

  Chapter 408: Eighth-level Demon Nuclear Weapon, Canyang (3rd update!)

  "Who is it?

  The one who wants to kill you."

  Su Yun's eyes showed a murderous intent, and he held Canyang tightly, with a majestic aura bursting out of his body.

  Five-colored flames surrounded the Canyang sword, and the surrounding space gradually twisted until it was burned through.

  The old ghost Zhaixing gritted his teeth and could only barely suppress the remaining five-colored flames on his body. The aura of the Five-star Fighting Lord was clearly visible, and the energy of heaven and earth gathered, intending to fight back with all his might.

  "Absorb the energy of heaven and earth in front of me..."

  Su Yun curled his lips, and the "Burning Cold Art" ran wildly, and the surrounding heaven and earth energy instantly rioted, and most of it poured into Canyang.

  "Heavenly-level skills!"

  A flash of shock flashed across the face of the old ghost Zhaixing. Even though he had the support of the Soul Palace and had served for a hundred years, he had only practiced a high-level earthly-level skill.

  What kind of background did this kid have to have a heavenly-level skill!

  "No, I can't just sit there and wait for death!"

  The old ghost Zhaixing suppressed the shock in his heart, gathered all his fighting spirit, and poured it into his palm. Rays of starlight burst out from his big hand.

  "Star-picking hand!"

  A star-light hand seemed to be able to pick the stars in the sky, and it grabbed Su Yun with great power.

  "Fire Sun Emperor Sword!"

  The substantial five-color flame long sword was cut out by Su Yun, like the sword of an emperor, with a magnificent fire sun and a majestic power. It did the kingly thing and killed the villains.

  The flaming sword smashed the starlight hand and blasted down in the desperate eyes of the old ghost Zhaixing.


  The terrifying energy wave exploded, and the body of the old ghost Zhaixing turned into ashes in the flames. A soul shot out into the distance, trying to escape from here.

  A trace of indifference flashed across Su Yun's eyes, and a huge soul power penetrated his body and turned into a soul hand to grab the old ghost Zhaixing.

  "Soul power of the spiritual realm!"

  The illusory soul of the old ghost Zhaixing was dumbfounded and felt numb.

  Where did this monster come from? He was promoted to Dou Zun at a young age, subdued five kinds of strange fire, and practiced heavenly skills. Not to mention, even his soul power reached the spiritual realm.

  "Soul Blood Explosion Escape!"

  Zhaixing Old Ghost shouted loudly, and strange muffled sounds came from the depths of his soul, and the speed of his soul's escape also increased a lot.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes.

  The Soul Palace has a deep research on the soul. As a respected elder of the Soul Palace, it is reasonable that Zhaixing Old Ghost has practiced some soul secrets.

  "It's just a small way."

  Soul fluctuations came out from Su Yun again, and a little white light flashed on the soul's big hand. The speed also began to soar, catching up with Zhaixing Old Ghost's soul and grabbing it.


  Spare my life! Please!"

  The soul's big hand grabbed Zhaixing Old Ghost's soul in front of Su Yun, and a pleading sound rang out.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed a sneer, and he ignored Zhaixing Old Ghost's request. While his soul power was flipping, he knocked Zhaixing Old Ghost's soul unconscious.

  He took out the jade bottle from the system space, stuffed him into it, and took it back.

  Then Su Yun took the old ghost Zhaixing's storage ring, forcibly erased the soul mark in it, and infiltrated the soul power into it.

  As a five-star Douzun strongman, I believe that the old ghost Zhaixing's life collection will not disappoint others.

  Suddenly, Su Yun saw an eighth-level magic core from the corner of the storage ring, and he was stunned.

  "Eighth-level fire attribute magic core...

  There is an unexpected harvest."

  A smile flashed across Su Yun's mouth.

  After he was promoted to Douzun, he wanted to upgrade Canyang as well, but he was troubled by the lack of an eighth-level fire attribute magic core and could not fuse it.

  Su Yun immersed his mind in the system.

  "System, fuse the eighth-order fire magic core and the Canyang!"

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected. It requires an eighth-order energy crystal or magic core. Do you want to fuse them?"   


  "Ding, no eighth-level energy crystals or magic cores are detected in the system space, and the host has been authorized.

  Eight seventh-level magic cores are selected to fuse into one eighth-level magic core for this fusion."

  "Ding, fusion is successful."

  As the system prompt sounded, a mysterious and huge energy poured into Canyang.

  A quarter of an hour later, an eighth-level one-star magic core long sword appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  "Eighth-level one-star..."

  Su Yun looked at the fire-attribute magic core on the handle of Canyang Sword, pondered for a moment, and with a thought, a broken jade flute appeared in his hand.

  This thing is the Yin Valley token he framed from Xiao Yan before, the eighth-level three-star broken jade flute.

  Then Su Yun carefully looked at the jade flute. Soon, he discovered that the flute was inlaid with three eighth-grade magic cores.

  However, these three eighth-grade magic cores had lost their luster and seemed to be completely useless.

  "After the elixir reaches the eighth grade, the previous grade classification is changed, from eighth-grade one color to eighth-grade nine colors.

  And this magic core weapon may be the same, from eighth-grade one star to eighth-grade nine stars..."

  Su Yun rubbed his temples and guessed.

  This is probably the case.

  After all, the eighth grade is quite special, and it is qualitatively different from the previous grades.

  At this time, a confused consciousness came from Canyang, which made Su Yun feel a little sad.

  "This is... the birth of a weak spiritual intelligence!"

  Su Yun's eyes could not help but flash with surprise, and then he was quickly relieved.

  Yes, the spirituality of the eighth-grade elixir can already turn it into an animal, and it is normal for the eighth-level magic nuclear weapon to have a weak spiritual intelligence.

  A sense of desire came from it, as if it wanted to touch Su Yun's body and soul.

  "Do you want to completely recognize me as your master?"

  Su Yun's face showed a sudden realization, and he immediately understood what Canyang meant.

  He has been using Canyang to fight, and when it became a sixth-level magic nuclear weapon, Su Yun could already sense Canyang's spirituality. As they

  experienced more and more battles together, the relationship between the man and the sword became very close.

  Unlike the newly refined eighth-grade elixir that would try every means to escape, Canyang longed to stay by Su Yun's side after advancing to the eighth level.

  The desire continued to surge, and Su Yun's eyes gradually softened.

  "But, how can you recognize me as your master?

  With blood or through soul power?"

  Su Yun stroked Canyang's sword and asked softly.

  A faint consciousness turned into a soul mark, which appeared on the eighth-grade magic core embedded in the handle of Canyang's sword.

  "I understand."

  Su Yun nodded, bit his fingertips, and dripped a drop of blood into the magic core.

  At the same time, a soul force was separated and transformed into an identical soul mark, which merged with the soul mark condensed by Canyang.

  A mysterious feeling came from the depths of the soul. Now Canyang seemed to be like Su Yun's arm, fused with him.

  A feeling of joy emerged from the Canyang sword again, as if it was happy for its recognition of its master.

  Su Yun's mouth curled up, and his mood was also good. Without using any strange fire, he swung Canyang and cut out a flaming sword energy.


  The mountains collapsed, and the terrifying power of fire spread across the mountains.

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun's pupils shrank.

  "This power..."
