

  Chapter 409 Qinglin comes out of retreat (first update!)

  A series of joyful sword sounds rose from Canyang, and it was very happy to fight side by side with its master.

  "Canyang's impact on my strength seems to have become much stronger now..."

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped, and he carefully considered the power of the sword just now.

  He did not use any strange fire, but just mobilized the fighting spirit to infuse it into Canyang and waved it casually.

  Generally speaking, without using strange fire, his fighting spirit can have the power of a two-star early stage fighting master because of the blessing of the heavenly level skills.

  Using Canyang can make his attack go to the next level and reach the two-star mid-stage fighting master.

  This may not sound like a big increase, but it is not easy to have such an improvement in the Dou Zun realm, not to mention that the current Canyang is only an eighth-level one-star magic core weapon.

  If it is promoted to eighth-level two-star, eighth-level three-star, or even... eighth-level nine-star!

  The amplitude of the combat power is huge.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a fiery color.

  "Although the amplitude of the magic core weapon's combat power was good before, it was just that. When it reaches the eighth level, there will be a qualitative change..."

  Su Yun's mind moved, and he put away Canyang.

  "However, the resources I have now are far from abundant.

  Xian'er's cultivation also needs supplies, so I am not in a hurry to advance Canyang to a too high level."

  Although Fenglei Pavilion's hundred years of accumulation are good, if you really want to use them up, it will be gone in one or two years.

  The resources consumed in the Dou Zun stage are not comparable to the previous realm.

  Of course, the most important thing is that the strongest among their group is Xiao Yixian.

  With such a big leg, Su Yun is actually not in a hurry to increase his combat power to a very high level. With

  a big hand stretched out, the space was torn, and Su Yun continued to move towards Shengdan City.

  Two days later, Su Yun returned to Shengdan City again.

  After arriving at the residence, a beautiful figure threw himself into his arms.

  "It's been another four months, which is completely different from what you said before."

  Xiao Yixian's words were filled with a hint of blame.

  Su Yun touched the bridge of his nose. It seemed that this happened once before, and he was delayed for various reasons. He

  put his big hand around the willow waist that was too slender to hold, and a smile flashed across his face, and he began to coax her.

  "Isn't there an emergency..."

  After a while, Xiao Yixian smiled, and Su Yun took Xiao Yixian's hand and walked towards the room.

  "Did you encounter any troubles in Shengdan City in the past four months?"

  "No, the news that there is an eighth-grade pharmacist living here has spread.

  And some of your information, such as your name, has also been leaked.

  Hai Lao went to Shengdan City to investigate, and it seems that it was leaked by a receptionist inside Danta.

  Almost every day someone comes to ask you if you have come out of retreat and if you can help refine pills.

  In addition..."

  At this point, the Little Medical Immortal looked at Su Yun with a smile.

  "Cao Ying of the Cao family and Dan Chen of the Dan family, the two most outstanding young people in Danta, will also come together once a month."

  Su Yun shrugged, not knowing what the Little Medical Immortal wanted to say.

  "When they were testing for the eighth-grade pharmacist, they tested with me. I guess young people just don't want to admit defeat."

  "Is that so."

  The little medical fairy smiled and took Su Yun's arm.

  Unlike before, she was not so jealous.

  But when an extremely outstanding woman appeared next to Su Yun, she couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis and wanted to know the whole story.

  When she was young, she was weak and had no ability. She would throw tantrums and roll around, and was very angry, afraid of losing Su Yun, the brother who had always depended on her.

  But now that she is strong, she can not only stand in front of Su Yun, but also has more confidence to think that she is worthy of him now.   

  Seeing that my brother is so honest, the dosage of the aphrodisiac tonight will be small... no, a little larger.

  Little Medical Fairy thought so. "Young


  A joyful voice sounded, and Qing Lin walked over with a happy smile on his face.

  Su Yun's eyes also flashed a smile, and then he seemed to have discovered something and asked tentatively.

  "Qing Lin... has your soul broken through the heavenly realm?"

  Qing Lin's face showed a trace of shyness, and he said embarrassedly.

  "Yes, it has broken through."

  The huge and terrifying soul power rose from Qing Lin's body, and the soul pressure made Su Yun's mouth twitch.

  Even with the help of the soul power on She Linyue, it cannot be denied that Qing Lin is extremely gifted in soul power.

  Once upon a time, his cultivation and soul far surpassed the two women, but now he is far behind.

  However, he got some of the souls he captured from the old ghost Zhaixing, as well as his own soul body.

  After refining them all into the soul origin, his soul power should also break through to the spiritual realm.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun felt a little relieved.

  Fortunately, at least some shadows can still be seen.

  After coming to Zhongzhou, Qinglin's cultivation progress is also very good. Now he has reached the Seven-Star Fighting Sect, not too far from the Fighting Lord.

  Xiao Yixian's cultivation has also made another breakthrough in the past three months, from the Seven-Star Peak Fighting Lord to the Eight-Star Fighting Lord.

  In the evening, Su Yun called Tianhuo Zun, Hai Bodong and others to have a meal, so that they could feel the care from the leader.

  After dinner, Su Yun returned to the room with Xiao Yixian, and a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes.

  "With Zi Yan not here, the dinner party is a lot quieter."

  Xiao Yixian snuggled in Su Yun's arms, moved her body slightly to make herself more comfortable, and nodded.

  During the meal before, Zi Yan was the one who made the most noise. Now that she has returned to the tribe, she is still a little uncomfortable for a while.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of strangeness. Holding a soft jade in his arms, and moving from time to time, anyone would be unbearable.

  Xiao Yixian blushed, feeling something strange, and then a playful look appeared on her face.


  Su Yun's eyes widened. He was going to be caught in the future!

  "Xian'er, stop making trouble."


  The little medical fairy laughed, and the majestic energy on her body spread out, completely pressing Su Yun under her body and making him unable to move.

  "It's getting late, we should rest..."


  The sound of clothes being torn rang out, and looking at Su Yun's solid muscles, the little medical fairy's face turned even redder.

  Su Yun rolled his eyes and could only let the little medical fairy do it.

  Before, he liked to let the little medical fairy wear black silk, white silk, flesh silk... He thought it was very exciting to tear it like this.

  Now the priority is reversed, and the little medical fairy followed suit and also liked to tear off all his clothes.

  It's really a matter of karma, and no one can be spared by the indignant heaven.

  A jade bottle appeared in the hands of the Little Medical Fairy. She pulled out the cork, and the pink fragrance filled the air.

  Su Yun's heart skipped a beat.

  This girl, why did she increase the dosage!

  As if she knew what Su Yun was thinking, the Little Medical Fairy smiled playfully.

  "Brother has now broken through to the Dou Zun level, so of course the dosage should be increased."

  Immediately, the Little Medical Fairy drank the aphrodisiac in the jade bottle, held it in her mouth, and leaned over to pass it all into Su Yun's mouth.