

  Chapter 404 The Ancient Phoenix is ​​Born (Second Update!)

  This is naturally the egg of the Ancient Phoenix.

  A sense of intimacy came from the egg, and the egg of the Ancient Phoenix suddenly trembled slightly, as if it wanted to break out of the shell.

  Su Yun's mouth curled up slightly, and he placed his big hand on the eggshell, comforting it softly.

  "Little darling, wait a little longer, it will be your time to be born soon."

  It seemed that Su Yun's comfort took effect, and the egg of the Ancient Phoenix calmed down again.

  Then Su Yun took out a jade bottle from the system space, pulled out the bottle stopper, and dripped a drop of the blood of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix on the eggshell. Soon, a strange suction force came from the egg, absorbing all the blood of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix.

  Su Yun used his soul power to communicate with the ignorant consciousness in the egg for a while to strengthen the connection between the two. Then he waved his sleeves and put it back into the system space.

  Sitting cross-legged, Su Yun began to check Feng Qing'er's memory.

  Soon, Su Yun learned from Feng Qing'er's memory that the Sky Demon Phoenix was in the beast domain. He left the inn and headed for the beast domain.


  At this time, at the headquarters of Fenglei Pavilion, Lei Zun and others had all woken up.

  "Bone Spirit Cold Fire, Black Robe Man!"

  The majestic aura emerged from Lei Zun, and the grim murderous intent spread.

  "The Pavilion Master is in big trouble. In addition to the storage rings of the elders and disciples of our Fenglei Pavilion, the treasure house in the pavilion has also been emptied by thieves!"

  An elder flew over in a hurry.

  Upon hearing this, Lei Zun wanted to vomit blood. His Fenglei Pavilion's hundred-year savings were gone just like that!

  "Pavilion Master, what should we do now?"

  Many elders of Fenglei Pavilion were disappointed.

  Their storage rings were also taken away by Su Yun, and the entire Fenglei Pavilion was penniless.

  "Ask the Xingyue Pavilion for the crime."

  Lei Zun took a deep breath and said in a sharp voice.

  The elders looked at each other, and finally bowed their hands and clasped their fists.


  They also roughly understood Lei Zun's meaning.

  It was the time of the Four Pavilions Conference, and there were quite a few foreign forces watching the ceremony. The fact that Fenglei Pavilion was attacked by a mysterious person using the Bone Spirit Cold Fire must have spread widely.

  They must do something. This matter may not have much to do with Xingyue Pavilion, but it is not important.

  The reappearance of Bone Spirit Cold Fire must be related to Xingyue Pavilion.

  Encountering such an incident, Fenglei Pavilion needs to re-establish its prestige, and Xingyue Pavilion, which is also one of the four pavilions, is a good target.


  A month passed in a flash.

  Su Yun came to the Beast Realm.

  "Huh, this journey is really long."

  But it will be much better in the future. He has now reached the realm of Dou Zun and left space coordinates along the way. It should only take a few days to go back along the way.

  The Beast Realm is a paradise for monsters. It is a desolate area. There are traces of monsters everywhere, but compared with Zhongzhou, it is not necessarily prosperous.

  The habitat of the Sky Phoenix is ​​in a place called Phoenix Mountain Range in the Beast Domain.

  Su Yun took out the map, found the direction and moved forward again.

  He did not intend to just deliver the ancient Sky Phoenix egg to the Sky Phoenix clan.

  Otherwise, even if the Sky Phoenix clan cultivated it with all their strength and his cultivation progressed rapidly, it would probably take a long time for him to develop and be helpful.

  Another ten days passed, and Su Yun came to the edge of Phoenix Mountain Range.

  It is true that deceiving the world can conceal one's body and breath, but the fighting saint and the heavenly soul can recognize it.   

  The three major families of Warcraft have a very deep foundation. Even the most declining Nine Nether Earth Python has a two-star Dou Sheng strongman, not to mention the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan.

  Fortunately, there are not many Dou Sheng strongmen in the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, and even less than one palm. Su Yun is still confident about infiltrating the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan.

  "But I still have to be careful."

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and thought in his heart.

  After being promoted to Dou Zun, the system scan range was expanded again to a radius of two kilometers.

  After entering the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, it is safer to stay in the system space and use this space to jump.

  After making up his mind, Su Yun quietly flew to the depths of the Phoenix Mountain Range.

  Soon, an extremely solid space barrier appeared in front of Su Yun.

  "To this extent... This is a space barrier set up by the Fighting Saint."

  With such a space barrier set up, unless a Fighting Saint takes action, I'm afraid no one can break it.

  And near this space barrier, there are several Fighting Saint auras hiding in the space.

  I think they should be the elders sent by the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan to guard the space barrier.

  Su Yun curled his lips. He was least afraid of these things. With a thought, he entered the system space. When he appeared in the outside world again, he was already inside the space barrier.

  Then Su Yun immediately entered the system space again and carefully observed the situation outside.

  Dense auras appeared in Su Yun's perception. Just by such a rough perception, there were dozens of Fighting Saints.

  "I didn't sense the aura of the Fighting Saint..."

  Su Yun was not surprised by this.

  In Feng Qing'er's memory, the several Dousheng strongmen of the Tianyaohuang clan were in seclusion all year round. Even the clan leader Huang Tian was like a hands-off manager, leaving the affairs to his subordinates.

  This kind of thing is also normal in the entire Douqi Continent, just like the three giants are the main people in charge of Danta, and the elders of Xiaodanta basically don't care about worldly affairs. The reason why

  so many Dousheng appeared in the later period was mainly because the Pure Lotus Demon Fire was born, and the ancient eight clans war would also make them involved and have to come out.

  Otherwise, these people usually stay in seclusion and pursue a higher realm.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun was slightly relieved. With the help of the system space and space jump, he began to wander in the Phoenix Mountains.

  Along the way, he scanned all the members of the Heavenly Phoenix clan of all cultivation levels, and then quietly left the Phoenix Mountains.

  It took two days to completely get away, and came to a deserted cave.


  A strange look flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and with a thought, he took out the Ancient Phoenix Egg from the system space.

  "Little darling, come out, it's time."

  A strange look emerged from the Ancient Phoenix Egg, and the Ancient Phoenix Egg trembled violently, and a feeling of joy came over, which made Su Yun's eyes flash with a smile. A

  slight cracking sound rang out, and the eggshell was covered with dense cracks. After a half-ring, it quietly cracked.

  A small hole appeared on the eggshell, and the young head poked out from it. Two young wings scratched the eggshell, the feathers were soft and moist, and the eyes were bright and crystal clear.


  A series of excited sounds came out of the young phoenix's mouth, looking at Su Yun excitedly.

  Although Su Yun didn't understand what it was saying, he could feel the excitement in its eyes.

  Su Yun picked it up, and a gentle smile flashed across his face.

  The man and the bird played for a while, and the young phoenix suddenly got out of Su Yun's arms, bit the eggshell with its little mouth, and swallowed it into its stomach.