

  Chapter 401: Fighting the Thunder Master (Second Update!)

  "Teacher, I lost."

  In the hall, Feng Qing'er's eyes flashed with reluctance.

  The Thunder Master sat in the hall, with an inexplicable look on his face.

  "It's not your fault.

  That person possesses two kinds of strange fire power, which is simply unheard of."

  "Teacher, what is the origin of this Xiao Yan?"

  "The move he used, the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler, was the famous skill of the Medicine Master Yao Chen back then. He

  must be his disciple."

  Feng Qing'er was slightly stunned, and a look of astonishment appeared on her pretty face.

  "The founder of Xingyun Pavilion, the Medicine Master Yao Chen, didn't it say that he died because of the backlash of refining medicine?"

  The Thunder Master shook his head.

  "I don't know about this either, maybe there will be news in a few days."

  While the Thunder Master and Feng Qing'er were talking, Su Yun had already arrived in the hall.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a strange look, and he took out a black robe from the system space and put it on.

  Then he activated the deception of heaven and earth, changing his own aura, appearing strange and eerie, and his figure became different from his original appearance.

  Deception of heaven and earth can not only conceal the aura and figure, but also is a good hand at transformation and simulation.

  Since Xiao Yan has already gone to Xingyun Pavilion with Feng Zunzun, his identity as the successor of Yao Zun will soon be spread and announced to the world.

  At this time, if a mysterious man controls the bone spirit cold fire and attacks Fenglei Pavilion, what will happen?

  I am really looking forward to it.

  A majestic and gloomy aura suddenly rose from the hall.


  Lei Zunzun's face suddenly changed, and between the flashes of lightning, the sound of wind and thunder sounded. His figure disappeared from the spot and came to Feng Qing'er, protecting her behind him.

  Feng Qing'er also looked solemn. Such a majestic aura is unique to the Zunzun. The intruder is a Dou Zun strongman!


  A man in a black robe slowly walked out from the dark, and the strange aura on his body swept the entire hall.

  "Who are you?"

  The Thunder Master's face was solemn, his body was full of powerful Dou Qi, lightning arcs flashed, and the momentum of a three-star Dou Zun was unobstructed.


  Haha, just an unknown person."

  A hoarse voice came from the black robe.

  The Thunder Master's eyes were cold, and a clone separated from his body.

  "Sir, you still have time to leave now. I can pretend that nothing happened."

  He was just a one-star Dou Zun. If Feng Qing'er hadn't been here and worried about his safety, he would have taken down this hiding man long ago. Even if there

  is a one-star difference between the venerables, it is an overwhelming difference in combat power, let alone two stars.

  Su Yun looked at the clone separated by the Thunder Master, and a trace of heat flashed in his eyes.

  Is this the Three Thousand Thunder Illusion Body...

  The Three Thousand Thunder Illusion Body is an advanced fighting skill of the Three Thousand Thunders, which belongs to the advanced level of the Earth Rank. When it is cultivated to the great perfection, it can even separate a clone with the same cultivation level as the original body.

  This is why he has always wanted the Three Thousand Thunder Illusions.

  Otherwise, he would not have bothered to plan a high-level earth-level fighting skill if he had already had a heaven-level fighting skill to protect him.

  And this clone of Lei Zun has reached the peak of the two-star Dou Zun.

  Although he has not completely perfected the Three Thousand Thunder Illusions, he is not far away.

  "You can leave if you want me to, but I am in a tight financial situation recently. Why don't Lei Zun help me a little?

  I will definitely leave immediately."

  Su Yun laughed hoarsely.

  The wind and rain have hit my Fenglei Pavilion.

  "Humph, then you should stay!"

  Lei Zun snorted coldly, and controlled his clone to kill Su Yun. A sharp thunder suddenly sounded, and the clone raised his fist and hit with a thunder fist.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of ridicule.

  He needs to hide his identity, and it is true that some means cannot be used, but it is still easy to deal with Lei Zun.

  The cold fire of the bone spirit penetrated his body and wrapped his whole body. A pale flame sword condensed and was held in Su Yun's hand.   

  "Bone Spirit Cold Fire!"

  The pupils of the Lei Zun suddenly shrank. With his knowledge, how could he not see that the fire used by Su Yun was the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, which ranked eleventh on the list of different fires.

  What's going on!

  Xiao Yan, who was suspected to be the descendant of Yao Zun, appeared before, and now there is another venerable who can control the Bone Spirit Cold Fire!

  As the long sword was swung, the energy of heaven and earth gathered, and the flaming long sword slashed at the Lei Zun's clone with a fierce force.


  The energy of heaven and earth in the hall suddenly rioted, and the collision between thunder and bone spirit cold fire caused a shocking explosion, which smashed the hall to pieces.

  Lei Zun frowned, urged his fighting spirit to protect Feng Qing'er, and his figure flashed and escaped from the range of the energy explosion.

  There was naturally a sense between the clone and the original body. In the previous confrontation, he was horrified to feel that his clone was severely injured by the sword of the black-robed man!

  "Oh no! Enemy attack!"

  "What's going on!"

  "Look, it's the Pavilion Master and Miss Qing'er!"


  Fenglei Pavilion immediately became a mess, and dozens of Dou Zong auras rose up and came to the side of Lei Zun.

  "Pavilion Master."

  "The one coming is a Dou Zun strongman, you evacuate the disciples and stay away from here.

  I will deal with this person."

  "Dou Zun strongman!"

  Many elders of Fenglei Pavilion flashed with shock.

  Lei Zun withdrew the Dou Qi that was protecting Feng Qing'er.

  "Qing'er, you also go to help the elders."


  Feng Qing'er's expression was slightly condensed, knowing that her strength would only make things worse if she stayed here.

  "Not good!"

  Suddenly, Lei Zun's expression changed drastically.

  In just a moment, the connection between him and his clone had been completely severed.

  In other words, the clone he spent decades to condense was destroyed by Su Yun!

  "Hehe, Master Lei, you haven't cultivated these three thousand thunder phantom bodies to the fullest.

  If the clones are as powerful as the original body after they are fully developed, I will need to use some tricks."

  A majestic and gloomy aura rose from the aftermath of the explosion. The black-robed man held a pale flaming sword and laughed strangely.

  "That's... Bone Spirit Cold Fire!"

  "No, isn't Bone Spirit Cold Fire owned by Master Yao Chen?"


  Many elders of Fenglei Pavilion all had a look of disbelief on their faces.

  Could it be that Xingyun Pavilion was planning to go to war with them Fenglei Pavilion!

  "All of you go down!"

  Master Lei took a deep breath and shouted to everyone.


  Dozens of Dou Zong elders and Feng Qing'er hurriedly flew away.

  After seeing everyone leave, Master Lei's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

  "You openly attacked my Fenglei Pavilion headquarters and destroyed my clones. You will never leave here today!"

  "Oh, really?

  Don't be too confident."

  Su Yun did not comment on Master Lei's words.

  The cultivation of Lei Zun is only three-star late Dou Zun, which poses no threat to him.

  The low-level "Burning Cold Art" of the Heavenly Rank can increase his combat power by one star, not to mention that he can also use the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and the Sea Heart Flame.

  With these two things, it is more than enough to defeat Lei Zun.

  The terrifying power of thunder emerged from Lei Zun, and the sound of wind and thunder rang out. Lei Zun's figure disappeared on the spot, and when he appeared again, he was already behind Su Yun.

  "Ba Lei Fist!"

  The terrifying thunder fist shadow blasted towards Su Yun in a flash, and a silver arc flashed on the fist shadow, and the energy of heaven and earth surged instantly.