square. It was the previous elder Qiu Ling.

  In the past few days, the seventh-grade peak alchemist assessment he presided over had already ended, and he had been waiting here.

  "Take little friend Su Yun to certify as an eighth-grade alchemist."


  Elder Qiu Ling replied respectfully, turning to look at Su Yun.

  "Follow me."

  Then Su Yun and Elder Qiu Ling left the alchemy square.

  As for whether Cao Ying and Dan Chen could successfully break through, it had nothing to do with him.

  The two came to a room, and Elder Qiu Ling fiddled with it for a while, and certified Su Yun's eighth-grade alchemist qualification, and then took out the eighth-grade alchemist robe and handed it to Su Yun.


  You are probably the leader of this generation of pharmacists."

  Great Elder Qiu Ling said with a smile. Even he, who always regarded himself as impartial, could not help but talk about such an outstanding person.

  "Great Elder Qiu Ling, you are too flattering."

  Su Yun smiled and did not comment on this.

  If he is said to be the leader of the mainland, it is still appropriate, but if he is considered one of the eight ancient clans, this title may still need to be studied.

  In the original work, there are three top-notch people in the Yao clan of this generation, Yao Xingji, Yao Tian, ​​and Yao Ling.

  He did not take Yao Xingji seriously, and his level was about the same as Cao Ying and Dan Chen.

  But Yao Tian and Yao Ling are different...

  Su Yun chatted with Elder Qiu Ling for a while and was about to say goodbye and leave the Dan Tower when a young man suddenly broke into the room.

  "Teacher, may I ask if Ying'er has finished the assessment now?"

  Elder Qiu Ling frowned at the young man who broke into the room and scolded him.

  "Whether she has finished the assessment or not has nothing to do with you. If you have this free time, you might as well go back and refine a few more pills!"

  Seeing this, Su Yun also looked at the young man and turned on the system scanning function.