

  Chapter 402 Three Thousand Thunder Illusions (3rd update!)

  In response, Su Yun just grinned. The spiritual power of the spirit realm is so sharp that he can sense every move of the Thunder Master. He

  immediately held the pale flame sword behind him and easily blocked the attack.


  The clouds in the sky shattered and the space twisted. The aftermath of the battle between the two collapsed the mountains and boulders.

  On the ground, many Fenglei Pavilion disciples fled madly under the protection of the Dou Zong elders.

  A thunder aftermath hit Feng Qing'er's direction, causing her face to change color instantly.

  The power of wind and thunder gathered, and Feng Qing'er delivered the strongest attack.



  The Venerable was so powerful and terrifying...

  Feng Qing'er spat out a mouthful of blood, her eyes full of relief for having managed to escape.

  After a failed attack, a look of suspicion flashed across the eyes of the Venerable Lei.

  How could this be possible? This black-robed man was only a one-star Dou Zun, but he could actually block his Tyrant Thunder Fist!

  "It's my turn."

  A hoarse laugh sounded, causing the Venerable Lei's face to change suddenly.

  The sound of wind and thunder rang out, and the Venerable Lei activated the Three Thousand Thunders, wanting to escape far away.

  A hint of sneer flashed across Su Yun's eyes, and another deep blue flame surged from his body and poured into the long sword in his hand. In an instant, it was transformed into a two-color flame long sword.

  "Two more kinds of exotic fire!"

  Lei Zun exclaimed in surprise, and he was almost certain that this mysterious black-robed man was related to Xiao Yan. It

  was common sense that one person could only refine one kind of exotic fire in the Douqi Continent.

  Now, two people who could control two kinds of exotic fire suddenly appeared. He would never believe that there was no connection between them.

  Su Yun waved his hand casually, and a terrifying two-color flame sword energy, carrying the amazing energy of heaven and earth, came to kill Lei Zun.

  "Such energy fluctuations! It's a heavenly skill!"

  Lei Zun's eyes were wide open, and he was no longer surprised that Su Yun could block his Tyrant Thunder Fist.

  "Tyrant Thunder Fist!"

  Lei Zun gritted his teeth and punched again.

  The flame sword energy collided with the thunder fist shadow, and the energy of heaven and earth rioted instantly. In just a moment, the thunder fist shadow was chopped and shattered, and the flame sword energy killed Lei Zun.


  Lei Zun's eyes flashed with fear, and gathered a thunder barrier.


  The energy explosion sounded again, and the flame sword energy crossed the thunder barrier and chopped Lei Zun.

  The two-color flames immediately spread over Lei Zun, and even invaded his body along the sword wound.

  The burning sensation of the flames and the stinging sensation of coldness came, making Lei Zun miserable.

  Lei Zun's eyes flashed with pain, and he urged his fighting spirit to drive away the strange fire left on his body.

  At this time, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and an ordinary fist, carrying a terrifying force, hit Lei Zun's chest.


  A huge force comparable to that of an eighth-tier demon beast attacked, shattering his ribs and rupturing his internal organs.

  If he had not cultivated to the level of Dou Zun and his body had not undergone a transformation, he would have died from this blow.


  A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and the blood stained his clothes, which was so miserable.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with boredom.

  After breaking through the Dou Zun level, he himself didn't know the limit of his strength. Now, even with many restrictions, he still easily defeated Lei Zun.

  "What a terrifying physical strength! You are not a human!"

  Lei Zun was seriously injured, his breath was weak, and only his mouth was still hard.

  Hearing this, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a smile.

  "I'm not a human?

  It's just that you are ignorant."

  After saying that, Su Yun didn't plan to get entangled with Lei Zun any more. He flashed behind Lei Zun and knocked him unconscious with an elbow.   

  Su Yun manipulated the energy of heaven and earth into a big hand to grab Lei Zun in the air, and with a swing of the long sword, cut off the finger wearing the ring.

  Then he took off the ring and put the finger into Lei Zun's mouth, which was considered to be returning the item to its original owner.

  "System, scan Lei Zun's memory."

  "Ding, scan successful."

  "Recover his memory."

  "Ding, recovery successful."

  The energy hand spread out, and Lei Zun's body fell to the ground.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and the soul power penetrated his body and forcibly erased the soul mark on the ring. Looking at Lei Zun's life accumulation, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a smile.

  Killing and arson Golden belt, the ancients are honest, and they will not deceive me.

  "Pavilion Master!"

  An elder at the peak of the Dou Sect shouted, and quickly flew into the air to catch Lei Zun.

  After placing the ring of the Lei Zun into the system space, Su Yun looked at the situation on the ground.

  "They are still evacuating."

  Seeing this, Su Yun curled his lips.

  It's not their fault that they are slow, it's because he is too strong, and he defeated the Lei Zun in a very short time.

  The terrifying pale flame and soul power rose from Su Yun's body.

  "The alien fire condenses and turns into its true form."

  The pale flame condensed into a sea of ​​fire in the air.

  The strange thing is that the two completely different properties of extremely high temperature and biting cold are condensed in the sea of ​​fire at the same time.

  The pale sea of ​​fire and the soul power condensed together and turned into a pale dragon.

  This is the true form of the alien fire of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, the dragon.


  The pale dragon circled in the sky, and the dragon roared with the might of the soul and the violent aura of the strange fire, shocking the whole audience.

  "My... head, so dizzy..."

  Everyone in the field felt a trance, and the dizziness came, even the strong men of the Dou Zong were no exception.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of indifference.

  The Pure Lotus Demon Saint was proficient in the way of fire, and because the Pure Lotus Demon Fire itself was related to illusion, he was also very mature in combining the power of the soul and the power of the strange fire. He

  developed a lot of related applications, soul fighting skills.

  This strange fire condensation and soul pressure together is one of them. He used this trick against Fu Lingquan and others before.

  Under the pressure of the pale dragon, everyone fell to the ground and passed out.

  Su Yun nodded in satisfaction.

  Today he was in the mood to show off.

  After dispersing the dragon, his soul power swept out, and Su Yun soon found Feng Qing'er who had fainted on the ground.

  "System, scan Feng Qing'er's memory."

  "Ding, the scan was successful."

  "System, recover Feng Qing'er's memory."

  "Ding, the recovery was successful."

  After recovering Feng Qing'er's memory, Su Yun took everyone's storage rings and stored them in the system space. He

  then went to the Fenglei Pavilion treasure house according to the memory of Lei Zun, emptied it, and then left with satisfaction.

  Arriving at an inn, Su Yun changed his appearance again and rented a room, intending to take stock of his gains first.

  "Three Thousand Thunder Illusions..."

  Su Yun took out a fighting scroll from the system space, with a smile in his eyes.

  He had been obsessed with this thing since he got the Three Thousand Thunders from the Black Horn Domain, and today he finally got it.

  After fusing it with the system's fusion function, he will be able to get an avatar with almost the same strength as himself.