

  Chapter 405 Daddy (3rd update!)

  For bird-like monsters, the eggshells they are born in are great supplements, and the Ancient Sky Phoenix is ​​no exception.

  Soon, the young phoenix gnawed the eggshell clean, took small steps, ran to Su Yun, and looked at him expectantly.

  "Woo woo woo."

  Su Yun smiled, took out a first-level magic core from the system space, and placed it on the ground.

  The young phoenix's eyes lit up, and immediately lowered his head and gnawed.

  After a full meal, the young phoenix crawled into Su Yun's arms again.

  Looking at the young phoenix in his arms, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a smile, and he stretched out his hand, and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire appeared in his palm.

  "Little darling, are you willing to be my pet forever?"

  Su Yun's voice was a little bit seductive.

  "Woo woo woo."

  The young phoenix tilted its head, its eyes rolling around, and it was unknown what it was thinking.

  Su Yun was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly.

  Although it could not speak and its intelligence was just beginning, Su Yun had been infusing it with the blood of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix for a long time, and communicating with it with the power of the soul, so the young phoenix could understand the meaning of Su Yun's words.

  After handing the young phoenix over to the Heavenly Demon Phoenix clan to raise, Su Yun would not contact the young phoenix for a long time. Who knows whether its thoughts will be assimilated by the Heavenly Demon Phoenix by then.

  Only by using the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire to completely control it, Su Yun can rest assured.

  "Woo woo woo."

  The young phoenix chirped twice, raised its head and looked at Su Yun, its two small wings flapping against Su Yun's chest, and a wave of soul came from its body.

  Su Yun curled his lips, already understanding what the young phoenix meant.

  It agreed.

  "Okay, then don't resist next."

  Su Yun warned.

  "Woo woo woo."

  The young phoenix nodded its head lightly, its eyes still full of excitement.

  Then Su Yun separated a strand of the origin of the alien fire from the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire and injected it into the young phoenix's body.

  The red flames enveloped the young phoenix, and a trace of pain appeared on its face.

  "Little darling, bear with it a little longer, it will be fine soon."

  Su Yun comforted.

  The young phoenix had just been born, and was now only a first-level demon beast. It would take a lot less time to completely control it with the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire. The

  Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire burned the young phoenix's body, and its spirituality infected its entire body, gradually penetrating into the depths of its soul, and even completely infecting its soul.

  After a while, a mysterious feeling came from the young phoenix to Su Yun, as if the control of its entire body and even its soul was in Su Yun's hands.

  He could even decide the life or death of the young phoenix with a single thought.


  Su Yun curled his lips and put away the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

  "Woo woo woo..."

  The young phoenix made a weak cry and fell asleep in Su Yun's arms.

  After all, it was a first-level demon beast. Even if it had extraordinary blood and cultivation level, the pain of the alien fire tempering its body was unbearable, so it was not surprising that it fell asleep.

  Su Yun patiently waited for the young phoenix to wake up, and at the same time, a trace of contemplation flashed in his eyes.

  He had previously gone to the Phoenix Mountains to scan all the Sky Demon Phoenixes of various cultivation levels, which also scanned out the magic cores in their bodies.

  Next, he only had to use the replacement function of the system to obtain the magic cores of the Sky Demon Phoenixes of various levels.

  Of course, the ninth-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic core was out of his reach. He didn't have the courage to take the initiative to find the secluded places of those Fighting Saint-level Sky Demon Phoenixes.

  He had used the Blue Eagle Magic Core to improve Xiao Lan's cultivation before.

  Although the Sky Demon Phoenix and the Ancient Sky Phoenix cannot be confused, it should not be a big problem.

  After all, the Sky Demon Phoenix is ​​the descendant of the Ancient Demon Phoenix, but the bloodline is not so pure.

  "System, replace one second-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic core and three first-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic cores."

  "Ding, this replacement requires one second-level energy crystal and three first-level energy crystals. Do you want to replace?"


  "Ding, the replacement is successful."   

  Then Su Yun continued to issue a command to the system.

  "System, fuse the young phoenix with a second-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic core and three first-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic cores."

  "Ding, an unfusionable solution was detected, and the fusion failed."

  "Ding, after system detection, the solution for fusing the ancient Sky Phoenix cub and the Sky Demon Phoenix magic core is:

  use three second-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic cores and nine first-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic cores to fuse the first-level ancient Sky Phoenix to the second-level ancient Sky Phoenix."

  The voice of the system echoed in Su Yun's mind, making him slightly startled.

  The consumed magic cores have tripled. Is this because of the impure bloodline of the Sky Demon Phoenix?

  Su Yun shook his head, without too much entanglement.

  As long as there is a fusion plan, the three-fold cost is nothing to him.

  This time, he only intends to raise the young phoenix's cultivation to the Douzong stage. He

  just looted the Fenglei Pavilion, which also solved his urgent needs.

  After getting the fusion plan from the system, Su Yun also relaxed and waited for the young phoenix to wake up.

  A day passed, and the young phoenix finally woke up in Su Yun's arms.

  "Woo woo woo."

  The young phoenix made an excited cry and looked at Su Yun eagerly.

  Su Yun smiled, not knowing what this little cat was thinking, and took out a first-level magic core from the system space and let the young phoenix chew it.

  After a while, a look of satisfaction flashed across Young Phoenix's face.

  "Okay, now it's time to get down to business."

  After saying that, Su Yun put Young Phoenix down from his arms.

  "Stand still and don't move."

  "Woo woo woo."

  Young Phoenix's face showed an obedient look, and it stood obediently in front of Su Yun.

  "System, fuse Young Phoenix with three second-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic cores and nine first-level Sky Demon Phoenix magic cores!"

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected, and a second-level energy crystal is required. Do you want to fuse?"


  "Ding, fusion is successful."

  A mysterious energy suddenly emerged from Young Phoenix, and its aura suddenly grew a lot, reaching the level of a second-level demon beast.

  Young Phoenix's body also grew a lot.

  "Woo woo woo."

  The young phoenix looked at him curiously, with excitement on his face, and he made a happy cry.

  "Don't be impatient."

  Su Yun stroked the young phoenix's head gently, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

  "System, fusion..."

  "System, fusion..."

  "System, fusion..."


  Then Su Yun used the system's fusion function again, fusion five times, and a seventh-level ancient sky phoenix appeared in front of Su Yun.

  Just as Su Yun was looking at the ancient sky phoenix with satisfaction, a demonic light flashed from its body. The

  huge beast body disappeared from the light, and was replaced by a beautiful and white body that looked like a masterpiece of heaven.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, but he quickly reacted and felt a little bit amused.

  This is the transformation.

  A fragrant breeze blew into Su Yun's arms, and the smooth touch like mutton-fat jade swept over, making Su Yun raise his eyebrows.

  "Daddy, daddy..."

  The excited cry rang out from his arms, and Su Yun's eyes widened.

  "I am... happy to be a father?"