

  Chapter 406 Su Ruoxi (First update!)

  Looking at the petite figure in his arms, Su Yun almost lost himself in the repeated calls of "Daddy".

  Then Su Yun put his hands on the girl's shoulders and quickly pulled her out of his arms.


  The girl had a cute face, autumn eyes, a slender waist like a willow, and slender branches with fruits, which were quite full. She exuded a sense of enchantment from head to toe.

  Su Yun couldn't help but touch his nose bridge, and found that he was not angry, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, Su Yun took out a long skirt from the system space.

  "Put it on quickly."

  The girl took the long skirt, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

  "Daddy, how do I wear this thing?"

  Su Yun's expression choked, and he smiled bitterly. It seemed that he had to help the girl put on the clothes.

  "Come, I'll teach you..."

  "But, I'm fine like this, Daddy~"

  "Put it on!"

  "Oh, Daddy is so fierce~"

  A trace of grievance appeared on the girl's face.


  Finally, after a period of torment, Su Yun put on the long skirt for the girl.

  Seeing this, Su Yun breathed a long sigh of relief.

  The girl's appearance just now was really overwhelming. Her figure was not much different from that of the Little Medical Fairy.

  But there were only some places that were very different, making the whole dress bulge.


  The girl happily took Su Yun's arm, the coquettish look on her face did not diminish, and she was very clingy.

  The strange feeling came, making Su Yun feel a little uncomfortable all over. The development of this girl was completely not at the same level as the Little Medical Fairy.

  However, this girl was just born, and I'm afraid she won't be able to leave him for a while.


  Su Yun shrugged. He had to live with the girl for a while, teach her common sense, and tell her some things, so that he could hand her over to the Tian Yao Huang clan.

  "I'll give you a name."

  The girl's autumn eyes blinked, like a pool of clear autumn water.

  "Okay, okay~

  Only my name sounds good, I don't want a bad one..."

  The girl's voice was like a lark, crisp and pleasant, sweet and lively. She kept talking beside Su Yun, chirping, and never tired.

  Su Yun smiled and gently held the girl's delicate jade hand.

  "Don't worry."

  It feels good to have such a cheap girl.

  Su Yun pondered for a while, and his eyes lit up.

  "My last name is Su, so you will naturally take my last name. As for

  your given name, it will be Ruoxi. Your name will be Su Ruoxi."

  A hint of cuteness appeared on Su Ruoxi's face.

  "Su Ruoxi... sounds good, sounds good.

  Yes, I will call myself Su Ruoxi, thank you, Daddy~"

  A hint of smile also appeared in Su Yun's eyes.


  In the following three months, Su Yun took Su Ruoxi to live in the beast domain, taught her some common sense of life, and rough fighting skills.


  Are you leaving so soon?"

  Su Ruoxi snuggled in Su Yun's arms, her eyes were full of tears, and she was very reluctant to leave Su Yun.


  Su Yun sighed. After three months of getting along, he was also lost in the constant calls of "Daddy".

  But from another perspective, the Heavenly Phoenix Clan is indeed the most suitable place for Su Ruoxi to grow up.

  A genuine ancient phoenix will definitely be treated like a treasure, which is much better than living a shabby life with him.

  All kinds of secret techniques suitable for the cultivation of the ancient phoenix and growth resources will be provided to Su Ruoxi at all costs, but if she follows him...   

  His greatest source of martial arts and fighting skills, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, also knew little about the secrets of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan.

  The inheritance of demon beasts is largely derived from bloodlines, and even this half-emperor who lived to the end of his life did not understand it.

  "When you arrive at the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, your name will be Feng Ruoxi, do you know?"

  Su Yun stroked Su Ruoxi's black hair and reminded her.

  "I know, Daddy~"

  Su Ruoxi nodded, and a hint of seriousness appeared in her autumn eyes.

  In the past three months, Su Yun has explained everything to her. The ancient Heavenly Phoenix is ​​gifted, and naturally has a strong ability to learn and understand.


  Su Yun stood up and led Su Ruoxi out of the cave. The reflection of red flames flashed in his eyes, and the shape of the Ten Thousand Beasts emerged faintly.

  Eight seventh-level demon beasts immediately appeared in front of the two.

  "Wait, I will let them chase you all the way to the Phoenix Mountains. There will be powerful warriors of the Sky Demon Phoenix clan.

  Under the bloodline sensing, even if they can't recognize you as the ancient Sky Phoenix, they will understand that your bloodline concentration is extremely high and save you.

  It depends on you to be taken into the interior of the Phoenix Mountains."

  "Don't worry, Dad."


  In the Phoenix Mountains, in the sky outside the space barrier of the Sky Demon Phoenix clan, several Sky Demon Phoenix elders hid in the space, let go of their perception, explore the surrounding situation, and perform their duties.

  After the ancient times, the Emperor of Fighting was no longer prominent, and the eight ancient tribes of humans were facing the crisis of bloodline exhaustion, and the situation of the monsters was not very good.

  The three once glorious monster families, except for the Taixu Ancient Dragon family, whose bloodline was well preserved, the other two tribes had begun to degenerate.

  Thinking of this, an elder of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix sighed.

  It would be great if an ancient phoenix with pure bloodline could appear.

  Suddenly, there was a big movement in the distance. The expression of

  the elder of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix was slightly cold.

  In his perception, nine seventh-level monsters were flying towards the direction of the Phoenix Mountains.

  One was in front and eight were behind, so they must have been chased.

  Elder Tian Yao Huang's tense nerves relaxed slightly. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the beast domain, and he has long been accustomed to it.

  Their duty is to drive away as many of these unintentional monsters as possible to reduce the probability of the Tian Yao Huang's habitat being leaked.

  Just when Elder Tian Yao Huang wanted to show his power and drive away these monsters, several exclamations rang out from beside him.

  "Such a pure blood power!"

  "How is this possible!"

  "My clan actually has such a bloodline leaking out!"

  "What a sin!"


  Several majestic auras suddenly rose up, and the sound of breaking through the air was endless, which made Elder Tian Yao Huang look confused.

  "What's wrong with these old guys?


  Elder Tian Yao Huang looked at the demon beast in the front again, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

  "That is... the ancient Tian Huang!"

  In the distance, Su Yun watched the eight seventh-level demon beasts he controlled being completely wiped out, and Su Ruoxi being connected to the Phoenix Mountain Range, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

  "The matter is over, and it depends on you from now on."

  Su Yun shook his head, stretched out his big hand to tear the space, and headed towards the direction of Zhongzhou.


  Xingyue Pavilion.


  A terrifying hurricane shattered the thunder, and Lei Zun was also blasted into a small hill, and the mountain collapsed.

  Feng Zun put his hands behind his back, and his brows wrinkled into a river.

  "Go back. The attack on Fenglei Pavilion was not caused by Xingyue Pavilion, and you are no match for me."